Jun Pyo and Jae Kyung

Rated K+


Author's Note: What if Jan Di gave up Jun Pyo, and he is left with no choice but to marry Jae Kyung? This is my first attempt at a chaptered tale.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to the series.


He stayed in his room for days, drowning himself in alcohol and misery. She had given up on them. She had given up on him. Damn her to hell for leaving like a thief in the night. Damn her and her empty promises of never leaving because of his mother.

He emptied the contents of his glass and stared at his blurry image at the bottom. Waves of pain returned as her face swam to his vision, and with a savage oath, he flung the glass at the wall.

Then he howled like an animal possessed.

"How long has he been this way?"

"It's already been six days, Mistress."

"He hasn't eaten? Not even a bit?"

The maid shook her head, bowing so low that Noona lightly touched her shoulders.

"Has mother seen him this way?"

"Yes mistress. She tried to enter but the master threatened to throw out anyone who came in."

"Leave a tray by his door. " she dialed his mobile number, hoping that he would pick up.

A crack against the door after a few rings confirmed that his phone will no longer receive any calls.

Ten days later he opened his door and got out. The two maids standing outside nearly fainted when he emerged. He had lost a lot of weight, his face, though still handsome, now gaunt. His eyes, cold and hostile. He however has showered and was dressed.

"Get the witch and tell her I want to talk." He told the gaping maids.

When one of them remained stupefied, he shouted.

"Get out of my sight!" then turning to the other one; "You! Now!"

The maid did not need to be told twice and hurriedly left to look for Madam Chair.

He was sitting by the window when she came into the room. If she was shocked with his changed appearance, she tried not to show it.

"You said you wanted to talk." She began.

He turned around and she inwardly flinched at the hatred directed at her in his eyes. It was as if the Jun Pyo she knew has gone, replaced by this angry young man.

"I will only say this once. This will be the last time that you will interfere with my life. Do anything more and I will destroy you and I will destroy the company, regardless of my father dying for it." The words were spoken softly but with enough conviction that she could not mistake its meaning.

Her eyes widened but she quickly composed herself and wisely did not speak.

"Call the Ha's. Let's get this over with."

It took her a beat or two to comprehend, but when she did, she nodded. He continued to stare at her, his legs crossed, his fist clenching and unclenching as if he wanted to hit something.

She tried to reason with him, appealing to the little brother she knew and loved. He remained unmoved, staring at the view outside his window.

"This isn't the way to forget her. Please, think about what you are about to do."

He pressed his palm against his head and her heart broke for him.

"I will make the witch regret everything that she did."

"Jun Pyo, stop it! You will end up destroying yourself."

"I have nothing more to lose, Noona. That witch made sure that my only chance at happiness left me for good."

"Listen to me. You don't need to do this. You can leave. Come to New York with me. Believe me this is not the way to solve your misery."

"Enough! I have made up my mind. Stop telling me what to do, you're just like her."

The unfairness of the accusation hurt her deeply but she ignored it. "Then think about Jae Kyung. She has not done anything to you. Why must you use her to hurt mother?"

His head whipped towards her at the mention of his fiancée's name.

"She is not innocent in this. She wanted this. She wanted me for a husband? She will get what she deserves."

It was not a threat, but a promise.

She had no other choice but appeal to Jae Kyung and hope that she will put an end to his plans.

"Jae kyung listen to me. He is not himself right now. Please be the one to walk away. You will only end up getting hurt!"

"I can take care of myself, Unnie." Jae Kyung managed a smile.

"He has been a difficult child, Jae Kyung, he will destroy you."

Jae Kyung shook her head and stood up. Gone was the flighty and impulsive heiress, her eyes bespoke of her inner strength as she spoke.

"Thank you for your concern, but I can take care of myself. I have been doing it for years." Then shrugging, as if to dispel the somber mood, Jae Kyung grinned. "I'll be fine. I'm not a meek lamb, I can face the wolf."

