
I know it's been forever and this is extremely short compared to what you've been use to from me but I just can't get back into the swing of this story. I've been so focused on other stuff I just can't figure out what I was going to do next. I'm going to try though, so thank you for being so patient with me but I honestly don't know when I'll be able to update again, and I know that's a crap-out for you and I'm sorry, I just need a bit to figure all of this out again.

Also please excuse any mistakes, this was hastily written and not Beta-ed ):

~``~``~``~ Fred ~``~``~``~

Just as I had predicted last night, the spot in bed next to me was empty when I awoke. I had not awoken very gracefully this morning, but that could be understood considering the fact that first classes started today. I jolted awake from the sounds of other roommates moving around in a hurry to get ready. I rolled over, my eyes not able to open just yet from the tiredness that had accumulated from having less sleep that I'd been getting over summer. My hand reached out to search the spot next to me, meeting nothing but tangled sheets. Slowly, I was forced to sit up, rubbing my eyes.

I was not met with the hustle of other roommates whirling about the room in a furious attempt at being ready for breakfast on time. Instead the room was quiet, everyone already having dashed out the door. The only other person in the room was my twin, who seemed to be lagging just as much as I was. I watched his lazed movements as he attempted to get ready. Slowly his pace grew quicker as he woke up until he too was rushing around. He noticed me awake and semi-shouted for me to get up.

I rose slowly, starting to get ready as well. I was the first dressed, even though I'd been the last up. George struggled to keep a hold on all of his stuff he'd need for lessons today. I helped him balance out some books as he approached the door to the dorm. I smirked and blocked the door when he tried to pass. He looked at me like I'd gone insane and tried to move around me but I stepped in his way.

"What are you doing? We'll be late if you-" But I cut him off, stepping forward and capturing him in a kiss. He dropped what he was holding, the sound of the books cluttering around the floor echoing around the room. I smirked when I pulled away from him and caught onto his wide eyed gaze.

"Come on or we'll be late." I turned and left him standing in the dorm, laughing when I heard him curse and fumble to pick everything up that he'd dropped.

Breakfast passed by quickly with minimal distractions. Lee was going on about new idea for our up coming shop and a few seats away Ron and Hermione were arguing while Harry tried to keep his eyes off a certain Slytherin, so all was right with the world. After breakfast George, Lee and I headed for our first class, which was unfortunately potions. Angelina and Katie were already huddled at a table so we all gathered around with them, instantly being accepted in the conversation. I laced my fingers through Georges as he stood next to me.

"What are we talking about?" I asked Angelina, flashing a smile and getting a slight squeeze from Georges hand in mine, reminding me just how jealous he could be other Angie.

"Well, Katie and I had an idea about getting around the seventeen age limit for the tournament, but we need two people just foolish enough to try it." She explained, Katie glancing George and I over.

"We'll be your men for the job!" George said proudly next to me. "What's the plan?" We both leaned in, ready to hear what this brilliant idea was.

~``~``~``~ George ~``~``~``~

The past few days had been a mess of trying to get back into the swing of how to rule Hogwarts. Of course after the Triwizard tournament announcement they'd also announced there would be no Quidditch this year. Fred seemed to be taking this new the hardest. I'd been okay with the news, just trying to concentrate on not getting blown up in potions and getting all of the piled up homework done on time. Fred seemed to be taking the opposite approach to this. Instead of getting everything done at once he'd wait until the last minuet and turn it in half done.

There also hadn't been a lot of 'Twin Time' as Fred had not so subtly decided to call our make-out sessions. While he seemed to always be free I had actually been trying to focus on what I was doing in school. He always seemed to be right next to me lately, and while I had no complaints about spending time with him, he always seemed to be there for the wrong reasons. It was as if he were waiting for the exact second I was free to do anything, just sort of waiting for me to not have anything left to do. While I appreciated the fact that he wasn't demanding attention outright, it was kind of freaking me out that he was taking on a stalker's position.

I guess it was only a matter of time before something serious happened like today. I'd been walking down the hall, juggling a few books in my hand and not really looking where I was going when all of a sudden I'd dropped all my books and was pressed against a wall. After getting over the pain that had rushed to my head and opening my eyes I'd come face to face with my twin, smirking at me. It didn't take him long to connect our lips. I pushed my hands against his chest, pushing him away.

"What the hell? People are going to see!" Then I realized how stupid I sounded when I looked around to find that the hall was empty. "Where is everyone?"

"Out there." He point out to the court yard where a large crown of people were all gathered around Harry and Hermione holding Ron back from Draco Malfoy. I shrugged and bent down to pick up my stuff I'd dropped.

"You didn't have to be so forceful." I explained to Fred lowly as he bent down to help me pick them up. He smiled and tipped up my chin to press a kiss to my lips.

"Sorry." I rolled my eyes and stood up again.

"So when are we going to put the plan in motion?" I asked, referring to the plan Katie and Angelina had come up with. He just smiled and pat my shoulder before turning down a hallway to get to his next class, leaving me to stand in the crowd of students who'd been shooed out of the court yard and were all whispering about ferrets.

I shook my head and turned to head to my own class when I caught sight of an angered Harry shouting at Ron and Hermione before taking off in the opposite direction from them. I scrunched my eyebrows together and headed for the other two. Hermione looked utterly defeated and Ron just looked frustrated. They both looked up to me when I got near, Hermione looking now as though she might start to cry.

"What's going on with him?" I asked the pair. Ron just muttered something about 'best friends an ass' and pushed around me, leaving me with Hermione.

"Malfoy was insulting your mother and Harry got involved and then Mad-eye turned Malfoy into a ferret, which we both thought was quite funny but Harry just went into an all out fit about being just as bad as him and I completely understand why he's upset but there's really no reason to shout at us for it!" She finished obviously feeling defeated.

"Wait, why's Harry so upset about that in the first place, aren't he and Malfoy enemies?" I asked, walking with her as she started towards her own lessons.

"Well, yes and no. I guess something must've happened between them. Either way, Harry's taken an odd liking to Malfoy now and it's quite obvious Malfoy is just going to be using his confusion to his own advantage now." We'd now arrived at where Hermione was going and I was even more confused than ever about all of this, I guess I'd have to ask Fred about it later to see if he understands what's going on….


Once again I apologize it's so short! I love you all!