Title: Fortune's Favours
Pairing: Charles Brandon / Henry Tudor
Rating: M for now
Story Summary: The story follows the storyline of the show, except for the fact that the King and his favorite Duke get a little closer in its course than in the original, making everything even more complicated. ;-)
Disclaimer: The Tudors belong to Showtime, I have absolutely now claim on the characters, the storyline etc.
A/N: I know the Tudors are in many points not exactly what you'd call historically accurate, still, in this fanfiction I decided to go with the Showtime version to avoid confusions.
Special thanks to my dear friend Narya for constant beta-reading and error correction as well as answering my annoying questions and enduring my constant drivel about The Tudors.

Chapter Summary: Lady Allison Kesworth comes to court as a lady-in-waiting to the Queen and soon attracts the attention of both Charles Brandon and King Henry...
Chapter Warnings: None, except that the beginning is a little "Mary-Sueish". Please don't be put off by that, it's more of a joke. You'll see. ;-)

If love now reigned as it hath been
And were rewarded as it has seen,
Noble men then would sure ensearch
All ways whereby they might it reach,
But envy reigned with such disdain
And caused lovers outwardly to refrain,
Which puts them to more and more
Inwardly most grievous and sore.
The fault in whom I cannot set,
But let them tell which love doth get--

To lovers I put now sure this case:
Which of their loves doth get them grace?

And unto them which doth it know
Better than do I, I think it so.

~ Henry VIII Tudor, King of England ~


Fortune's Wheel

Fortune's wheel goes round and round and some times you're up, some you're down.

As for Lady Allison Kesworth, she was sure of being on her way straight up. After all, she was young, people had told her she was a striking beauty and, most importantly, she had made her way to the heart of the kingdom, where a glance or a quick smile could make and seal a good fortune. Or at least she had been told so. There were a lot of rumours about the young king's court that went from glorious tales about immense wealth and grandiose feasts to whispers about unspeakable debaucheries.

Curiously she glanced across the courtyard and the great stone building of Whitehall Palace, illuminated by the glowing sunlight of a summer's evening and bustling with live like a bee hive. Grooms and lads were hurrying from one building to another, some pretty maids stuck their heads together giggling, and an important looking old man with heavy gold chains around his necks was climbing out of a carriage while some boys were eager to take care of the horses. Allison was just about to wonder what all the trouble was about when she realized that it probably was the normal day routine at the King's court. It made her feel a little dizzy and it might have been because of that and the fact that she was trying to take in as much as possible while avoiding to stare like a stupid little country bumpkin that she missed the clacking of hooves right behind her, until an amused, deep voice startled her out of her thoughts.

"Lady. You look a little lost."

Allison just managed not to spin around but to turn her head in a thorough gesture of mild surprise. Her green eyes locked with the grey ones of a definitely handsome young man in a hunting outfit, leaning casually on the withers of his horse and smiling down at her.

"Seems you still found me, sir," she answered with a coquettish glance.

"Then I shall be a lucky man. And since I've found you, will you tell me your name?"

His smile was contagious and she couldn't help but reply it. "Allison Kesworth, sir. I am to be one of Her Majesty's ladies in waiting."

They were disrupted by an impatient call coming from two other young men sitting on their horses not far away from them. "He, Charles! Are you coming already?!"

Allison's new acquaintance sighed and then slightly bowed to her before taking up the reins again. "Well, I'll hope to see a little more of you soon, Lady Kesworth."

She curtsied and watched him leaving the courtyard with his friends, triumphantly noticing him glancing back at her for a short moment. Her introduction to court at least seemed to start very promising.

"Lady Kesworth?" A young woman with dark hair and the light yellow dress and hairdo of Queen Katherine's ladies had approached her. "Be welcome at court. I'm Lady Lindmoor, but just call me Margaret."

When Allison followed her towards the palace, she couldn't restrain her curiosity. "Margaret, that handsome young gentleman I was talking to just before I met you… who was he?"

