DISCLAIMER: All characters and story world belong to SM. All lyrical references and quotes are property of their original artist. No copyright infringement intended.

A/N: Special thanks to z3raphim my beta and OCDmess, my gray cloud ficwife.
Songs listened to on repeat: Nine Inch Nails – The Becoming. The Fray – She Is.

*Warning. This chapter includes in-depth discussion of child abuse and some minor violence.*

"I won't give up, it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head."
~Nine Inch Nails – The Becoming

The Becoming
Chapter Twenty-Five

Shit got crazy, fast.

Charlie came back with Officer Rathbone, who had a black eye, and had Jasper's mom in the back of the squad car in handcuffs. Rose followed them and came in demanding to see her brother. Jasper's mom was screaming a list of profanities that almost made me blush.

Then shit hit the fan.

Jasper came out of the interview room, and all hell broke loose. His mom started yelling at him: how much shit he was in, how she was going to beat his ass, make him regret saying a word, you get the picture. They finally managed to get her taken to the back to be locked up.

Then Rose walked up to Jasper and slapped him. Straight up slapped him. Officer Patrick got between them quickly enough, but then she started in about how he could do this, she's not perfect but doesn't deserve this, and so on.

It wasn't until Jasper pulled his shirt off that everything went quiet. Like, eerie horror movie quiet. Rose stumbled back, her hand to her mouth and her eyes wide. Jasper never said a word. He didn't have to. Rose started crying, mumbling under her breath, and reached toward him slowly. She took one step, then another, until her hand was pressed against his chest, tracing a scar.

"Oh my god, Jazz… oh my god," she mumbled more audibly.

Jasper reached for her and she fell into his arms a sobbing mess. She wrapped her fingers in his hair and hugged him close. She was rambling between sobs, but I couldn't make out the words.

They stayed like that for a solid minute, unmoving. She slowly took a step back and lifted his chin.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" she asked in a whisper, still sniffling.

"I couldn't risk she'd do the same to you," he said quietly.

She hugged him again, briefly this time, and that's when Emmett showed up.

"What the hell is going on, Rose? Why the frantic ca–" he paused, seeing Jasper and all his scars.

"Holy shit, man," he said under his breath.

"Jasper, we need you to finish your statements, please. We can do a family reunion later. Child Protective Services should be here soon, and they will want to read what you have and conduct interviews," Charlie said as he came back into the lobby.

Jasper nodded, slipped his shirt back on and went back into the room behind him. Officer Patrick and the counselor followed, closing the door behind them.

Rose flung herself into Emmett's arms, sobbing again.

"Rose, baby, what's going on?" Emmett asked as he rubbed her back. "What happened to Jasper?"

"My mother," she said between sobs. "My mother happened."

I turned and looked back at Bella for the first time since all the drama started and she had tears in her eyes, but they hadn't fallen yet. She was holding Alice against her, rubbing her shoulder as Alice hid her face.

I sighed and took my seat, glancing at Carlisle, but he was looking out the window at the car pulling up. It was Child Protective Services.

Seven hours.

That's how long it took for us to finish more statements, interviews, paperwork, and so much more I can't even remember. They were just getting to Jasper when we were told we could leave. Charlie asked if Bella could go home with us until he got home, and Carlisle agreed. Alice called to see if her mom would let her stay as well, and she agreed, but only after speaking to Carlisle at length about what happened. She'd find out anyway from Emmett and Rose.

We left the station and drove home in silence. Bella and Alice were in Bella's truck behind us, and from watching the rearview mirror, it didn't look like they spoke either.

The car door closed with a loud thud waking me up from my thoughts, and I waited for Carlisle to unlock the door.

"Stay downstairs or leave the door open. Your choice," he said before the girls reached the steps.

I didn't feel much like arguing, so I just nodded and followed him inside, closing the door behind the girls.

"Drinks?" I asked with a sigh and kicked off my boots.

They both said sure, so we went into the kitchen. Carlisle was getting something as well, so I decided to take advantage of the moment and ask some questions I knew was on all our minds.

"So, what happens now?"

Carlisle sighed, setting his empty glass down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, they investigate, document and interview Jasper and Rose. They book Mary Hale. And CPS determines if he can go home with Rose or if he must go into their custody. I honestly don't know what they will do. Rose is eighteen, so it's possible. It will depend on their evaluation of the home and her mental state," he replied, slightly rambling.

