I know it's been forever, I've had a situation chasing a girl demanding my attention, which sadly did not end well, haha. But here, here's the last chapter to wrap up the story. Hope you like it!

"Can you still see the heart of me? All my agony fades away, as you hold me in your embrace!"—"All I Need"

"What did you two do?" Thalia demanded.

That was her hello. Not, Hey, glad you're not dead! I tried not to laugh.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked neutrally. "We're back together—" Thalia grabbed us both and shoved us inside the Athena cabin, which was thankfully empty.

"Fess up." She said flatly. "I can sense something different about you both. I've got radar for this kind of thing now."

"Healthy diet." I deadpanned. "Fruit, apples." Annabeth elbowed me, and Thalia literally gasped, which was pretty amusing.

"You two ate apples of immortality!" Thalia said accusingly.

"Hey, she tried to kill Annabeth before." I shrugged. "She owed Annabeth an apple."

"Chiron forbid us from telling anyone." Annabeth said apologetically. "Or I would've IM'ed you."

"No, if Chiron said that I'm glad you didn't." Thalia looked a little dazed. "Wow… we're all immortal now. All three of us. Never saw that coming."

"No one did." Annabeth sat down at a table. I joined her, and Thalia followed suit.

"It is good to see you, Percy." Thalia finally said, smiling faintly. "Everyone was looking for you, and I mean everyone. Hera even kept her plans from most of the gods."

"What about Poseidon?" I asked. I hadn't seen my Dad since months before that night.

"He was in the dark. And enraged about." Thalia told me seriously. "Check old weather reports. The months you were gone, there were a record amount of storms, and huge typhoon they thought was going to wipe out Mexico, but it headed back out to see just before hitting land. My dad managed to calm yours down, at least for a little bit."

"Well, things are okay now. Jason's back with the Romans, I'm back here." I smiled. "Good enough for me."

"It is really good to see you two back together." Thalia said again, smiling. "Just… man. Both of you better watch out for angry cows from the queen." She said the queen the way most people sounded when cursing.

"I think she got over it. Mostly." Annabeth joked.

"Being almost eaten by the ground will humble people." Thalia grinned back.

"This could turn out badly," I mused, looking at the massive dry dock a few hundred yards away. "Our luck could run out."

"That's life." Annabeth said quietly, agreeing. "Every day you get, it's a gift."

"I just, wish we had more time, before it started again." I said. She slipped her hand into mine.

"More time for what?" She asked.

"Us, I guess." I said. "Heroics. They make for great stories… great adventures. But what do they really matter, compared to other things?" She gave me a playful shove.

"Hey! What we did—it matters. It'll matter for hundreds of years." She said, smiling. "So will what we're going to do."

"Maybe we should get married before we go." I joked, grinning. Annabeth mulled this over for a second.

"Not enough time, to throw something like that together. And our parents would freak." She said. "But we could do something else."

"Let's hear it."

It was almost ridiculous. Neither of us really knew what we were doing, honestly.

But it felt right.

"Percy Jackson. " She said softly, "I love you more than anything else… you make my life something worth living. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that there will never be another for me. I pledge myself to you. I swear on the Styx—my love and loyalty is yours, and it always will be."

"Annabeth Chase…" I began. "Through everything… through the Underworld, and the Labyrinth, dealing with titans... everyone said it was it about civilization, or the gods. Not for me… it was all about us. You were the one thing that kept me alive, and the Styx itself showed me—without you, I've got nothing truly worth living for. I love you, and pledge myself to you. I swear on the Styx, that whatever happens, I'm yours, forever and always."

We embraced and kissed by unspoken agreement. I never thought of myself as some crazy romantic guy… but I could've stayed in that moment forever.

But we got fifteen seconds before I heard footsteps. We turned to see Vincent approaching hesitantly. He looked like a part some special forces team, just missing a flag symbol on his vest.

And to our amusement, he also seemed a bit sheepish.

"Valdez says we're ready to takeoff, and the teams all prepared." He made brief eye contact before looking away and fiddling with the assault rifle slung across his chest. "So, I'll, ah, tell him you'll be there in a few minutes. If you two are ready." He took a few quick steps back, like he had really wanted to leave.

"We're ready." I said firmly, looking at Annabeth.

"For anything." She agreed.