Title: Little and Large 1/3

Author: Caz251

Summary: Tosh goes out on a date with Jack and Ianto as her chaperones.

Characters: Toshiko, Jack, Ianto and Lurch

Spoilers: Spoilers for Torchwood and The Addams Family.

Warnings: Slash, and General weirdness

Disclaimer: I don't own either the Addams Family or Torchwood, no matter how hard I wish it were so.

The second short story in the addams/torchwood universe. Critcism is welcomed, be it constructive or not. Just a reminder Tharmus is Ianto's middle name and what the Addams' refer to him as.

Other Stories in this universe can be found through my profile.

Chapter One: The Invite

Monday afternoon had been the first time Toshiko had seen Ianto since the party on Saturday. Jack had given them all the rest of the weekend off, rift permitting of course, and Ianto had been off that morning due to a family meeting, or so Jack had said. He had seemed out of it when she had asked where Ianto was, she suspected that the younger man had turned him out of bed and refused to allow him to attend the meeting with him.

When he arrived Ianto had made a beeline for her, giving her a thick parchment envelope, before going to the kitchenette to make some coffee. She stared at the envelope, wondering what it was, she knew that it was not Torchwood related, the Torchwood logo would have been on the envelope even for internal mail, no this must be personal. Normally Ianto would just tell whatever it was that he wanted her to know, unless it was formal, but no that couldn't be it. If he and Jack were getting married they would have given her the invitation together and the others would have been given one as well.

Unable to contain her curiosity she broke the seal on the envelope and pulled out the letter. To her surprise it was not from Ianto, or even Jack, instead it was from Lurch, Ianto being used as the delivery boy. The letter itself was a formal invitation for a date, something she found rather charming, there weren't too many gentlemen around these days, they appeared to be a dying breed.

She wasn't sure whether or not she wished to go, Lurch was a rather charming gentleman and an interesting fellow, but she didn't know if dating him would be right for her. Then again, apart from her pool game with Owen, her last date had been a frozen soldier from 1918, and the one before him, an alien from Arcateen V.

Deciding to at least give him a chance she decided to reply in kind, and made a mental note to visit a stationer to get some decent writing paper. While out later that day on a rift alert Tosh took the opportunity, once they had collected the small creature that had come through the rift, to visit a stationers.

Once back at the hub she penned a reply that she then gave to Ianto once he had settled in their newest resident. The creature itself was the size of a guinea pig with purple and red striped fur. Jack had confirmed that it was a guinea pig from the 28th century when designer pets were all the rage. Ianto promised to pass the note on to Lurch, and no more was said on the subject until the next day when Ianto handed her another note.

Dear Lady Toshiko,

I hope that this correspondence finds you well. I write to you in order to confirm the details for our outing this coming Friday. I have taken the liberty of asking Tharmus and his consort Jack to act as our official chaperones, to which they have agreed. To that end, we shall collect you from your abode at noon, allowing us time for a light lunch before our main outing, the details of which shall remain a surprise.

Until then,

Lurch Esq.

Permanent Retainer of the Family Addams

A small smile crossed Toshiko's face as she read the letter, she turned to Ianto raising an eyebrow as she did so, "Chaperones?"

"Yes Tosh, chaperones, my family and Lurch especially are very old-fashioned, time moved forward and the Addams stayed still. I don't mean that literally, the family has progressed after all, but the family as a whole is a bit like Jack really, out of their time." Ianto answered.

They spoke for a few minutes more, Toshiko trying to find out more about the date and what they would be doing. She loved the whole romanticism of it that she didn't know the details of the date and that it would be a surprise, but a part of her, due her work for Torchwood for so many years, was both curious and cautious. Ianto wouldn't budge however, telling her that he hadn't planned the day so it wasn't for him to share, but informing her that she should wear casual clothes and bring a spare set with her just in case.