I'M SORRY! DON'T KILL ME WITH YOU GUNS AND KNIVES PLEASE! I really meant to update this sooner, but as time went by, I lost interest in this story, please forgive me. I don't know when I'll update this, or even if I'll continue it, so I wont promise you anything. I've resently gotten absessed with Megamind and wrote a short fanfic about it last night, which got me back into the writers zone. I was looking through everything and I found this story and remembered that I never finished a chapter so I finished it today, so if at the end it sounds different, then that's because there is a year difference in between the last paragraph.

I hope you injoy this, my awesome readers!

Chapter 12

The bright sun beat down on me as I limped around the amusement park randomly, wondering where Boris was. I wanted to leave, but I didn't have my stuff or hadn't said goodbye to Boris. I didn't want to be mean, he was so nice and funny, so much so that I was even thinking asking him if I could stay. But I didn't want to be a burden, I would only bring him down.

I limped slowly, looking around me in hope that I might find something I remembered, but was dismayed to find that nothing was familiar. After a few minutes of wondering around, I gave up and limped over to one of the overly happy workers. When I was near enough, I called out, waving my hand, trying to catch her attention.

When she saw me, she smiled widely and skipped over to me, asking happily, "Is there something you need, honored guest?"

I nodded and asked, "Yes, were can I find Boris?"

The worker nodded with enthusiasm and waved after her as she began to walk away, "This way! He can be found in many places, but luckily I just saw him a moment ago! He was looking for a young miss..." She paused, looking at me, or more like studying me, then something downed on her as she saw me limp after her.

"You wouldn't happen to me Miss Alice, would you?" She asked as she continued to lead me through the park. When I nodded, she smiled brightly, "Well! Boris will be relieved to hear that his friend is safe! He was running around in panic, asking where you were! Dear me, I've never seen him like that!" she continued, a thoughtful look clamming her eyeless face. But I was to busy lost in my own thoughts to hear anything else that she said.

He was worried about me? So worried that he'd run around asking were I was? A warm feeling began to bloom in my chest, it's warmth flickering like a flame in the wind, making it bigger and warmer. A small smile slide onto my lips, a new urge to see him coming over me. I was so happy, that I began to limp a little faster and lighter, a little hop in my step, not caring that it brought more pain.

The amusement park worker saw me brighten up and smiled, walking a little faster as well, trying to get me to my waiting and sure to be worried friend. We rounded a corner to be met with what we had been searching for.

We saw Boris walking quickly around, his hand on his chin, his tail twitching nervously, and his pinkish-purple ears flicking this way and that. A happy and relieved smile brightened my face as I limped his way. I cried out his name, unthinkingly really, and later on, I was really surprised that I did it with such relief and happiness.


Boris's point of view: a little after the fight

I quickly ran down a sidewalk, ignoring the many surprised faces that I passed. There was only one face I wanted to see, and it was Alice's. Worry flowed threw me, from ear tip to tail tip, as I recalled the last time I'd seen her.

I had watched helplessly as she limped away, seeing the panic in her chocolate brown eyes. I was about to shout out her name when a bullet exploded next to me, bringing me back to the reality of the fight.

A fear for her overwhelmed every pore in my body, a fear that I'd never felt before in my life, as I watched her scream out in fright as a bullet exploded next to her. Also beside that fear, was a growing anger, an anger at those who could bring potential harm to her.

I shook my head, trying to clear the anger from my mind, wishing that we were still riding the roller-costars, having fun. For a moment, just a moment, I had been lost in the memory's from just a few minutes ago.

(sorry, it's a little confusing but he's remembering about a time he remembered, just go along with it)

I grinned, eyeing Alice's blue berry ice cream. I pointed behind her, the grin still in place and said, "Look, there's a fire breathing clown over there!"

I watched as her warm chocolate brown eyes widened in excitement and wonder. I almost snickered when she turned around so fast that her hair turned into a twirling umbrella of brown. While she was searching, I quickly grabbed her ice cream and stuffed it into my mouth. Luckily she had eaten enough of it that I wouldn't get a brain freeze, so I managed to swallow it whole.

I had just finished swallowing and had managed to compose myself when Alice turned back around, confusion in her eyes. She looked at me, a slight frown of her lips, and said, "I don't see one," and that was the last straw. I broke down laughing, licking my now blue berry tasting lips. She razed her eyebrow at me as she reached down for her ice cream.

