I know this is really late, considering the story finished a long time ago. I've gotten many reviews for the last Chapter, asking if it was finished. I replied to the people who had used their accounts to post a reply but I couldn't get to all of you. Yes, the story is finished. I had a great time writing it and truly appreciate all the reviews I got. They really meant a lot too me. So, if you liked this story, you can find many more on my Profile. All of the other Darkest Powers stories are in Derek's POV so check them out, no matter how old the story is, a review is always welcome. Love you all lots, and I hope that reading my story wasn't a total waste of your life, and that this last page doesn't annoy any one. Just trying to clear things up. And I'm horrible at writing things like this so… Have fun. ^^

I also took this time out to try the italic setting.