"Oh, you mean Mr. Charles Brandon." A little smile flicked across Margaret's lips. "Yes, he's handsome and on top of that one of the closest friends of the king. However, if I were you, I'd be a little careful. I mean," her voice sank to a conspiratorial whisper, "Her Majesty's ladies are not supposed to flirt with the men, you know?"

"I understand," Allison replied, biting her lip in an amused grin and then overwhelming the other young woman with lots of curious questions about life at court.

The light-hearted warning was forgotten in an instant.

"Who is she?"

"Who does Your Majesty mean?"

"The blonde in the green dress talking to Mr. Wodesmere right now."

"I do not know, Majesty. She must be new at court," Anthony said with a shrug. "Should I find out for you?"

Henry absent-mindedly nodded his approval, without averting his gaze even for a second. She had caught his eye the moment he had entered the hall and while mechanically nodding and barely listening to Katherine who had told him something about the princess – mindless small talk only women were able to – his real attention had always been focused on her, her graceful dancing moves, the soft blond curls under her hairnet shimmering in the firelight and the way she had coquettishly lowered her eyes when their gazes had met for an instant over the heads of the crowd. All together, that woman was certainly worth a look and probably a lot more. Now that the Queen had finally retired for the evening, he felt intrigued enough to find out.

"She is Lady Allison Kesworth," Anthony reported when he finally returned, "one of the Queen's ladies in waiting, but has only been for a week or something at court. It is said the Kesworths suffer some kind of financial shortages and therefore Lady Kesworth has asked the Queen if she may sent their oldest daughter to court – officially for her education as a Lady, unofficially…"

"… as bait", the King smirked.

"If Your Majesty likes to put it that way…"

"A very pretty bait, however. I must admit, I feel tempted to swallow it." Henry softly laughed as he watched her curtsy in front of her latest dancing partner. "I only wonder if she's prepared for such a catch?"

He didn't stay at the feast for too long any more but returned to his own Privy Chamber soon. The day had been long and filled with a lot of boring political issues and decisions as well as many people who wanted this or that… Henry felt that he just couldn't stand people around him for the rest of the evening anymore and he desperately longed for a little diversion. Impatiently drumming his fingers on the window board he could barely restrain himself from running back and forth like a hungry lion being trapped in a cage.

Finally the door opened and one of his grooms bowed respectfully. "Lady Allison Kesworth, Your Majesty."

That was about time.

However, he stood perfectly still, casually leaning against a dresser when she entered and knelt down, her pretty head bowed deliciously, and he just nodded curtly at his groom to leave them alone. When the door had closed behind the young man he finally moved, slowly coming toward her and lifting her chin with a gentle hand.

"Lady Kesworth. I'm delighted."

"Majesty…" The sight of her wide open, green eyes made him smile.

"I thought it was about time we get to know each other better, don't you, Lady Kesworth…?"

"That bitch! Is it true?"

"Of course it is true. John told me that she came to His Majesty's chambers last night and the night before. What do you think she was doing there, playing chess with him?"

"So she's going to be his mistress now?" Lady Jane's eyes widened in utter disbelief.

"I heard rumours she's going to be, yes…"

"What in the holy name of Christ did she do in the week or so she's here? Ripping her clothes off and throwing herself naked at his feet?"

"I don't know," Margaret shrugged. "Maybe it's not her fault though…"

"I wouldn't bet on it. Haven't you seen her flaunting around with her nose so high as if she were the Queen herself?" Mary threw in. "Poor Queen Katherine! Everyone knows the King keeps his mistresses, but among Her Majesty's Ladies… it's a shame!"

"I have to admit I feel responsible for Lady Allison's behaviour," Margaret muttered guiltily. "Maybe I should have prepared her better or…"

"Oh, I'd say she was well prepared," Jane called out. "Far too well, if you ask me."

"Still, we should first try to speak with her," Margaret decided. "If she's really the King's new mistress, she will probably not be able to get out of it… even if she wanted to," she added in the face of Jane's disdainful gaze. "But at least she should behave a little more discreetly."