When her hand found nothing, she looked down in puzzlement, only to look back up at me and shout, "Hey, that's mean!" I snickered as she got up and tackled me. I blushed lightly when we collided, but laughed louder when she started to try to get my ice cream.

"You better give me yours or your going to get it!" she laughed, a breath taking smile brightening her face. The sight of it made my clock tick faster, filling me with a comforting warmth that I had never felt before.

I grinned and lifted the ice cream high above my head, far out of her reach. She laughed, jumping as high as she could, arms outstretched, trying to get it. I laughed when she stopped and walked back a few steps,a small grin on her face. I smirked and wave the ice cream in front of me, teasing, "What? Giving up already?"

She stuck her tongue out and shouted, "You wish!" She dashed toward me, a determined grin on her face. I took a step back, surprised, as she jumped high, her left hand grabbing my shoulder for support, her right reaching up for the ice cream. Her hand missed by inches, but I couldn't take the force of the impact and ended up falling.

My back hit the floor, and the ice cream flew out of my hand, splattering against the cement. We were quiet for a moment, then we bursted out laughing. She layed her head down on my chest and giggled away, while I laugh with her, holding her closer, my tail tickling her nose.

I sat up, Alice still giggling in my lap, and reached up, grabbing the cotton candy on the table that we had bot earlier. I brought it down in front of us, and looked over at Alice, who was still giggling uncontrollably with her head against my shoulder. A idea formed in my head and I innocently asked, "Do you want some?"

When she nodded, I grinned evilly and shoved it all in her face. She froze as I feel back onto the floor, howling with laughter. She grabbed the cotton and tried to pull it all off, only to find that it wasn't going to be that easy. I laughed harder when she tried to wipe off her face with her hands, managing to get most of it off. But that wasn't what made me laugh, what did was the fact that she had somehow managed to smear it onto her face in the process, making her look like someone had painted her face a sticky mess of pink.

She pouted at me, holding a hand full of pink cotton candy in front of her, but I could see amusement in her eyes. I saw her pause for a moment, a mischievous look lightened them. She placed down half of the cotton candy and tor off a piece. She took a bight, and after savoring the taste, from her perch on my stomach she held out the rest, asking, "Do you want some?"

I had a parity good idea of what she was about to do, I could see the look in her chocolaty brown eyes, but I went along with it. I nodded, opening my mouth wide. She grinned evilly and shoved it all into my face. She pulled her hand back and began to laugh hard, hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. I grinned, licking my know cotton candy covered face, and laughed with her.

I didn't want this to end. Nothing in the world could bring me down know! I felt invincible, like I could do anything, as long as Alice was with me. A warm glow enveloped me as I watched her laugh and smile with a warmth so foreign to me.

I winced as a bullet exploded next me, drawing me from my happy memory's and back to the battle. A protective instinct overwhelmed me and I ran toward Alice, only to stop in surprise as the Hatter picked her up and made a run for it. Were was he taking her? And what's with that grin on his face? Thoughts flew through my head, only to sink into a deeper panic, not able to come up with a rational explanation for that grin.


That had been the last I'd seen her and that was nothing conferting about it. I stopped and asked a random worker if she'd seen her, a dole hope driving me forward. When she she said no cheerfully, I quickly turned around and ran on, dismay coloring every step I took.

I stopped in a open area and began to pace, worry and dismay clouding my mind so much so, I couldn't see anything in front of me except the visions of what could have happen that came out of nowhere.

I was just about run off again when I heard the one voice I had been searching for.


Alice's point of view

His ears perked up and he turned quickly around, his face filled relief at the sound of my voice. "Alice!"

He ran over to me and hugged me close, "Are you alright!" I blushed at the movement, surprised and happy he thought of me so highly. I smiled and hugged him back, "Ya, I'm fine."

He pulled back and a relieved grin lightened his face. "Thank God. When I saw the Hatter pick you up and make a run for it, I-I-I... panicked... I thought he might have done something to you." He stuttered out, looking away, his face turning a light shade of pink.