"So he could be back home tonight?" Bella asked.

"Possibly. We won't know until tonight."

"What about his mom?" Alice asked.

"She assaulted an officer. That's a felony. Plus, however many counts of child abuse… she's looking at a lot of time. Even without a record. The chances she gets off with parole is slim, Charlie informed me."

"Good. Bitch deserves to rot," I said.

"Hungry?" Carlisle asked, changing the subject, a level of tired in his voice I'd never heard before.

"Why don't we just order something?" I suggested.

"Fine. You call, I'm going up to my study." He left money on the counter, and took his glass and walked out of the kitchen.

"Why did he take an empty glass?" Alice asked when his footsteps stopped above us.

"Scotch. He keeps it in his study. I've only seen him drink three times," I explained, concern in my voice.

"Oh," the girls said.

"Pizza?" I asked.

"Sure. Whatever you want on it," Bella replied, and Alice nodded in agreement.

I ordered pizza and sat in the living room to wait. The girls were silent for a long time before Alice finally spoke.

"Movie?" she suggested.

"Not in the mood," Bella said, and I was relieved I wasn't the only one.

"Do you think he'll call when he gets home or to Port Angeles?" Alice asked.

"If he gets to go home, probably. But I doubt he'll get to keep his phone if he's taken away," I said with a sigh.

More silence. I was fine with it, though. I hadn't done so much talking and listening since I woke up in the hospital after the… incident.

"So I'm thinking of re-doing my bedroom. New paint and stuff. I was thinking we could all do it together over the summer, if Jasper gets to come back, that is. You guys interested?" Bella asked, an attempt to distract us from everything.

Alice was excited by the idea, I just thought it sounded like manual labor. But time with Bella was always time well spent, so I agreed. They continued discussing color and decoration ideas, and shortly after, the pizza arrived.

We went upstairs, and I dropped a pizza off at Carlisle's study for him on the way. His eyes looked heavy and he seemed exhausted. I made a mental note to go easier on him this weekend, and to try harder. He really was doing Jasper and I a huge favor. One I'd always be appreciative of, and I'm sure Jasper would never forget.

We ate, listened to music, talked about who would get what homework for Jasper and take notes in which class, and then the phone rang around nine-thirty. I paused the music, and we fell silent, trying to hear Carlisle through the walls. We didn't have to try for long, because Carlisle walked into my room, still on the phone.

"I understand… I'm sure he's appreciative, Charlie… I'll be sure to let them know… I will… Thank you… They had some pizza already… I'll send them home soon… Alright… Thank you."



We all asked in unison.

"Well, Child Protective Services decided to let him stay with Rose. They'll be doing a random wellness check in the coming days before the hearing. His father was notified and is on his way home tomorrow. Charlie will be checking on him and Rose tomorrow, sometime after his father arrives to make sure he is still safe in the environment. He will be at school Monday, and I'd like to ask you all let him handle things with his family alone until then. No visiting."

We looked at each other, equal levels of happiness and shock on our faces.

"Yeah, of course. It's just one day. I'm sure he needs it to decompress," I said.

"What about long term?" Bella asked.

"I still plan to offer to foster if Rose and his father forfeit responsibility for him. When's his birthday, anyway?" Carlisle asked.

"September fifth," Bella answered. Leave it to her to know everything.

"Alright, so just the summer then, really. Senior year if he decides to stay here," Carlisle said to himself. "Bella, Charlie is on the way home, and Esme called Emmett and said it's time for Alice to come home. Rose is taking Jasper home now."

Alice grabbed one last slice of pizza, then her bag, and I walked them to the front door. That girl was tiny, but she could eat.

"Text me if you hear from him?" Bella asked.

I nodded, kissed her gently and they waved goodbye at the bottom step.

"You really are different with her," Carlisle said from the stairs.

I jumped. "Jesus. Scare a man. Yeah, I guess. She's different."

"I can see that," he said, and I turned to look at him. He had a tired grin on his face.

"Oh whatever," I mumbled.

"I'm headed to bed early, but did you still want to grab some patio furniture tomorrow for your balcony? I'm off tomorrow," Carlisle said.