"Alright, let's have a talk with Allison," Mary agreed. "Is she in her room?"

"Since the Queen is at confession alone and she is not here, I suppose so. At least if she's not with the King," Jane said tartly.

Lady Allison was indeed not with the King, however, she was also not alone. Mary was just about to knock at the door when she stopped at the sound of a definitely male voice inside the room. The other two Ladies had heard it as well and they exchanged excited glances. Jane sank to her knees and pressed an ear against the door after hastily looking left and right, but there was no one else on the floor.

"Oh, Allison, should a modest girl from the countryside behave like this?" A playful reproach, accompanied with a female, lustful sigh. "You know what? I think you've lied to me."

"I did?" A soft chuckle, then a little gasp. "In what way?"

"Who is it?" Mary whispered, but Jane shook her head wildly. "Shhh!"

The answer was too low to be audible but Allison laughed breathlessly in reply. "If I am, it is all but your fault, Charles." And then, teasingly, "They've warned me about you, you know?"

"And you chose not to listen to them? Naughty, naughty girl…" Soft rustling of clothes and hasty movements. "Mhm, let me see, what do we have here?"

The rest was all soft laughter, soft creaking and lustful sounds. Jane silently withdrew from the door and beckoned the other two ladies to a nearby corner.

"She's in there with Brandon," she whispered, her dark eyes gleaming in excitement.



Margaret started to giggle and Mary threw an indignant gaze at her but couldn't help to join the laughter.

"In the name of Jesus, first the King and then Brandon? She's really a bitch."

"We shouldn't laugh," Margaret tried to calm herself. "She's really a shame… for all of us! It's scandalous how she behaves!"

"No, it's useful," Jane objected and was met with two questioning glances.

"Useful, Lady Jane?" Margaret asked piqued. "How in all the world shall it be useful to us when one of our fellow Ladies behaves like a whore?"

Jane only smiled, unimpressed. "Because she has just handed us a very good chance to get rid of her on a silver plate."

"How many cards, Anthony?"

"Make that two."

"Very well. Charles?"


A knock on the door interrupted the four young men and their card game when a blond man in the royal livery of one of the King's grooms entered. "Mr. Charles Brandon? His Majesty demands to see you."

"At this time?" Charles furrowed his brow and his eyes flicked to the long case clock in the corner. It had already struck eleven and the flames in the fireplace were slowly dying down. When the groom just shrugged, he sighed and put his cards down. "Very well then."

The floors of the Palace were quite cold after the comfortable warmth of having a fireplace right behind the back and Charles rubbed his arms to dispel the feeling of chill. "Pity, I just had a lucky hand. Did His Majesty say why he wanted to see me?"

"I'm afraid he didn't, sir," the groom answered politely. He didn't seem overly distressed, so Charles concluded it couldn't be too serious. Maybe the King had one of his unpredictable mood swings and needed someone to talk or just to hang out all night with a flagon of wine. However, when it came to Henry, you never knew what you'd have to deal with.

The young man led him first into the Presence Chamber, then briefly exchanged a few quiet words with another one of the grooms, before bowing again to Charles. "Mr. Brandon, since the king is still occupied, he asks you to wait in his study for him."


Charles frowned but still nodded, and the groom led him through the parlour into the study with its long mahogany table. The fireplace was kindled, bathing the room in soft, comfy light and warmth. He had just entered the room, idly strolling towards the fireplace, when he heard voices behind the light curtain separating the study from Henry's more private rooms. And the moment he recognized both voices he froze in his tracks.

"Allison, Allison. I have to admit that I thought about you a lot recently." Henry's voice was low and seductive, yet Charles understood every word with perfect clarity. "Our most recent hours together were indeed very much to my liking. What about you, dear?"

"They were to my liking as well, Majesty."

A short pause, just the soft falling of footsteps and the cracking of the fire. "Actually, I have been wondering if you'd like to become my constant mistress."