I paused, letting that sink in...Blood doing something to me? Memory's from not to long ago flashed through my head. The calm but dark and frightening way he spoke to me, scarring me into going to his tea party, or my tea party he'd told me. I shivered lightly, a dark mood coming over me. Why? Why did he act like that? Why?

Boris saw my mood darken, realizing that he might have been right. A horrified look clammed his face and he worriedly shouted out, "Did he do something to you?"

I looked back up at his horrified face, realizing that he'd come down to the worst conclusion, and quickly shook my head, "No! He'd didn't do anything to me!" I paused, realizing that that might be a lie and added quietly, "At least not anything like that..."

He calmed down a little, his horrified look disappearing, but he could see that something was still troubling me, and his worried look remained. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Did something happen?"

I quickly shook my head and stepped away from his embrace. I hesitated then said, "I'm going to leave soon, I came looking for you so I could say goodbye. I didn't want to leave without saying anything."

He looked dismayed, but he nodded, seeing to understand that I couldn't stay here. He was about to say something when I quickly put in, "But before I leave, would you mind leading me back to your room so I can get my stuff?"

He nodded and grabbed my hand, "Ya, but you have to promise to come back and play before I do."

I grinned, "Ya, and what if I don't?"

He smirked and looked away, saying boredly, "Then I guess your stuff is know my stuff."

I paused, a thoughtful mask on my face. Then I asked innocently, "So you want to wear dresses?" My mask fell, leaving a playful grin on my face, "Oh wow Boris, I didn't know you were into stuff like that."

He looked back at me in surprise as I continued, walking a little closer and pretended to examine him, shaking my head in mock horror. "Who knew? I don't think you'd look good in something like a dress but if that's what you into, I wont stop you."

Boris sighed, slapping his hand on his forehead and mumbled in defeat, "Ok, Ok, I'll let you have your stuff. Just please, stop with that, I don't think I can take anymore."

I grinned and took his hand, "Don't worry, I was just joking, I'll come and play with you when I can. But seriously, can you take me to my stuff, I probably should leave soon."

He sighed but nodded and lead me away from the open area we had been standing in. But unaware to us both was that 2 workers had been watching our exchange and were now grinning at each other. They had just found the cutest couple, and they were determined to get them together. Even if it cost them their clocks.

I limped slowly down a hallway with Boris at my side, my face set in a slight grimace. The pain in my leg was throbbing again and I could feel the warm red liquid seep out of the bandage, making a beaded line down my leg. Boris's hand covered mine, a warm, calm, presence that led me through the halls I didn't know.

We stopped in front of a door, which led to his room, I know because it was purple and had a pirate like skull mark on the front, and Boris opened it. I limped in and made a bee line strait for the bed. When I was close enough, I jumped lightly with my unhurt leg and dived for the covers, forgetting everything, and only wishes of sleep and release from this pain in my mind.

I hissed when I landed, regretting that I had been so impatient, because know my leg hurt even more from the hard bouncing motion from the bed. I looked up from my perch on the bed to see Boris looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his purple/pink tail flicking in a quick motion, showing even more so how worried he was.

I gave a pained grin, "No, I don't think so, I think my leg's bleeding again."

I pushed myself up into a siting position and stretched out my bandaged leg as far as I dared. His pierced ears flattened as he saw the bloodied bandage. He turned and dashed out of the room, shouting as he went, "I'll go get a first aid kit! Don't move until I get back!"

"I wasn't going to in the first place!" I shouted after him, my face set in a slight pout.

After a long moment of silence, I couldn't take it anymore and shuffled to the edge of the bed, swinging my legs carefully over and onto the floor. My eyes scanned the room, searching for something to keep my mind from the unending throbbing pain, and landed on my backpack. My eyes brightened with interest when they soon dimmed, realizing that it was all the way across the room. Meaning I'd have to get up and walk over there to get it, which also meant using my bleeding leg.

NO, WHY? WHY ARE YOU SO FAR AWAY? I thought with dismay and anger. My face set in a pained, thoughtful expression, as my common sense and my desperation for something to do waged a war in my mind. 'Don't do it! You'll only make it worse if you put any weight on it!' Common Sense drilled, only to be out shouted by my desperation, 'If you don't do it, you'll have nothing to do but focus on the pain! If you get it, you can take your mind of the pain! Even if it makes things worse, you can deal with it!'

