Note: As promised, here is the epilogue! Wow, I can't believe that this story is ending...I've become so accustomed to sitting down each day after school and writing a new chapter for all of you! :D Thanks so much for all of your reviews, they mean so much, and bring happiness to my otherwise dull and drab day! :P See, I warned you the epilogue wasn't much to rave about... (: But I hope you enjoy it anyway, it just kind of wraps things up a bit!

Disclaimer: I don't own IM—never have, never will...or will I? -plots evil scheme- XD

All too soon, it was time to go home. Tony, Rhodey, and Pepper packed their bags—Pepper found this task to be much less grueling than the first time she had done it—checked out of the lodge, and headed towards the car. Pepper smiled, feeling unusually happy. It was the first time in ages that she'd had a vacation, and for once she wasn't caught up in worry about all the work there would be to make up. It was fun here, with Tony and Rhodey, learning how to ski, and she was glad that she had gone. Even though she had been afraid in the beginning of their trip, the whole experience had proved to be extremely fun. Pepper decided that this little vacation that Tony had all but forced her to take with him and Rhodey was probably the most fun and exciting vacation she'd had the pleasure of taking in a long time.

While Tony and Rhodey loaded the bags into the trunk of the truck, Pepper looked wistfully back at the mountain and smiled.

Sure, I fell a lot, but at least I know now that it doesn't hurt as much as I had imagined it to.

That fact was true; Pepper definitely wasn't afraid of falling down while skiing anymore. In fact, she wanted to ski again, maybe even pick it up as a part-time hobby.

"Thanks," she told Tony and Rhodey sincerely once they were settled in the truck, pulling out of the parking lot. "I had a nice time."

Rhodey nodded his head, smiling in appreciation. From his place in the front seat, Tony spun around, gently rested his hand on her knee, and smiled at her genuinely.

And Pepper decided that they would definitely have to go skiing again sometime soon.


Note: Well, that's the end! -wipes away a tear- I hope you all enjoyed this little piece of my avid imagination. Until next time, my dears. :D Please review!!
