Summary: Drunken antics... Who said Kurogane didn't have a sense of humor?

"Kurogane-san and Fai-san have been gone for a while now, it's almost midnight... I hope everything is alright." Sakura said softly, eyes meeting Syaoran's.

"If you want to go to bed then you can, Princess. I'm not sure when they'll be back, so there's no point in both of us staying up." Syaoran glanced at the door before looking back at Sakura.

Fai and Kurogane had left around three hours ago, Fai declaring that he and Kurogane needed "mommy-daddy time," and that Kurogane needed to loosen up. Syaoran was surprised that Fai had gotten the Ninja out of the house without sustaining any injuries or losing any limbs. Sakura had insisted that they stay up and wait for Kurogane and Fai to return, just in case something went wrong and they needed help.

"That's alright Syaoran-kun. I'm not tired yet, and even if I was I would be too worried to sleep."

The creaking of the door caught both Sakura and Syaoran's attention. Syaoran opened his mouth to greet both Kurogane and Fai, but once he saw both men he could do nothing but gape, eyes wide. Sakura had a similar expression.

Both men were wearing their original clothing, well technically, they were wearing each others original clothing... Fai walked threw the door first, black and red ninja outfit looking as though it was about to fall off his slender frame. The sleeves and the legs had been rolled up to accommodate for the size difference between the two men. On the man's head was Kurogame's red helmet, Fai's blond tuff's of hair peeking out from under it, although it was obvious that the man had attempted to stuff as much of it up under the hat as possible. Surprisingly, Fai's face held a scowl.

As if Fai wasn't bad enough, it took all of Syaoran's will power not to burst out laughing when he saw Kurogane. The normally grumpy ninja practically skipped in behind Fai, a obviously fake, outrageously large grin plastered to his face, looking extremely out of place. Fai's clothing was too small on the tall ninja, and his arms and legs extended out past the cloth that was supposed to be covering them. Fai's clothing looked as though it would split if Kurogane moved wrong.

"...uh, wha-" Syaoran was almost immediately interrupted by Kurogane.

"Hyuu! Fai-kun and I had so much fun! Sorry we're so late! Hope you weren't too lonely without us!" Kurogame cried out, slurring his words and grinning.

"Ku-Kurogane-san?" Sakura questioned, still in shock.

"Oi, Ninja! Stop calling me that! My name is FAI! F-A-I!" Fai snapped, obviously intoxicated, trying his best to look agitated, voice lowered to imitate Kurogane's own.

"You don't like Fai-Kun? Hmm, perhaps Fai-wonwon? Fai-po? Fai-rin? Fai-"

"JUST CALL ME FAI! Damn Ninja. Oi, did you remember to grab the groceries before we left?" Fai questioned, a hiccup interrupting him mid sentence.

"Nope!" Kurogane said as he giggled to himself.

"Stupid Ninja!"

"Wah! Fai-rin hurt my feelings! He's so mean! So cruel!"

"Would you just shut up already? And quit smiling you idiotic Ninja!"

Syaoran and Sakura slowly backed out of the room, leaving the two alone. Fai, seeing this, was the first to break character and started laughing.

"Poor Sakura-kun and Syaoran-kun..." Fai said, laughing obnoxiously loud and hiccuping on occasion.

"I hate to admit it, but that was fun." Kurogane admitted with a smirk gracing his features.

"See! Kuro-po should trust me more often! And drink more often with Fai-mommy too!"

"Hyuu! Whatever you say Fai-kun!"

Both men burst into giggles.