A determined fire lit my eyes as common sense lost out when I couldn't take it anymore. I slowly stepped up from my perch on the bed and limp toward the bag. My eyes hardened as pain shot through my leg and up my spine, and suddenly, I wasn't so sure I could make it. But I wasn't one to usually give up just because of just a little pain, it just wasn't me. So I quickened my limp and delt with the increasing pain, my mind shoving out all doubt from my mind.

My eyes brightened with relief when my hand final touch the handle strap, knowing that I was half way done. I turn around quickly, wincing when my leg throbbed again and blood seeped through my already bloody bandage, and limped as fast as I dared, backpack in hand and dragging on the floor.

Relief was so grand on my stiff body and mind when I fell to the bed face foreword. A sigh escaped my lips as the pressure was lifted from my leg. After a moment, I sat up and pulled my bag into my lap. I opened it up and dug my hands in, searching for something to distract me (not that anything in there wasn't distracting). My fingers folded and lifted a small object from the bag, and I wasn't surprised to see that it was my phone. And even more unsurprising was the fact that there was 4 unheard new messages waiting for me.

I flinched, remembering that I had forgotten to call Daddy yesterday AND today. He's probably angry, I thought as I flipped it open and pressed play on the first message.

"Alice! Call me! Or your grounded! For LIFE! I found out somethings about were you are, or were. I'll lecture you later, but call me! Do you hear me? Beeeeep!"

I sighed with relief, at least he didn't sound to angry. But then my face showed curiosity as I processed the fact that he knew something about this place. I was just about to call him when there was a loud "BANG!"

I turned my head to the door as Boris came running in carrying a first aid kit. He made a bee line strait to me and quickly opened the kit, his face shining lightly in the light. He paused and looked up at me, his yellow eyes filled with worry, and ask, "Does it still hurt?"

I twitched and nodded, biting my lip, my leg throbbed again, showing that it agreed. Yes, yes it did hurt.

He nodded and slowly began to unwrap the bloodied bandage, his hands lightly tugging so he didn't bring more unnecessary pain to the open wound. A light shade of pink colored his face but I couldn't fined the reason why it was there. We both flinched when the last strip was tugged lose, exposing the half scabbed and cracked, bloody wound.

I hissed as the cold fresh air made contact with open flesh. Boris heard my hiss and quickly began to take out the necessary things from the kit, like fresh bandages and alcohol to kill the germs.

The next few minutes were a blur to me, my eyesight blurring from unspilled tears, and the pain consuming my every thought, I couldn't pay much attention to Boris or his worried quick movements.

After what seemed like forever, the pain dimmed and I came to, hearing a freaked out Boris shout my name.

"-ice! Alice! Are you alright? Come on, answer me!" My eyes cleared and I was meet with a pale sealing, Boris's head hovering to the side, his yellow eyes practically glowing with his worry, which was a lot.

After a moment I nodded and sat up, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. I looked over at him and smiled, "Thanks."

He blushed and looked away, his tail flicking left and right. I was about to ask him how long I was out when I felt a slight vibration next to me.


I looked down next to me, curiosity filling my eyes, to see that my phone was the cause of the vibrations and it's screen had lightened up a light blue. I picked it up, ignoring Boris's curious eyes, and looked at who was calling. Daddy. Of course, I should've known.

My eyebrow twitched as I flipped it open and held it against my ear. "Hello?" I asked in a sarcastic voice. I wasn't surprised that Boris gave me a look.

"...Ummm Hi?" Boris said, his face pulled in a confused smile.

I shook my head at him, my lips pulling into a small grin. I didn't have to say anything, Daddy did it for me.

"Alice! Finally! Do you know how many times I've called you? You've got some explaining to do, young lady." my father said, his voice filled with irritation and relief.

I enjoyed the look of pure astonishment that flickered onto Boris's face, I just loved watching their reactions to technology.

"I know, I know, jeez Daddy, you keep over reacting, nothing bad has happened. You don't need to send me millions of messages JUST because I forgot to call you ONE day," I complained, voicing my irritation. I sighed and layed back down.

"Well deal with it, I'm your father, and that's what fathers are suppose to do."

I looked over at Boris, my lips twitching, fighting a smile. Boris was... well, lets just say he was so surprised, I think he turned to stone from shock or something. I couldn't take it any more. I just couldn't resist teasing him with that expression plastered to his face.