I was confused. When did I say I needed patio furniture? Then this morning hit me like a ton of bricks. It seemed forever ago. "Oh, yeah, sure. I just want to sleep in a bit. I didn't sleep much. Jasper snores like Bella's truck," I replied, scrubbing down my face with my hands. Truth was, I hadn't slept at all, but he probably already knew that.

"Alright. Figure around noon we will head out then. We'll get some lunch, pick up something for dinner – make a day of it."

I just nodded and squeezed past him on the stairs to head to my room. He hollered goodnight from the bottom, but I ignored him. I was so tired, I wasn't sure I even had the energy to get out of my clothes.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

But the dreams came again.

I woke, soaking wet from sweat, and bolted upright in an instant. My room was still pitch black. It was barely four AM. I groaned, swung my feet over the bed to the edge and got a cold shock on the bottom of my feet. Rug. Buy one, I noted mentally, and grabbed my smokes.

Low lights. Blue. Night. Cold. Shivering. Head hurts. Darkness. Wet. Odd sounds. Salt.

I played the dream repeatedly in my head as I took drag after drag, smoking two cigarettes back to back. I wished Jasper was here to talk to about it all. He had a way of pulling information out of me I didn't know was there. I wondered what he was doing. If he was sleeping. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and flipped it open.

You awake?

I hit send and waited. Nothing came. I sighed, ran my hand through my hair, and decided on a shower. The hot water did nothing to my chilled bones, but I sat under it all the same. Wet. Odd sounds. Shivering. I shook my head and slapped my face a few times to try and get out of the daydream I was in. Nothing seemed to work. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went into the closet, looking for something warm to wear. It was the end of May, and yet I was freezing. I found a long sleeve Nine Inch Nails shirt and a thermal under shirt and pulled both on. Then I tugged on some winter socks, some black jeans, and grabbed the spare blanket on the sofa I had loaned to Jasper the night before. I curled up under my own blanket, pilling the second one on top and nestled in, still shivering.


I glanced at my phone – it was so far away. I groaned, sat up and grabbed it, ducking back under the covers quickly.

Now I am, Jasper replied.

How'd things go after we left? I hit send.

Long. Epically long.

No shit, I replied.

It was weird. Rose is being all mushy sweet. It's quiet. Weird.

See you at school Monday? I asked.

Yeah. See you then.

I closed my phone but didn't brave the cold to put it back on my nightstand. I must have passed out shortly after because next thing I knew, Carlisle was knocking on my door.

"Edward, you've been asleep all day," he said as he opened the door. "What the hell?"

I tried to sit up, but something was constricting me. I dug my way out and realized I had wrapped myself up in the blankets. I finally threw them off and swung my feet over the edge, landing on the floor, the winter socks a nice, warm barrier. "I need a rug," I said with a gravelly voice.

"Okay then. We'll get a rug," Carlisle said with a laugh. "Get dressed, let's get going."

"I'm dressed," I mumbled and grabbed my smokes and keys on the dresser.

"When did you get dressed?" he asked as we walked down the hall.

"When I woke up at four AM."

He stopped and looked at me. "More dreams?"

"Same ones. Nothing new. Let's go. I want coffee," I stated and kept walking.

I could feel him watch me, then he started walking again. I headed for the door, only pausing to pull on my boots.

"I thought you wanted coffee?" Carlisle asked, pointing to the kitchen.

"Good coffee. Come on."

Carlisle laughed again and locked the door behind us. In less than five minutes we were on the highway to Port Angeles. We stopped for coffee on the way into town. It wasn't Chicago coffee, but it was better than Forks.

"So, you and Bella seem to be really hitting it off," Carlisle started in after he handed me the coffee in the drive thru.

"One coffee minimum required before this starts," I stated, holding the cup up.

Carlisle grinned and shrugged. "Alright, I'm holding you to that."

We parked at the furniture store and made our way inside. We browsed separately for awhile before Carlisle found me at the fireplace display. It was warm, the coffee was warm, and I was starting to wake up out of the haze I'd been in. We made idle talk about what I wanted, found something, and bought it. Next, we went to Target for a few pieces, including my rug, and I got another coffee while Carlisle paid.

"Alright, that's two. Free reign now," Carlisle said as we got in the car.

"Oh come on," I pleaded.

"What makes her so different?" he asked, ignoring me.

I sighed and turned to stare out the window. "I don't know. She just is. She's odd. Eccentric. Not all about attention and clothes and makeup and girly shit. She cares about people but doesn't push. She gives me space," I said, spilling everything out, surprising even myself.

