Title: The Wonderland of Judai Yuki
Genre: humor, romance
Rating: T for language
Pairings: JohanXJudai (hinted others)
Summary: While watching the stars one evening, young Judai Yuki sees a young man with bunny ears rushing away. Upon following him, Judai stumbles down a rabbit hole into a mythical place called Wonderland. With a young man named Johan Andersen as his guide, and the strange people that he meets along the way, Judai must find his way back home. But will he be willing to leave Johan and his friends after getting attached to them?
Me: All right, everybody! In honor of the whole "Alice in Wonderland" craze that has been going around lately, we now present to you "The Wonderland of Judai Yuki"!
Lucy: We have always been fascinated by Alice in Wonderland! It's such an amazing story, with such wonderful characters, and we personally can not wait until we go and see Tim Burton's version!
Me: Tim Burton is a bloody genius! He makes all the best movies! And Johnny Depp is so awesome! I can't wait to see him as the Mad Hatter! He is perfect for the role!
Lucy: Anyway, please enjoy our version of "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll with Judai and Johan!
Chapter One: The Rabbit's Hole
Judai was beginning to get very tired of laying on the ground, listening to the sounds of the evening's crickets behind him chirping their little tunes, the sounds of the river beside him bubbling and babbling, as was he growing equally as tired of not having anything to do.
Once or twice, Judai had wondered on the short-lived pleasure of making a chain of flowers would be worth getting up and actually doing.
He contemplated getting a book from his elder brother, Leander, but immediately decided against it.
Leander didn't own any books with pictures or conversations between two people. They were all books on manners and law, and none of that interested eleven year old Judai Yuki in the least.
What good is a book, Judai always found himself thinking when he saw Leander reading by himself. -if there are no pictures to enjoy?
This was one of the many reasons that Judai didn't ever read any of the books that he was instructed to read by his brother, his parents, and his tutor. The very idea vexed him so.
"There's got to be a better world than this boring one," Judai muttered to himself.
He looked up at the glittering stars and the shining cresent moon. He ignored the small wave of cool Autumn air that brushed over his body for a split second. He didn't bother to clutch his white shirt closer to his body, nor did he even think about taking the energy to get up, go into the house -more like mansion-, and get a jacket.
"In my world," Judai muttered to himself once again. "things wouldn't make sense. There'd be no words in the books. Just pictures. In my world, there would be nothing but nonsense."
Judai was still pondering on the thought of whether or not to get up and make a chain of flowers, when suddenly a white rabbit rushed beside him.
Judai didn't take much notice of this until he heard the rabbit cry out, "Goodness me! I'm late!"
The brunette sat up, whirled around and noticed that it wasn't a rabbit running.
It was a young man with bright white rabbit ears jutting from his head, flicking to-and-fro in the winds. His hair was a wonderful cyan color, and seemed to stick in all directions. His eyes were a pale grey, and it was only when he actually drew a pocket-watch from his red waistcoat that Judai realized this wasn't a dream.
"Good God! I am dreadfully late! The Queen will have my head!" the rabbit-boy shouted, picking up speed.
Judai started to his feet almost instantly, burning with curiosity, and bounded after the rabbit-boy. He watched as the rabbit-boy slipped quickly down inside a rabbit hole that rested underneath a dead-looking tree, and Judai followed soon after.
He never stopped to think about how he was to get out again.
The hole wasn't anything like Judai imagined. It dipped suddenly, and Judai found himself free-falling through the large passage-way, which was large though to let him flail as much as wanted and not hit anything.
It occurred to Judai that he wasn't falling very fast, so he stopped flailing and screaming and decided to take in his surroundings as he continued to fall.
Judai looked down to see if he could see what was coming up, but it was like looking into a great abyss.
The brunette took the time to look on his surroundings and noticed that there seemed to be shelves filled with dusty old jars and a few old books with torn spines almost floating in the air, near the walls of the rabbit hole.
Judai took one of the books into his hand and flipped through it. He noticed that there were no pictures, so he closed it and placed it on another shelf that came up moments later. He folded his arms across his chest and just continued to fall for what seemed like hours. His hand reached out and clicked on an orange lantern, though it still didn't help him find the bottom.
"God," Judai murmured, looking around. "After a fall like this, falling down the stairs will be nothing!"