The wedding took place in a private chapel in Jeju island as initially planned. However, only a handful of guests bore witness to the most somber union between Korea's richest families.

Jun Pyo never looked at his bride during the entire ceremony, and it was testimony to Jae Kyung's determination that she managed to smile and accept the congratulations thrown their way.

In two hours, with the formalities completed, the couple was whisked off to the honeymoon car.

Jun Pyo slammed the door shut as Jae Kyung barely slipped inside in her wedding gown.

The trip to the secluded island resort took an hour and she found herself suddenly exhausted after the whirlwind of events in the past two weeks.

Nodding off, she hung down her head, her short hair making a curtain on her face as the car sped on.

For the first time in the day, Jun Pyo looked at his bride. His gaze somber and watchful.

When the car hit a bump only his reflexes saved her head from crashing onto the limousine's divider.

He slammed her back in her seat, her gaze disoriented. "Wha…What happened?"

"Wait till we arrive at the hotel then you can sleep. Stupid." He barked.

"Hey! Who are you calling stupid? I married you remember?"

Eyes round, he jerked his eyes back at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've been warned not to marry you. Guess that says something about your character." She joked, but he was not in the mood.

"You should have listened." He growled, as he came closer. A thread of fear skittered on her veins but she quickly dismissed it. She was Ha Jae Kyung. Nothing scared her. At least, she thought so.

"I did listen." She moistened suddenly dry lips and unwillingly his gaze was drawn to her pink mouth. " But I have a habit of doing the opposite of what I'm told."

He continued to look at her with no warmth in his gaze and she boldly met his eyes. Daring him to move, to react, to acknowledge her.

Seconds ticked by and the atmosphere grew thick. Jae Kyung found herself breathing in deeper than what was normal. Witty words got stuck in her throat and she remained silent.

With a harsh sound, he pushed her away, her back hitting the door hard.

She arched in pain and tears formed in her eyes. He glanced at her but did not say anything.

She blinked the tears back. " Don't manhandle me."

With a smirk he turned to look at the window, the night having fallen completely and hiding any visible view.

"I'll handle you any way I please."

A smack on the side of his head sent his vision spinning and blood rushed through his temple.

He raised his palm to retaliate and saw his bride cringe but she did not back down.

"Try it and this will get bloody." She warned, her eyes daring him to move.

His palm hang in the air, then with a shake of his head, he turned his gaze to the window once more.

"Don't speak to me anymore."

She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Pretending to get busy, she straightened her gown and mimicked his position.

They arrived with no further interaction. Both their bodyguards rushed in to help them as they got out of the car, others getting their bags and setting them on the floor of the lobby.

The manager gave his effusive greetings but the newlyweds were not in the mood for chitchat, proceeding as one to their assigned room.

He threw his coat on the bed and headed to the shower, leaving her to explore the room.

She did not see anything impressive in the size of the room or its furnishing, but she did gulp when she saw the bed. Expecting a king size bed, she found herself gazing at the door of the bathroom after taking a look at the queen sized bed. It's going to be a little crowded, she thought.

"Argh Jae Kyung, of course it should be this way." She told her wayward thoughts.

Just as she kicked off her shoes, the door to the bathroom opened and out he went. His normally curly hair fell straight on his damp forehead as he rubbed it briskly with a towel.

With a quick glance at the bed he shrugged and threw the towel just as she stood up so that it hit her squarely in the face.

Tired and now deeply annoyed at his blasé attitude her eyes narrowed into slits. With two quick steps, she leapt and was on his back, toppling him down to the floor.

He was caught too off guard to be able to hold his balance and he fell facedown.

"Hey! Get off me!" he shouted, but she grabbed his hair and pulled hard till his eyes crossed.

With a quick movement, he turned so that she landed on top of him, her fingers losing their grip on his wet hair.

Grabbing both her wrists, he easily subdued her offending hands.

She was breathing heavily, now quite pissed at him. "You are such a jerk!" she shrieked.