"She seems very responsible for her age. Something about her maturity. I wonder what brought it on," Carlisle commented.

"Her mother."

"Hm? What about her mother?" Carlisle asked.

"She left on her fifth birthday. Went to get candles and never came back. Left a note, but only Charlie and Billy Black know what it said. Bella took care of everything after that. Charlie, the house, the food, herself. She's strong. Stronger than most people give her credit for," I explained.

"Wow. That's some past. No wonder she seems so mature for her age. She practically ran the house as a toddler."

We pulled into a restaurant and parked. I stared out the window, thinking of Bella: wrapped in my arms, leaning against me, holding my hand, her lips against mine, her smile, her touch, her scent.

"How do you know if you love someone?" I blurted out before my mind could stop me.

Carlisle set the keys on the dash and cleared his throat. "You can't picture life any better than when you're with them, I'd imagine, and when you're apart, you can't stop thinking about them. The simple thought makes you smile, anxious, and nervous all at the same time." Carlisle paused, "I don't honestly know, I've never truly loved anyone like that, but that's what I like to think love is."

I nodded and swallowed. Did I love Bella? I thought about her a lot, and I was always happiest when she was around. I knew I didn't want to lose her. That much was all clear to me. But was there more to it than that?

I opened the car door and waited for Carlisle. We walked in, saw it was seat yourself, and took the booth in the corner. After a few minutes, the waiter took our drink order and left.

"So, I think I'm going on a date tonight," Carlisle said, seemingly out of nowhere.

"What? With who?" I asked, shocked.

"This woman at work in accounts payable."

"Wait, you mean Alice's mom?"

Carlisle shifted in his seat a little and flipped the page of the menu. "Her name's Esme, and yes."

I didn't know what to do. The girls had joked about it ages ago, but I didn't think anything of it. I was speechless. Carlisle had never shown any interest in women at work before. They all threw themselves at him, but he always ignored it. I didn't know what to make of this news.

"I didn't think it was possible to make you speechless," Carlisle chuckled.

"I… well… yeah. Awesome, I guess?"

"Don't sound so excited. It's just a night out," Carlisle said with a smirk.

"No, seriously, that's awesome. She seems like a really nice woman. Alice is really cool. A little young for my taste, but still cool to hang out with. Emmett isn't half bad either. A total jock, but not a dumb ass."

"So you're okay with it then?" he asked, glancing over the top of the menu. I let him stew for a few seconds before I shrugged. "A man of so little words," he joked, and he dropped the topic.

We ordered some burgers, ate, and headed back to Forks. We stopped at the market on the way home to pick up some quick meals but didn't get much else. We got home, unloaded the car, and I headed to my room. I hit shuffle on the i Pod and some Ministry played. I thought about what it would be like if Jasper was living here. Would he want his own room, or share one with me? If Carlisle took my room and made it into a study and bedroom in one, then Jasper could have the study, and I'd take Carlisle's current room. That would be a lot of moving around for just one year, though.

I stood in the middle of my room and looked at the layout. If I moved my bed further toward the balcony doors, we could get a second bed in on the other side of the nightstand, and just flip the couch and dresser to give more walk around space.

I started moving furniture, my mind set on keeping busy so the dreams wouldn't repeat in my head again. I focused on what life was going to be like living with another person. Would it be like having a brother? Did he think of me like that? Would he? After everything was moved, I sat on the bed and stared at my phone. Bella. Shit. I'd forgotten to text her.

Jasper said he'd see us at school Monday. I hit send.

A few minutes later, she responded. Did he say anything else?

Just that Rose is being too nice. And it's too quiet. Weird.

Oh. I hope he's okay there. She replied.

I think he'll be okay now. I hit send.

What are you up to? She asked.

Just moving things around my room. I got bored. What about you?

I'm picking out paint colors. Charlie agreed to letting me redecorate this summer.

I smiled at the idea of hanging out all summer with Bella and Alice and Jasper. What color did you pick?


blue lights. Shivering. Salt.

I tossed the phone on the bed and curled up in a ball in the center of my floor. I laid there for what felt like hours, my phone dinging repeatedly somewhere in the back of my mind. I heard a faint knock but didn't move an inch. I couldn't move, even if I wanted to. The dream just played in a loop in my head, never ending. Always starting over again at the same end. Salt.