My lips pulled into a full fledged grin, "What is it, Boris? Is something wrong?"

He blinked, shook his head, and pointed at the phone. "D-Did that thing just talk?"

I nodded and smiled, "Ya!"

"Alice! Who are you talking to? It sounds like a boy."

I sighed, my smile falling a fraction, "Ya, it's a boy Daddy, and his name his Boris."

He was silent for a moment then he quietly asked, "Does this boy have pinkish-purple hair?"

"Yes," I answered in surprise.

Another pause, then he asked, "Does he have cat ears and a tail?"

I blinked and answered "Yes" again, my eyes locking onto Boris, who was know looking puzzled.

"Daddy, do you know Boris?"

"Ya, do I know you, ummm sir?" Boris asked, leaning foreword, his face leaning in close to the phone, a unsure, puzzled, and curious look masked his usual smirking one.

Another pause, "...Boy... can you hear me?"

Boris nodded, "Ya."

"Then listen close and listen hard, if you lay a FINGER on my daughter, then I will PERSONALLY come over there and teach you a lessen you wont soon forget, you cat eared, girl licking, ****!" He shouted so loudly, it made both of us lean back.

I swear, my eardrums practically almost burst. I'd been holding it to my ear like any regular person would, and when he shouted, well, if it made Boris lean back, who had been sitting a little bit away and wasn't even in the direction the sound would come from, imagine how much pain my ear was in.

Ya, it hurts, doesn't it?

But I soon forgot that, my mind was in to much shock. D-did he just say what I think he just said? 'cat eared, GIRL LICKING, ****'?

"WHAT?" Both me and Boris shouted out in shock.

"You heard me, know stay AWAY from my daughter, or your not gonna have a tail to swing around anymore."

"W-W-W-What, D-D-D-Daddy! You must be mistaken, Boris isn't that k-kind of person! Right Boris?" I stuttered, panic in showing in my voice.

"R-R-Right! I-I-I don't know who your talking about, but it surly can't be me, I h-h-haven't even k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-i-i-i-ssed a girl before. You must be talking about some other pinkish-purple haired, cat eared, tail boy that I don't know!" Boris stuttered, his face as red as a face could possibly be.

"Well you may not have done any of that YET. But if you spend more time near my daughter, then there is no avoiding it."

"What do you mean? He would never do something like that to me! You don't even know him, so what gives you the right to judge him? Huh?" I shouted at the phone, my anger consuming my shock. He shouldn't be so mean to one of the nicest people I've known.

"*sigh*, if you'd listen to my messages, then you would know that I have found out more about the world that your in."

I paused, my anger subsiding a little, "Well, spit it out, before I hang up on you."

"Well, for one thing, I found out that there are four territory's, the Hatters territory, the Castle of Hearts territory, the Amusement Park territory, and the Clock Tower territory. There is a war going on in that world at the moment and the only natural ground around there is the Clock Tower territory. And another thing I found out is that there are role holders in each territory, don't ask me what they are because I haven't found out enough to understand that yet. All I know is that they have faces, with eyes. Boris is one. Another thing, don't go to the Hatters territory."

"Why?" I asked looking at Boris to see if all that he had said so far was true... Apparently it was.

"...Just DON'T, if you ever see Blood, the Boss, please promise me you'll run, please. He's a VERY bad man who will do VERY BAD things to you if you get close to him. In fact, everyone will at some point and time, but he's the worst. So stay away from him for me. Please."

….Wha...?Blood flashed into my mind, his smirking face grinning down at me, then his cold, commanding smiling face flashed into my mind. I shivered. I-I don't know what to believe, Blood had been so nice to me when I'd stayed there, but the way he'd invited me to his tea party... I don't know.

"...I-I'm sorry Daddy...but I've already promised to go to his tea party. I can't do as you ask." I mumbled, my voice slightly dark. My thumb moved to the off button of it's own accord.

"WHAT? Stay aw-*Beep*..." The phone flipped shut and fell from my hand.

Boris looked at me, his face slightly surprised, and asked, "Is everything alright?"

I looked over at his worried face, my eyes hidden behind clumps of my brown hair, and muttered, "Everything's fine. I just have a party to worry about."