"And you are a pain in the ass!" he retorted, quickly getting up and with herculean strength picked her up and tossed her like a sack of potatoes on his back.

She pounded on his back but he ignored her fists, continuing to stalk towards the bathroom where he unceremoniously dumped her in the tub in her Vera Wang wedding gown.

She screamed when she hit the cold water, sinking like lead as the heavy fabric absorbed liquid.

He stood with his arms on his sides as he watched her sink. She splashed her legs and arms in an attempt to stay afloat to no avail.

Sputtering, she stood up, her face now flushed from real anger. She opened her mouth to scream expletives when he suddenly extended his hand and planted a firm palm on her chest and pushed. Down she went again, the cold shocking her system anew.

She gave up in frustration and howled as tears gushed forth from closed lids.

Jun Pyo stared at his hysterical bride and felt a little sorry. It was too little to move him however, for he turned around and left her to her tears, shutting the door of the bathroom with a loud click.

He was lightly sleeping when the door to the bathroom opened, throwing a shaft of light to the otherwise dark room.

Her loud sneeze woke him up completely and he turned in annoyance. Making out her shadow as she stepped forward, he could see that she was wearing a robe. She sniffed, then threw back her head as she sneezed like a sailor.

He shrugged and made himself comfortable, intending to sleep once more.

She still hasn't spoken and he felt the bed dip as she sat down.

He moved lightly towards the center when she laid down, his nostrils getting a good whiff of orange shampoo.

When she remained silent, he closed his eyes and let sleep claim him.

He didn't know what woke him up, but he opened his eyes. Something was not right. Adjusting his vision to the darkness, he groped for the lamp switch. As he turned, his hand brushed her shoulder and he drew back in reflex.

Her shoulder was hot. Now fully awake, he looked down on her sleeping form, now noting that she was shivering. Brows knitted, he pressed a palm on her forehead and drew back once more as the heat almost burned it.

He shook her awake, but she did not budge, instead she continued to shiver, her lids closed, her lips now turning slightly blue.

Alarmed, he jumped from the bed and brushed his palm across his head.

"Aish! This girl is nothing but trouble." He tried to wake her up once more but she wouldn't open her eyes, now shivering uncontrollably.

He dialed the receptionist's desk and got frustrated when after several rings nobody picked up.

For several seconds he debated on what to do, his brain working furiously as he recalled whatever first aid he has learned. Standing up he rummaged through the bathroom drawers, looking for fever medicine and let out a loud expletive to see nothing but aspirin and several tubes of cream on the shelf. He's going to shutdown this damn hotel first thing in the morning.

He returned to the room to see Jae Kyung jerk. Her temperature was climbing, her body now reacting convulsively.

Quickly, he lifted her and strode toward the bathroom. He saw the now empty tub and cursed. Reacting to instinct, he hitched her towards his shoulders and turned the shower knobs open. Then stepping inside the tub, he sat down with her on his lap as the water poured over them. The water was cold, and her heated skin almost sizzled from the contrast. She convulsed and opened her eyes.

Weakly she flung her arms out, dazed at what's happening. He easily grabbed her arms and pulled her closer.

"Stay still. You need to cool down." He admonished in a gruff tone, more than a little worried that her skin has become paper white.

Water continued to pour down and Jae Kyung, still battling the fever within curled up more comfortably in his arms as if seeking warmth. From time to time, he could feel tremors shake her body but he only tightened his hold.

Amidst the cascade of water, he thought he heard her murmur.


"Thank you." She faintly repeated.

He didn't know what to say to that so he kept silent. Minutes passed by, and when she felt a little better, she started to squirm.

"Stop moving." He growled, as her movements became uncomfortable, in more ways than one.

She turned her wet head and looked up. Lips trembling she spoke. " I need to get up. I'm cold."

Worried that he may have overdone the shower, he stood up abruptly, leaving her to slip down.

