A/N: Woooow! So many reviews in the last chapter! Thanks guys! Um, I'm gonna ramble by thank you's etc, so if you wanna read, well…read! =P If you actually take the time to read my nonsense author's notes, then I love you to pieces! (Like Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, who, my friend Abbie kindly informed me that THEY ARE NOW MARRIED! Not together…I made the same mistake! But that's my hopes and dreams ruined *cries*, but at least Jake Abel and Misha Collins are still available…right? If they're not, I may have to proceed with my plans of world domination and then kidnap them all…..).
hpenchantress: I sent you a reply, and I hope it made sense? It wasn't supposed to be a dream….Gah! I confuse myself sometimes…mind you, that's not really hard…=p.
xxLooneyLovegoodxx: Thanks! Not too good with the spell writing, but I'm glad you thought it was ok!
crlncyln: Hehe, yup! I am mean! But you never know, tempers might fly again in the sequel…when I get round to it! And Leo might then finally get what's coming to him! And, I know! Evil Cliffy! =D. You should see the one that's at the end of this chapter…
lizardmomma: Thanks for the high praise! And thanks for wishing me luck with my exam! I think it went ok, but I'm glad it's all over now! Means more fanfic writing time! =D.
bananacupcakes: Thanks for reviewing! I hope you like the final chapter!
atlan2007: Thanks again for you review, hope you like this chapter!
Avi Halliwell: Oh, god, I'm so sorry! I honestly never knew that Cole and Balthazar was the same guy! I've only seen season 6 and some of season 7 and I asked my friends (werepuppy black) who watched the show, what a good demon name for this was, but one of them has helped me fix the problem, so I hope it's worked. =).
Ok! So that's all the stuff I had to say! (If I've forgotten you, PLEASE TELL ME!), and on with the story! Ohhh, I'm so worried about this, I hope you like it…
Chapter 10 – Truths Revealed.
Chris stared up at Balthazar wordlessly, whilst said demon glared down at him, his gruesome mouth curling upwards into an evil smirk.
"Not so smart-ass when you're alone, eh kid? You know, you might actually want to research who you're vanquishing next time before going in all guns blazing, just an idea. I'm an extremely high up demon, very important, you see. Therefore, a spell cast by a pathetic little whitelighter simply won't work-" he screamed in agony as Chris's teeth dug deeply into his gnarled hand. "Why you little-"
Chris spat on the floor then jumped off the sofa, "Why are you here?"
"Why, to get revenge on you." Balthazar said slowly, as if Chris was an extremely young child. "And do you know how to get revenge on one Halliwell?"
Chris frowned, wondering if this was a rhetorical question. After a few moments of silence, he muttered sarcastically, "I don't know. Do tell, I'm dying to know-"
"Why, you hurt another Halliwell of course!" the demon grinned gleefully, before flaming out.
Chris strode forward , trying to grab the demon, swearing loudly when he failed.
"Leo? Are you sure you're ok, sweetie?" Phoebe asked for about the tenth time as Leo rubbed his swollen jaw.
"Yes, Phoebe, I'm fine." The Elder answered wearily, "Does anyone know where Chris is?"
"Leo…no offence or whatever, but he hit you, so why do you even care?" Paige asked in confusion, her eyebrows closing together as she frowned.
"That's not really Chris."
"What? You mean he's possessed or something?"
"No…I think he's hurting, Paige. He's got no-one here, and we treat him like something we've stepped on, worse in fact. I think he's been containing his anger for a long time now, his grief too, and…it just exploded…" he broke off as the women and Cole stared incredulously at him. "…What?"
"I think Chris unintentionally knocked some sense into you, Leo."
"Oh, ha-ha Phoebe."
"Seriously though, that kid can pack a punch. Who'd of thought our scrawny little whitelighter was capable of it?" Phoebe pondered.
"Yeah, well, there's a lot of things we don't know about him, and we never will unless he comes back and talks-"
"Oh, Piper, he has come back! But I don't think dear little Chrissy is up to much talking, do you?" A slimy voice declared, stepping out of the shadows of the attic.
"Balthazar," Cole breathed in horror, "H-how?"
"Oh, quite simple, really. You see Cole, I am you. They can't destroy me, without destroying you. Remember- no, you wouldn't would you? They erased your memory."
"What are you talking about?" Cole whispered.
"Do you have a period," he started, smiling as if he already knew the answer, "Oh, say a few years ago, when you can't remember a single thing?" He paused as he watched Cole rack his brains, then continued, "A ritual was performed where five candles were lit around a bowl, and on the wall, an upside down pentagram would have been drawn, then the spell uttered, "We call to you that away was torn, return to use, demon of-"
"-human born." Cole finished in horror, remembering reading about the spell, "What-what happened?"