There was mumbling downstairs, then footsteps. I tried to move but just couldn't get my mind to connect to my limbs.

"Edward? Edward! What's wrong?" I heard Carlisle asking far away. My eyes opened without my permission and I saw his face. I tried to blink, but he was holding my eyes. I groaned at the bright light.

"Edward, can you move or talk?" I felt him let go of my eyes and try to pull me up into his arms. The movement was slow and I could tell he was straining. I tried to help, and finally my limbs responded to my wishes, jerking quickly once, then relaxing.

"Yeah," I said quietly, my throat dry and my head pounding.

"Is he alright, Carlisle?"

Bella? Why was she here?

"I don't know yet, Bella. Help me with his arm, I'm trying to sit him up. That's it. Gently."

Slowly, I came to. Everything wasn't far away anymore, and my arms and legs moved, though they felt heavy, like they were asleep. I sat up, Carlisle slowly let go, and I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light.

"What happened, Edward?" Carlisle asked with a concerned tone.

I looked around and saw Bella sitting on her knees beside him on the floor. "I just kept replaying the dream. It wouldn't stop. Is there water?" I asked.

Carlisle asked Bella to grab some water from downstairs, and she bolted to her feet and down the stairs. She was back in seconds, slightly out of breath.

"Thanks," I mumbled, and drank half the bottle in several gulps.

"Why couldn't you move?" Bella asked as Carlisle took my pulse. I didn't fight him.

"Your heart is racing," Carlisle commented.

"Everything just felt too heavy. Like I was asleep, and everything else was asleep, but my mind was awake. It was weird."

"Sleep Paralysis. Those are typical symptoms. Has this ever happened before?" Carlisle asked.

I shook my head and drank more water. Bella scooted closer and put a hand on my knee. Her touch made everything feel better. I didn't know how she did it, but she always made me feel calm. Carlisle took my pulse again, looked at Bella and furrowed his brows.

"It's slowed. It's normal again," he stated, slightly confused.

I just shrugged and finished the bottle. "She's magic," I said under my breath. Bella heard it, though, and blushed.

"Thank you, Bella, for coming over to check on him. Your gut was right. I'll give you my number so next time you don't have to rush over here in a panic, you can just call me," Carlisle said.

She pulled out her phone and put in his number. She set it on the floor and then held her arms out to me. I shifted, then leaned into her arms so she was holding me from behind. Carlisle just looked away and got to his feet.

"Well, I was getting ready to head out, but maybe I should stay home tonight."

"No no, I'll be fine. I'm just going to fix something to eat and go to bed early anyway. Go out," I said in a hurry.

"Someone should stay here with you. It could happen again when you go to bed," Carlisle stated.

I swallowed at the idea of experiencing that again and tensed, but Bella stroked my arm and I took a deep breath. I'd be fine. I'd be fine.

"I could stay with him until you get home," Bella suggested.

"I don't think your father would appreciate that. But thank you, Bella," Carlisle said with a smile.

"No, he's in Port Angeles dealing with Child Protective Services. He said he'd be home really late. He doesn't need to know. I promise, nothing will happen. I'll fix some dinner, watch a movie, and stay downstairs until you get home. He shouldn't be alone, but it sounds like you have a date. Please, let me help." Her voice was even, and her reasoning was solid. We had just discussed how responsible she was earlier that day. Maybe Carlisle would go for it.

He seemed to consider for awhile before looking at his watch. He sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded once. "Alright. I don't know why I keep allowing you two to break rules, but I trust you, Bella. Nothing but dinner and a movie on the couch. I want both of you to swear to it."

"I promise," Bella said quickly, a strength in her voice I admired.

I nodded and leaned forward, out of Bella's arms. "I promise, nothing will happen."

He sighed again, shifted his weight and nodded. "Alright. Fine. Don't make me regret this. I'll be home by ten, ten thirty at the latest. Bella, if you need to get home sooner than that, just give me a call and I'll come straight home. I don't want Charlie getting upset with you. Or me, for that matter."

"I will, don't worry. Just go have some fun," she said with a smile.

We got up from the floor, and I took Bella's hand in my own, leading her downstairs. Carlisle finished getting ready in his room and found us in the kitchen when he was leaving. Bella and I were rummaging through the freezer for something that looked good, when Carlisle spoke.

