Hey guys… I just wanted to start a new story while I'm waiting to do that connection thingy with my new Beta (!!!)…. I feel so official… Anyway, this is a kind of based off of a movie, but you wouldn't have seen it unless you're Indian because it's a foreign film. It's called Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi starring Shah Rukh Khan… Yes, I live in America, and I rarely watch Hindi films, but my mom forced me to watch this one, and it was surprisingly very good…. So this is the same storyline (except their spies) but I changed little details here and there.

And I totally forgot to do a disclaimer on any of my stories, so here's one: I don't own Gallagher Girls, or Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

On with the show…?!?! (I'm hyper right now, so sue me…)

Zach POV

I sighed, closing the photo album. We used to be so close. But then it happened. The thing that made her pull away from me. She barely talked now, and didn't go on missions anymore. She sat in an office, day after day, the same thing, day after day. I had to admit; she was boring. Maybe that's why I was holed up in my office on Saturday, looking at old pictures, instead of going home early and surprising my wife, like I used to.

She used to be fun. We would do everything together. Because we were all we had. Even when her mom died (classified) she wasn't like this. She got over it eventually. Well, I wouldn't say got over it, but she learned to deal with her grief, the same way she dealt with her grief over her father; she hid it.

But then she went on that mission, and she came back like a zombie. From then on, it was routine, routine, routine. No more smiles, no more words exchanged than those that had to be. No more happiness.

For both of us.

I gave her a leeway for months. I understood her loss. I could sympathize with missing both of your parents. But then those months turned into a year, and that year doubled itself. Two years later, and if anything, she was even more reclusive than ever.

However, the thing that confused and frustrated me the most, was that she had become some sort of nun. She went to church every Sunday, said prayers every morning and night before she went to bed, and said grace before every meal. She didn't make me do any of those things, but on Christmas and Easter, I always forced myself into a monkey suit and went with her, figuring that it might get pretty lonely for her.

Don't get me wrong, I love Cammie more than I can stand. Even now, when I'm not sure if she still loves me.