"It split you into two halves, Cole m'boy. And these two halves were brought back as separate entities, which, consequently resulting in you losing your memory and then there's the possible disruption that's been done to the timeline…mainly by Chrissy."
"W-what? You can't be serious."
"Oh, but I am. And, to prove it, I'm going to summon you all a little present." He waved his hand and Chris arrived in the attic where he was placed in a dark crystal cage by the demon. "You see, my crystals are much stronger than yours. Little Chrissy can easily escape from yours anytime, but not mine. No-one has ever escaped from mine. I remove the bodies at my leisure."
The demon continued his monologue, not realising that Chris had closed his eyes and was chanting quietly.
"Oh yes, so as I was saying, I'm truly sorry, Cole, but your nephew here has been a huge nuisance, what with him killing all my colleagues and trying to 'save' Lord Wyatt, when all of us in the Underworld and perfectly content with things just the way they are."
"Oh really? So, you like being treated like a slave and being constantly ordered around by a guy in his mere twenties?" Chris breathed in the demon's ear, threateningly, "I'd say that was kinda pathetic, don't you?"
Balthazar spun round, his cloak billowing out like a hurricane. "How-my cage is supposed to- completely and utterly-". Words failed him as he took in his dark crystal cage…which Chris had somehow blown apart.
Chris smirked. "I told ya before. You really underestimate my power. Just because I don't use most of them, doesn't mean I don't have them. Most of them simply lie dormant until such a situation arises where it is necessary for me to use them."
The demon frowned again. "Ah." He suddenly grinned. "No matter, Chrissy. I am still going to get my revenge on you."
"No." Chris growled. "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh, I think I just might, Chrissy-boy. But, who to choose?" He frowned again, pondering his dilemma. "There's just too many of you- sweet little Paige…hyper little Phoebe….or how about Leo, Chris? Although, you detest him, so it wouldn't really be revenge, would it now? Or how about your uncle Cole? Hmm, he's technically dead-"
"I'm warning you." Chris shouted bravely, "I wasn't lying about my powers!"
"Or…how about….fierce, but lovely Piper? Could you bear it, Chrissy? For history to repeat itself? For her to die at your hands again?" he taunted.
A variety of unrecognisable emotions flashed across Chris's face, and he made no effort to put on his emotionless mask for once. "Don't…" he whispered painfully.
"I can do it, you know. And you would be so…distraught, you'd willingly re-join Lord Wyatt. That's what happened the last time, if I remember correct-"
"I would never-" Chris protested.
"Less of the talking, Chrissy-boy. I want to see some action." He grinned and threw Chris on the floor, then turned to Piper where his grin widened. "Yes. I think I will choose Piper. "A broken Chris will willingly return to Lord Wyatt." He muttered.
"Oi! You! Yeah, you!" Piper suddenly shouted, Balthazar looked up at her, staring at her as if he wasn't used to being addressed in such a manner, which of course, was complete nonsense for that's how many of his leaders addressed him. "How would killing me destroy Chris?"
"Oh, I do love being the bearer of bad news!" The demon's grin stretched impossibly wider, "But I'm afraid that story will have to wait a little bit, this is not the time, nor the place. Let's deal with the matter at hand, shall we?" He threw a fireball at the eldest Charmed One as Chris jumped up from the floor, threw himself in front of her, where the both landed on the rug as the fireball zoomed over their heads and crashed into the door.
Chris pulled himself of the floor, then stretched a hand down to help the fallen witch. He stared horror-struck at her, "Did he hurt you?" he whispered.
"Chris! That's not the matter of concern here! Why would hurting me-"
".?" Chris repeated, his voice deepening into a growl.
"A little bit, but I'm ok, Chris! I don't know why you're so-"
"Son of a –" the whitelighter cursed as the last of his words were drowned out by his aiming of a fireball at the demon.
"Now, now, Chrissy. You really do not want to do that." He smirked.
"And why not?" Chris demanded.
"Because, Chris m'boy," he smiled manically, " I could kill your mommy here in half the time it'd take that fireball to travel over here and still have time to send her a postcard."
There ya go! So, what did ya think? Reviews would make my day, seriously! =).
HUGE BIG THANKS TO ZARA (werepuppy black) for being awesome and helping me with this last chapter, particularly with the conversation between Cole and Balthazar!
As I said, a sequel is planned, not sure when though =) .