"I said stay still." He said, but he lifted her again as he stepped out of the tub.

She was wearing a nightgown, he finally noticed, but she might as well not have worn anything at all. He quickly averted his gaze as he set her down on a stool and grabbed a towel nearby.

"Here, wrap yourself in this. I'll get you a robe." He said and left the bathroom.

She weakly took the towel and did as she was told. But everything inside her felt like jelly and the towel slid on the floor, as she slowly followed.

He saw her slide and quickly held her up, muttering what a nuisance she was all along.

Left with no choice, he peeled off her wet nightgown and tried, as hard as he could to put her in a robe without looking at her body.

Her temperature has cooled down as she leaned and made contact with his chest.

Making a decision, he belted her robe close and lifted her again. She made no protest and bowed her head, as her arm grasped his shoulder for support.

He laid her down on the bed and covered her in blankets, noting that she still shivered.

"There's no medicine in this damn hotel.." he began, and dimly she noted the frustration in his voice. " Do you want a glass of water?"

She shook her head, the action causing her head to spin.

"I just feel cold." She croaked as he continued to pile up blankets on top of her.

Her eyes half opened, she looked up to his grim face. He pressed a palm on her forehead, noting that she still had fever.

Her lips started to chatter and he climbed into bed. Removing his pajama top, he removed the blankets as well as she weakly protested.

"What.. Stop. I feel cold.. So cold."

"Stop fussing and let me help you." He retorted, as he started peeling off her robe. Her eyes widened at his actions and she tried to get up.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her strength ebbing at each word as he continued as if he did not hear her.

She stopped protesting when he suddenly hugged her to his chest, his warmth suddenly registering in her fevered brain.

"Ahh." She sighed as she snuggled closer, now forgetting that her robe has been discarded and he was covering her with his naked torso as well.

He tucked her head under his chin and lent his warmth. Memories of another time assaulted him and he flinched as if he had been hit. He closed his eyes in frustration and tried to forget.

JanDi's face, her voice, her smell came flooding back and he had to grit his teeth in a futile attempt to stop them. It didn't help and it was becoming a physical pain to battle his memories when suddenly a soft, warm hand crept up his face.

Jae Kyung was looking up at him when he opened his eyes, one of her hands touching his face.

"I'm sorry." She softly said, her eyes brimming with tears and he wondered why.

She softly caressed his face. " I'm sorry, that this reminded you of Jan Di." Uncomprehending at first on how she could guess his thoughts he suddenly realized that he had spoken Jan Di's name aloud when he started to remember.

He looked away.

"Don't speak her name."

"Okay." She replied, so softly that he almost could not hear her. Then he felt something wet and looked down at her head still tucked under his chin, her palm now resting on his chest.

She was crying. Hot tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Stop it." He said, harsher than he intended.

She quickly brushed her tears with her palm and he felt like an ass.

Unknowingly, he tightened his hold but she felt it and wanted to burst out crying once more.

With supreme effort she slowly pushed him away, covering her bosom with her other arm as she did so.

"I feel fine now."

He looked at her for heartbeat, then wordlessly rolled away.

The sudden loss of warmth made her shiver but she pulled a blanket and quickly covered herself.

His left arm covering his face, he laid down straight as she turned on her side, still cocooned in the blankets.

"Jun Pyo…" she tentatively spoke and he removed his arm, his eyes unseeing at a spot in the ceiling.

Then he turned to look at her and she could feel blood pound in her ears as his eyes raked over her face.

"Can you get me another gown?" she closed her eyes, now suddenly shy.

He got up and she could hear him moving around. Then a silky gown was thrown at her, making her open her eyes quickly.

"Get dressed and go to sleep. I'm getting another room, I've lost enough sleep as it is." He coldly spoke as he buttoned his pajama top.

Hurt, she nodded and weakly moved to a sitting position.

With another glance at her way, he turned and left the room, a soft click signaling that he had left her all alone in their honeymoon night.