A/N: Sadly we have come to the end. Unfortunately it isn't the happy ending I prefer. Poor Usagi :(
The idea of them trading items is borrowed directly from Stan Sakai's books. I do not take credit for it
Disclaimer: I do not own Usagi or Mariko.
The day of Usagi's scheduled departure arrived all too quickly. He stood with Mariko under the sakura tree one final time. He hugged her tightly, as tears slipped down his cheeks and dampened her hair.
"I will miss you," she sniffed.
"And I you," Usagi told her. "I am sorry to bring such grief upon you."
Mariko shook her head. "No, Usagi. I allowed myself to love you, knowing that your loyalty belongs with your Lord Mifune."
"My loyalty may belong with my Lord, but my heart belongs to you," he assured her. "Every battle that I fight will not only be for my Lord, but for you too. Knowing that you are here is the encouragement I need to get through the worst of times." He felt her body shake with sobs. He hugged her tighter while struggling with his own emotions.
Finally, he urged, "Turn around." She shot him a quizzical look as he withdrew his knife. He gathered a lock of her hair and cut it.
"Usagi!" she cried in dismay. "What are you doing?"
"I wish to have a piece of your hair so you are always with me," he explained, as he wrapped it in a piece of material that bound the base of his ears. He then handed her the knife. "This is for you. To remember me."
She shook her head sadly as she accepted his offering. "Usagi, you have given me more than a knife for memories," she whispered, softly.
Usagi nodded. "Our memories," he reminisced sadly. He sat down and patted the ground next to him. Mariko sat with him and together they watched the sun rise.
"You better go," Mariko told him, regretfully. "You have a long journey and need all the light you can get."
Slowly, Usagi rose to his feet and they stood facing each other once more. He saw her lip quivering to bravely fight back her tears. He cupped her chin in his hand.
"The cherry blossoms are beautiful," he noted, looking up at them. The branches hovered above, almost bare of the once vibrant blossoms.
Mariko forced a smile remembering the very day he said that to her. "They most certainly are." She reached in under her obi and withdrew a faded piece of material. She unfolded it to show him what was inside. It was a pressed cherry blossom. "Here. Take this as well."
Usagi placed the material inside his coat. "I will promise to return it next time we meet."
Mariko nodded sadly. "Goodbye, Usagi."
"Not goodbye," Usagi corrected. "Until next time." He gave her a lingering kiss before he mounted his horse.
"Be safe, Usagi, and return home."
"I will Mariko," he assured her. With one last glance, he whispered, "I love you." He nudged the mare's side and flicked the reins. Mariko stared longingly as he galloped away.
Be safe, my Yojimbo, she thought to herself. She placed a hand over her growing belly hiding beneath her kimono.
"We both need you to return."
~The End~
I would love to give lots of hugs and thank yous to Mikell and Harmony! Without your help ladies, I could not have finished this little piece.
Mikell-Thank you for the kind words and vote of confidence you gave me while writing this fic. It really means a lot.
Harmony-Thank you for shoving me towards the path I should be on. You have said numerous amount of times that romance and humor are my strengths. Well... I think you are right! LOL
Diva Daniel- Thanks for being there pushing for updates :D This one is for you too, girl!
Party-Shoes16- I am glad you enjoyed this. I to adore the strong warrior that can turn to mush :D
April101- Thank you for the review!I am sorry I couldn't give you the chapter you wished for ( trust me, I would have preferred to marry them off ) I hoped you liked it nonetheless.
Dozer-I am glad you liked it. I definatly was going for the cute factor:D I found writing romance is so much fun!
InsipidMe- I have discovered a love for Usagi as well. It's to bad he doesn't get a lot of time on the show. He is a very interesting character.
Thanks again to all who have read in silence! You all have made writing this fic worth while:D
Also, I have added a poll to my profile. ( I have been dying to try them out!)I had so much fun writing this, I am debating in writing more on Usagi. If you would like to see more ( or not) feel free to cast your vote!
Until next time I bid you all, adue.