Author's Note: My hard work in academics pay off a lot. A LOT. Sorry for not updating sooner. Aside from school I was trapped in another dimension...Seriously! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater. I own this story.

Summary: Death's Angel roams the night skies maintaining peace with everyone in the world of darkness. Despite her new title, she's never met a demon, and certainly not one like Soul. What would happen if the two were to befriend?

Death's Angel

Battle Underground

"In here?"

"Isn't this the school's library?"

"Yes, it is Soul Eater."

"Hey Maka, how many books have you read from here, huh?"

"Two hundred-eighty seven and counting."

She was reading a book right then.

"Wow! That's a lot!" Patty stated the obvious.

"You must be a speed reader." Liz examined Maka flipping pages after what seemed like thirty-seconds. Soul who hovered over her at a table, struggled to keep up. Liz was sure she would finish a book before Kid found the entrance to whatever she they were supposed to find.

"Just a moment guys, it should be one of these books. " He pulled at random books in a section as he spoke.

"Kay, we'll be over here!"

"Shh! Not so loud this is still a library."

"Yeah, only it's like way passed closing time and no one's here," Soul said back to his book-worm of a partner. His tone sarcastic.

"Still the rules apply. I'm reading."


"Here we are."

They watched as a shelf swung open reveling steps descending into darkness.

"Cool." Soul.

"Yes, but how are we going to see?" Liz.

Kid snapped his fingers and for seconds there is a wave of Shimigami magic. Touches hung on the stone walls were now lit.

"Are we all clear on our actions?"

"Yes," they claimed.

"Well then, how about we get going?" Kid led the group.

One after another they went down the long spiral steps until they reached a door. After handling the lock they found themselves faced with three brick paths; one that continued right in front of them, and the other two to their left and right. Luckily for them, this had already been anticipated.

"You guys go ahead while Soul and I go right, correct?"

"Yes. Should anything were to happen we meet back here, alright?" Kid spoke with authority being the leader of this mission.


Kid and his helpers went straight, while Maka and her partner went right.

"Ya know, I'm still not sure why we're here in the first place. And why is there an entrance to an underground passage right in the academy's library?"

The trio had been walking for what seemed like a half an hour. It grew cold as well, adding to Liz's misery, though she wouldn't complain. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why they were here in the first place. She hadn't exactly been listening actively, when Lord Death explained the mission details the first time. The second time, she hadn't been present since she was out assisting a certain demon with his injuries.

"There are lots of underground tunnels here in the city, right Kid?"

"Yes there is Patty. There are plenty all below the school. They've been here for centuries. The entrance we just took is the closest to where we will be investigating. I memorized a map, but I have one just in case we get lost."

"Well that's good to know, but still what exactly are we supposed to be finding?" Liz's face appeared apologetic.

"Well, I see you weren't paying any attention." He was rather disappointed.

"Actually I don't know either Kid. Sorry."

"You too, Patty?" Death's son stopped in his tracks and sighed. "Well it's not exactly that we're supposed to be finding, but expecting the surrounding area for anything unusual or out of place. There are few artifacts here worth getting your hands on, although they're heavily hidden and protected."

"So you mean this 'witch' might want something from what's down here?"

"Correct. There were traces of a witch's wavelength detected around the academy."

"Oh, I see. That makes a lot of sense—"Liz accidentally ran into Kid as he stopped abruptly. "Hey what's up?" She traced his eyes. It was a picture of a man. A creepy one, Liz added. It was disturbing, so why was Kid eyeing it so intensely? Could it be? "Hey don't tell me the a frame's unbalanced—"

"No! …It's not just that." The sisters moved in for a closer look. There was the man's untamed hair, the blood that dripped from his mouth, pale face like a clown's, his eyes… They stared for thirty seconds. Another seventeen seconds they continued. The man in the picture blinked.


"Whoa Kid! Hold your horses!" There was a small cloud of smoke. Although they hadn't seen it, Kid's eyes quickly traced the large figure that jumped from inside the picture that fell to the floor soon after. The smoke began to clear, revealing a clown like being. Liz was terrified. Patty was staring in awe. For Kid, it was completely asymmetrical! It didn't deserve to live!

"Liz, Patty, get in position!"


After taking their positions they fired with their guns. The clown blocked with its sharpened blue and green arms which soon began to rotate dangerously. It jumped for attack landing with a vibrating thud. The three carefully dodged. "Position four!"

"Roger that!"