"Alright, I'm leaving. Behave. I'm trusting you both more than any decent parental figure should. Don't let me down."

"We won't," Bella said. "Would you mind if I fixed something instead of a frozen dinner?"

Carlisle looked confused, then shrugged with a smile. "Sure, help yourself to anything in the house. Just don't burn the place down."

"Oh, I haven't done that since I was ten," Bella joked.

We all laughed, and I kissed her forehead. She blushed and looked at Carlisle.

"Be good. Have a good night."

"You too!" Bella said with a wave, and he left. "So who's the lucky lady?" she asked, opening the fridge and pulling out random things.

I sat at the bar and watched her for a moment, wondering how shocked she'd be at the answer. "Ms. McCarty," I finally revealed.

She froze, chicken still in her hand, and turned. "Esme?!" she gasped.

I grinned and nodded. "Indeed."

"No way! Oh my god. I wonder if Alice knows yet. She's going to freak out. We've been guessing this was coming for weeks."

"Wait, weeks? How'd you know?" I asked.

"Just how she's been acting. Super happy, always taking longer to get ready for work, fussing over her clothes and makeup being perfect. Alice had a feeling it was a guy at work, and we've been guessing it was Carlisle. Oh god, she's going to freak out." Bella set the chicken on the counter and pulled out her phone, texting quickly. Her fingers flew over the keys, and in seconds, there was a reply. She sent another. Another reply. Then her phone rang.

"Alice?" she asked grinning. "I know, right?! I'm at Edward's… no, I'll explain tomorrow at school. It's a long story… no, he doesn't know. If you see him come home, call me right away. Ok… I know!... Alright, love you too. Bye."

Love. My stomach flipped over and I just sat there, staring at Bella. I think I love her.

"She's freaking out. We knew it! I'm so happy for them. That's so awesome. I hope it works out. Just think, Alice could be your sister in a few years." She laughed and smiled wide, and I couldn't stop my own smile from forming. She was just this bright light in my life, and I always felt happiest when she was around. Carlisle was right. This is what love feels like.

I beckoned her over, and she stood on the other side of the bar. I leaned forward to try and kiss her, and she met me half way. I kissed her passionately, gliding my hand around the back of her neck. A few moments later, we slowly separated.

"What was that for?" she asked, smiling and a light in her eyes.

"Nothing. Just for being you."

She blushed and got to work on dinner. She made chicken parmesan and a loaded baked potato. I hadn't had such a good home cooked meal in my entire life. Well, that I remembered anyway. While we ate, Bella talked excitedly about Esme and Carlisle, what it would mean if they got together, and how long Esme had been alone. I just listened, casually tossing in a comment here and there, but I was still thinking about Carlisle's words in the car earlier that day.

After dinner, we went into the living room and I let Bella pick the movie. She looked through all the DVD's on the shelves, dragging her fingers over the covers as she perused. She pulled one out with a dark cover and handed it to me. I looked at the title and felt something in my throat. I swallowed and nodded.

The Crow. Love. Jasper's words from the other night rang loudly in my head. She'd picked The Crow.

I popped the DVD in, and sat on the couch, pulling Bella into my arms. She leaned against me, her legs curled back on the sofa and her head on my collar bone. The opening line began, and I could hear Bella saying each word quietly in unison. I smiled, she's seen this as many times as I have.

As we watched, Bella slowly curled up closer and closer. Eventually she was laying with her head in my lap as I stroked her hair. I watched her mouth the lines every now and then, smiling at her enjoying herself.

I felt complete.



I took her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers and rubbing her thumb as I ran my other hand through her soft hair. The montage scene of the flashbacks of Eric and Shelly happy together started and my stomach knotted up. I swallowed and watched Bella instead of the scene. She had a sad smile on her face, and my anxiety grew.

Could I do this?

"Say that again," she mumbled after Eric said he loved her in the movie.

"I love you," I said quietly, still watching her watch the movie.

She jumped slightly and turned in my lap to look at me, shock on her face. Slowly, the shock faded, and she smiled, her eyes lit up with something in them. I couldn't tell what it was.

"Say that again," she said softly, looking straight at me.

I swallowed, took a deep breath and ran my fingers down her cheek. "I love you."

A/N: Love to you all! Reviews are like cookies! Sweet and never enough!