A short female laughter, full of surprise and playful coyness. "Your Majesty is too kind…"

And she had told him she'd been a virgin. Charles bit his lower lip in a moment of anger. Not that he'd actually believed her. But if she was already sleeping with the king, why the hell hadn't that stupid wench told him? There was an unwritten law at court that all women Henry chose for himself were out of bounds for all others until he lost his interest in them. Had Allison been too naïve or rather too stuck-up to foresee the trouble they'd be both in if anyone found out?

"Wait a moment, my dear. I said I have been thinking about it. Still, there is a little problem. Can you imagine what I'm talking about, Lady Allison?"

Another moment of silence. Charles could vividly picture the surprised, innocent look in her damn green eyes while he himself fervently prayed for the minor chance that Henry was talking about something entirely different and that his own presence in the study was merely coincidence.

An idle wish, of course.

"Let me then jog your memory, sweetheart. What about your other liaison with Mr. Charles Brandon? Or will you tell me it is not true that he came to your bed as well?"

A portentous silence followed while the aforementioned held his breath to prevent any sound from coming over his lips.

"It is true – but, Your Majesty, I assure you, it was not my doing," she hastily added.

"Hm. Therefore I assume you told Mr. Brandon that you were already lying with me." Henry's voice was still sympathetic and gentle; however, if Allison had just known him better, she'd surely have sensed the lion's claws behind the silk.

"Majesty, I tried to but…"


"He wouldn't listen to me." The answer was something between a whisper and a sob and made Charles clench his fists. He had never beaten a woman before, yet in this very moment he wished for nothing more than to slap her pretty, lying face with all force. "He… he said he didn't care and Your Majesty wouldn't find out anyway… and…"

"There, there, don't you cry." So gentle, so soothing. "Come, get up, sit here. But, Allison, why didn't you tell me?"

"I … I should have, Majesty, but… I was so ashamed and I feared you would not believe me…"

"Well, we both know that it is hard to say no to Charles, don't we?"

Spinning, the whole study felt like it was spinning and he let himself sink on one of the chairs to prevent himself from dashing into the adjoining room, declaring her a liar. Henry couldn't actually believe her, could he? His voice was far too calm, far too comforting and without the slightest touch of anger. If he had believed her, the King, notorious for his outbursts, would have stormed into the study fuming with rage instead of letting him stew in his own juice. Still…

"Be assured that I'll deal with him in due time like he deserves, too," Henry continued. "But, Allison, I have to know what he did to you to be able to judge that… regrettable incident. You'll surely understand that?"

"Your Majesty… I'm afraid I don't understand…"

"You understood very well, Lady Allison." Henry's voice was still gentle, just a little sharper than before. "I demand to know what exactly happened between you and Mr. Brandon. In detail, if you please."

Charles's jaw dropped, as Allison's must have as well, at least the King added an impatient "Well?", when she didn't answer instantly.

"We… coincidentally, Mr. Brandon and I met one week ago at…"

"Spare me the coincidences, sweetheart, and skip to the indecent parts, will you?" he interrupted her and Charles could picture the amused glitter in the pale teal eyes. "What happened when he came to your chamber and you didn't manage to send him off, for what reasons whatsoever?"

"We… he kissed me," Allison muttered, now actually sounding confused and bashful.

"Like that?"


"No, but?"

"Fiercer and… longer."

"You mean like that?"

The air seemed to grow hotter and Charles was not sure whether to ascribe it to the firelight, his own abashment or the sounds of passionate kissing behind the silken curtain. His knuckles already hurt from clenching the armrests of the chair too hard, feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof and not sure whether to curse Allison or himself.

"Yes… something like that," she replied now, a little breathless.

"And then?" Henry purred.

"He… kissed down my neck… down to the neckline…" According to her sighs, the King still imitated everything she told him. "Then he… lifted my skirt and… brushed with his fingers up my leg…"

"Without undressing you first?" A rush of cloth, another sigh and a small laughter. "He doesn't know what he missed."

