Hey, Everyone! Hope you like this story. I thought about it a lot, but if you don't like it, tell me how I can make it better.

I don't own Sonic or any of them… it would be cool if I did though…

If I could go into A Millen Peaces

Chapter One: I hate perfect

"No, no, a little to the left!" Amy Rose yelled to the younger middle schoolers. This was the 18th time Amy yelled that, they were getting a little impassion!

"Amy! It doesn't have to be perfect!" Said a silver eyed cat. Her fur was also silver, hair going to her hips in pig tails. She was wearing a black dress with boots that go knee high. Sonic came up be hided the cat.

"Jane's right. It's just a dance. Give the 6th graders a break." Sonic said. Amy looked shocked.

"Wow. Just a DANCE?! JUST! The most important dance of our middle school life!" Amy was mad, what's new there. Jane rolled her eye as if Amy was wasting her breath. To her, she was.

"I didn't even go last year, not going to go this year." Sonic said simply. The look on Amy's face was like she didn't understand what he said.

Jane looked at Sonic. "If you're not going, why are you helping set up?" She asked.

"Its ether this, or Friday Night School." Sonic said with a smile.

"Is that from all the trays you keep getting?" Amy asked.

"For being the "fastest thing alive" you never make it to class on time?" Said a deep voice.

"Yeah… I'm never at class on time, am I Shadow?" Sonic looked be hided Jane to see Shadow.

"Sonic! A phone call for you in the offices! It's your Mother!" A teacher yelled in Sonic's direction. He's smile was now gone.

"What does she want?" Sonic asked, more to himself then anyone around him…


"Mom…" A Kid Sonic said a bit shaky, "Mom… I'm… I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He looked scared.

"A "B"?" Sonic's mom asked, Sonic began to cry, "A grade of a B is not perfect! A… a… B! Why most you bring home a failing grade?!"

"Bu- but m-m-mommy, the teacher said-"

"What does she know? Hm, Sonic? Nothing! We put you in the best elementary school… and this… THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME AND YOUR FOTHER?! What college will except you with a failing grade as a B?" She looked down at her crying son, "You're in a better school then the rest of the family!" Her words, all of them, echoed through Sonic's mind.

End of Flashback

Sonic was in the offices, talking on the phone, "Mother, you haven't changed at all, have you…"

"What's that so post to mean?" Martha, Sonic's mother said.

"Nothing at all, mother. What did you need?"

"Meet me at the Baton Rouge at 7 O' clock. We can talk then." She sounded present.

"The Baton Rouge? Isn't that an old closed down casino?"

"Now, it's a restraint, Sonic. I… I don't have time for this!" Martha yelled.

Sonic frowned, "You don't ever have any time for me. But you always had time for Sonia and Manic…"


"You had time for your best friend's kids, but not your own son! Is it still like that?!" The other line went died…

Sonic's House

Sonic walked passed his coffee table and knocked everything off. "I HATE PERFECT!"