Judai just sighed and folded his arms tighter across his chest and waited. Down, down, down he went. Would this fall never end? He glanced over to the walls of the rabbit hole and noticed that they were now glowing bright red and pulsating, as if a massive heart were pulsating within them. As if it were alive.
"I wonder how fall I fell," Judai found himself saying aloud. "Perhaps a few miles? Maybe I'll hit the center of the Earth!" Judai clapped his hands with a laugh. "How funny that would be!"
Down, down down, it continued. Judai again had nothing to do, so he began talking to himself again.
"Kuriboh'll miss me, I imagine," he said. (Kuriboh was his pet kitten.) "I wonder where I will end up. Perhaps I shall land in a place in which people are all backwards and mad. I wonder what it'll be like to meet mad people."
Judai never thought much on the subject of mad people. He knew that it wasn't wise to upset them, because Lord knows just how their minds worked.
His parents had always warned him about speaking to mad people, or even consorting with them. Judai felt sorry for anyone who was mad, and would have liked to speak with them, but his parents, snotty as they were, would never let him talk to someone who didn't "seem quite right in the head", as his father often put it.
Judai was about to speak to himself again, when thump! he came down on a huge pile of sticks, old dishes (which cracked underneath the added weight of the 11 year old boy), and some books.
"Oh, oww!" Judai cried instantly.
He groaned and rubbed his lower back, hearing the ceramic plates shift underneath him as he jostled himself just a little. The brunette shook his head and rubbed it next.
"So much for never hitting the bottom, huh?" he chuckled to himself.
The brunette tried to sit up, but found that he was almost stuck within the pile of sticks that surrounded him. He yanked and tugged, but he just couldn't pry himself free.
"Ooh, this sucks!" Judai cried out, kicking his legs to try and free himself. "Now how am I supposed to follow that damn White Rabbit down this place!"
The brunette heard a soft chuckle, and then heard footsteps in front of him. He first thought that it was the White Rabbit that had come running down the hole before him, but when he looked up, he saw that it wasn't the boy he had followed. Though, it was a boy.
This boy had spiked blue hair, a few shades deeper than that of the rabbit-boy. This boy looked every bit like a human, as Judai did. He had bright, gorgeous emerald eyes, and was sporting a smile that made Judai turn bright scarlet. The boy was wearing Victorian era clothing, very similar to what Judai wore, though they consisted of a white shirt and a pair of black pants with a blue sash around the waist, and a pair of thick brown boots.
"Need a hand?" the boy shoved his hand forward to help Judai up.
"Who are you?" Judai asked, reaching forward and taking the bluenette's hand in his own.
The bluenette pulled him to his feet and helped Judai brush all of the ceramic pieces from his body. Judai still felt his face heated bright crimson at the boy's appearance. The boy looked up and chuckled when he saw Judai staring at him.
"The name's Johan," the boy said proudly. He took a small bow. "Johan Andersen, guide to Wonderland, at your service."
Me: All right! First chapter, and already, Judai's met Johan!
Lucy: Now, Johan doesn't have a specific character from "Alice in Wonderland", but he needed to be somewhere in the story, right? I mean, he's Johan, for God's sake!
Me: Okay! So, now that Judai has met Johan and tumbled into Wonderland, what will happen?
Lucy: But, before we continue with the story, here is the list of who is playing who in the story versus the original story! This includes the cast of "The Wonderland of Judai Yuki", and it's sequel, "Wonderland Insanity's Judai".
Alice- Judai Yuki
White Rabbit- Shou Marufuji
The Guide (Not an Actual Character from the Book)- Johan Andersen
Mad Hatter- Jim C. "Crocodile" Cook
March Hare- Fubuki Tenjoin
Dormouse- Tyranno Kenzan
Caterpillar- Ryo Marufuji
Tweedledee & Tweedledum- Karen & Shirley
The Duchess- Rei Saotome
Cheshire Cat- Ruby Carbuncle
White Queen- Asuka Tenjoin
White King- Jun Manjoume
The Gryphon- Sapphire Pegasus
The Dodo- Professor Daitokuji
The Mock Turtle- Emerald Tortoise
Me: So, as you can see, the Queen of Hearts is not supposed to be played by a character from "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". She is her own character. We hope you'll enjoy the story!
Lucy: Please review nicely and we shall update this as soon as we can, and when this is finished, the sequel, "Wonderland Insanity's Judai" will be published!