Liz and Patty sprinted towards the clown and jumped onto its shoulders in unison before launching themselves into a front-summersault. In the air they shot continuously at the monster while Kid blasted away at the clown's front. Smoke filled the hallway. This gave the girls time to land and escape. When the smoke cleared Death's little helpers were nowhere in sight. That was when Kid used his energy to blast the clown to the corridor ahead. "Patty, Liz, lets end this quickly. Let's use magic."

His helpers were soon absorbed into Kid's pistols becoming glowing of energy. Once done, they resonated their souls. Deadly waves of black formed around Kid as he held his weapons tightly. "Charging…Charge complete!"

"You're good!" Liz.

"Alright then. Magical Death Cannon!"

"Have a nice dream! Hehe."

"It got colder."

"Yeah it did."

"Ya, know last time you lent me your jacket…thanks."


His silence seemed to mean 'You're not getting it this time angel.' This was probably right.

"I wonder how long we've been walking. Don't you?"

"Feels like three hours or so." He casually looked up at the brick ceiling as he spoke.

"Three hours huh?" Her vision blurred and she blinked. "I wonder if it really has been three hours.." She stopped in her tracks. "Soul?" Soul wasn't there, not even when she turned. She sighed. Oh what is this? She shut her eyes and calmly turned to walk once more.


She quickly stumbled backwards and fell on to the ground. It was just as she turned to walk again that she found Soul suddenly right in front of her—and oh how close he had been.

"Calm down Blondie, I right here."

"But y-you weren't before!" She tried to calm her heart rate form the slight scare.

"Hm. Your right, maybe I wasn't." he snickered evilly. "Still, if that how you react towards your partner here, what makes you think you can fulfill the rest of this mission?"

"This mission does not guarantee any fighting, although we could reach trouble. Just how exactly would you know for sure there will be trouble, huh?"
"Because I sense it Maka, don't you." His tone was low and soft.

'Sense it', he says—

"See what I mean?"

"S-Soul. W-What's this? My Eyes they're—"

"Moving aimlessly without control right? You're starting to feel a tad anxious right? Your fingers trembling. Actually it feels like your whole body's crawling." She didn't like that tone of his voice. It wasn't the Soul she knew. Was used to anyway. He spoke darkly and as if he was and had such experience himself.


"You'll get used to it MAKA. I 'm telling you, you'll feel so FREE."

So this was insanity? This sure was deep shit. Even when closing her eyes she saw figures and pure darkness. They were hallucinating. She had to do something for Soul and her herself. With her wavelength it shouldn't be hard. Yes, she had even practiced every day.

A sound soul,

residesinasound mind.

and asound body…

Soul. Where are you?

She floated in crimson liquid, drifting aimlessly. It had been familiar. She eventually spotted a glowing tainted soul around the color of indigo. She held it in her hands. Dark, but not completely evil or filled with insanity. A sarcastic and twisted soul.

I'm right here Maka.

He seemed to answer her earlier call.

"Eh? Where is this?"

Suddenly she appeared in an unknown room in a fancy black dress.

"Welcome to the soul of Soul Eater. Please make yourself comfortable." A red goblin-like creature spoke to her. She was in a room with maroon draping curtains. There was a chair, table, and a record player too. There wasn't much to make out as black liquid seeped inside from the walls and flooded the floor as well. The litter creature himself had been up to his knees and he sat on a stool. "If you're looking for the young master he's behind that curtain over there."

Maka nodded. The creature's devilish smile vanished as he saw the waves of black seep away from Maka as she walked forward. She found that curtain, and there he was. A high pitch sound resounded throughout the room. Soul was grinning devilishly just as the little creature had, however this had no effect on her. She meant business. The more time wasted on this meant less time they had to stop the person who caused this.

Soul made a gesture with his fingers signaling for her to come closer. She of course did so. He sat on a stool with a piano before him. However she noticed a finger remained on one key. He had pressed B when she entered. She wouldn't have known if she hadn't learned of the subject from a book. She grinned, making steps closer to the demon and took a seat on the stool. She then placed a hand over her Soul.

"You know Soul, our souls are resonating being the explanation to how I came. I'm here to save you."

"Just give into it Maka. Besides, you're in my dark playground right now." She closed her eyes.

"And what an unpleasant place it is." She began to glow, from the brightness of her soul until she was lit as a lantern. "I'm afraid I cannot stay." She pressed 'G' and waited as the key resounded in the room. Slowly she felt the insanity draw back. The ocean of black began to evaporate. "This is the anti-demon wavelength." She spoke. "Soul, I'm sorry if it hurts but I won't harm you." She meant she wouldn't kill him. Although didn't see him, the reason being her eyes were still shut, but she heard him struggle to bear with her wavelength. She waited until all traces of insanity had been eradicated.

