I Don't Know a lot about King Henry the eighth, so bare with me. But I'm in love with the show The Tudors, so I'm going to go off that. Alice is my own OC, and if you don't like OC's tough, I do. Remember I own nothing an nothing belongs to me.


I never felt like I belonged, never in my entire twenty years on this little planet we call earth. I always felt in the background, out of sorts. I've always had friends, but I never connected with them, always kept my distance; it never felt right for me to be connected with them.

I even felt like I was born in the wrong time, I mean how crazy does that sound not even felling connected into your OWN time period. I feel like I should be committed (Not to offended anyone, I was).Sometimes I wish I could be taken anyway, to were I'm suppose to be; where I really belong, So I can actually be happy; and belong.

Little Did I know; I was going to get just that.