"There was… not much time, Majesty. The Queen would return from confession shortly after and…"

"I see. And did he say anything to you?"

"Well… he… he said that… that I should have listened when they warned me about him…"

"Nothing else? I always thought Charles had such a witty tongue…"

"Yes, but his tongue was mostly busy… elsewhere," Allison muttered.

She obviously seemed eager to skip most of the bed talk, probably due to the fact that it wouldn't contribute to the image of the modest woman being seduced against her will by one of Henry's ruthless men. However, Charles wasn't going to complain about that special issue. Still he desperately wished for either dissolving into thin air or a really huge flagon of wine to dull his senses with. The only good of Allison's lustful sighs and moans was the fact that she had to stop talking about him.

Bloody hell, Henry, what the fuck are you trying to prove?!?

Unfortunately, the same had to bring the delicate subject up again.

"And then, Allison? You said there was not much time, so what was next?" Again a slight hint of impatience.

"Well…" Her voice had lowered to a throaty whisper Charles hated her for. Obviously she had begun to enjoy the game. "He pushed me onto my back and fucked me until I thought I'd lose myself."

There was a moment of silence, yet the sexual tension was almost tangible.

"Did you." He could just picture Henry's damn self-sufficient smile with the characteristic little sigh. "Well, thank you, Lady Allison. I guess I now have a very good idea what has happened between you both. You may leave now."

"But Your Majesty, I…" Her voice ceased and then there was nothing but another rustle of cloth indicating her reluctantly standing up and curtseying, then gentle steps and finally, the curtain was withdrawn and Allison came into the study. She looked more beautiful than ever, with a few blond curls having loosened from her hair-do and framing her delicious blushed cheeks. When she saw Charles, her green eyes widened and the expression of surprise and displeasure changed into one of utter horror.

He met her gaze only for an instant before he disgustedly turned away. She stood there for a few heartbeats longer before the silent sound of the door opening and closing indicated that she was gone.

Charles took a deep breath and closed his eyes for an instant before he stood up, mentally preparing himself for the wrath of the man who just stepped out of his bed-chamber, only dressed in a dark satin robe. Henry's arms were folded in front of his chest and his face was an unreadable mixture of mockery, satisfaction and anger.

"Majesty." Charles bowed and when Henry said nothing, he continued, "I swear to you by all which is holy, I did not know. I…"

"Yes, I know, Charles," Henry interrupted him unceremoniously. "And that is why I banish her from court and not you."

For an instance, he was convinced one had to hear the impact of the load that was taken off his mind.

"You look a little edgy." The pale eyes were still studying him pensively with the tiniest hints of a smile curling around the King's lips.

"That's probably because I am."

"Hm." The smile widened a little and Henry paced towards him, giving him a friendly punch to his shoulder. "Then we should go hunting tomorrow for you to lose some of your tension. And I'd rather have you hunting my wild game in the forest than at my court."

Charles couldn't help but to grin, still feeling deeply relieved. "Sounds like a good idea."

"Agreed, then. You may go now, I need some rest. Good night, Charles."

"Good night to you," Charles answered and turned to leave, but stopped with the hand on the doorknob. "You know I'd never go after a woman I knew you chose for yourself, don't you?"

"Actually, no. At least I wouldn't put you past doing so since we both know you don't always think with your head, do you?"

"Then why do you believe me and not her?"

"Because," Henry replied as if it was a matter of course, "you'd never say that you don't care. That's why."

And with these words he turned and disappeared behind the curtain again, leaving a rather puzzled and still tensed Charles. The little clock on the mantelpiece showed that it was late after midnight; however, he guessed it would take a long time for him to fall asleep that night.

Fortune's wheel goes round and round but luckily, it seemed as if he'd stay up for another while this time.

Walk right by me in the gutter
Lying here outside your door
I look up and see your beauty
Burning up and wanting more

Luck is far away as moonshine
Every deal a shaky hand
Fame is just an empty bottle
Fortune's just a one-night stand

~ Oysterband, Street of Dreams ~