Maka opened her eyes.

"Purification complete!"

"Good for you, but I'm not doing so good ove—"

She couldn't help falling to her knees. Suddenly felt weak.

"You too, huh? So I guess in the end we still failed. Whoever probably took off and even worse they probably took something—"

"No!" She found her balance and quickly rose to her feet once more. "We're not failing!" She sped over to him and pulled him up with force. "To be greatly responsible for such I thing…I just can't live with that! Let's go."


"Why?" she responded quickly,

"You go ahead. I'll catch up. You didn't see me before because I became a shadow and blended in. Run, I'll follow."



She took off. Soon she found traveling by wings was much faster and less likely to set off traps. There was a secrete passage way coming up. She used her soul perception to sense anyone's wavelength. Nothing. She took that back a second after. She felt a witch. Is this for real? She thought. She came to a stop before placing a hand onto a brick. Had Soul really been following her? It was true that she sensed a powerful wavelength, but not one of a demon. She bit her lip, squeezing her eyes shut. It would certainly be dangerous alone, but not doing anything would be shameful and go against mission orders.

She pressed on the brick.

A section of the brick wall moved backward and lowered revealing a set of stairs. Without hesitation she sprinted down them to find a room with a large hole in the wall with markings around. Empty, but the room certainly hadn't been empty. This did not include herself. She summoned her scythe as the white haired figure before her turned around. She smiled. A book was held tightly in her hands.

"Well looks like you were able to get here geko, but I see you're alone." Maka charged at the witch who was barely able to doge with her tall orange hat intact.

"I won't allow the stealing of books! What are you planning?"

"Why should I tell you anything—" The witch was cornered as the scythe traced her neck against a wall. "Geko." She croaked in fear.

"Drop it!"

The book was dropped only for it to be picked up by unknown hands behind her. Maka turned around with alarm.

"Oh my, that seems very deadly. Fortunately I have what I came here for and will take my leave."

"Who are you?" Maka yelled.

"How rude. My identity will or may be revealed in the future. However," She spoke darkly. Maka then realized the snake wrapped instantly around her neck. "It's best you hope that we never cross paths again. That is if you want to live." Maka's eyes widened as she struggled to breathe through the snake's grip. "Let's go Eruka." She snapped her fingers; the effect unknown to Maka.

"Geko." The witch she had cornered suddenly transformed into a frog and hopped away and slipped under a crack. The figure from behind also seemed to vanish.

Maka then dropped her scythe stumbling backwards. She with much force yanked the snake off. It was then that she began to notice shaking. She returned her scythe and began running to the no longer existing entrance as the ceiling above her crumbled. "Damn it!" She banged her fists against the bricks in frustration hoping to trigger an opening. She was having little luck. More bricks and stone fell injuring her more and more. "Soul!" She cried.

Suddenly she was pulled into the ground by an unknown force. Feeling alarmed she grew curious to if she would be safer where she was headed than where she was now. "Ow!" She was completely pulled down into darkness.

"What—W-Where? Kid and, how did I get here?" She sat up from resting on Soul's shoulder to find apologetic and disappointed expressions. Then it all sank in. "We failed a simple mission, huh?" She sat on a bench along with her partner outside the school as Kid and his helpers stood before them.

"Simple? Maka are you serious after that insanity and witch we saw?"


"True. Simple although difficult. A mission involving a witch without supervision isn't common. Soul here told us what happened. You didn't happen to see her did you?" Kid spoke.

Maka looked sorrier than the rest.


"Let's go Eruka."

"But another witch I remember. Her name was Erika I think."

"I see. It seems to me that the attacks were to stall us as we grew closer to their location. Still, although we overcame both attacks we were not able to stop them in time and with our abilities. Well I suppose we have enough information to report back to my father. Shall we go?"

Maka stood from the bench feeling a headache. She followed her partner and the rest once again wondering how she made it out alive, save for a few scratches. She sped her walking pace up to Soul. "Where were you when I was alone in that room?"

He sighed.

"I told you didn't I? That I'd been in the shadows."


"I saved you didn't I?"

"Maka Chop," she said simply tapping a book against his skull. "Baka."

'You had me worried alone'

See I'm not asking you for comments-yet! Still i would appreciate them. I have high hopes for this story. Hope you enjoyed.