A/N: I DO NOT own Watchmen, it is property of Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, and DC Comics. To any of you Lady Gaga fans out there, I saw her last night. LIVE. In Cleveland. If see comes near you, I just have to say this: GO. It was incredible. The costumes. The stage effects. The overwhelming abundance of gay men. GO. SEE. HER. If you look around for Monster Ball tickets I know there are still some out there. Go. This is the end. I just feel there is nothing left here. For anyone interested, I am soon starting a True Blood fanfic about Godric. Being turned in 8 A.D. And his relationship with his maker up until moving to Dallas. Thank you all for being with me through these two stories. I've enjoyed you so much. Much love. -61.

Starting Fresh

December 25th, 1986

"You know, I'm starting to think she likes you more than she likes me."

Elliot chuckled lightly as we sat on the couch, Adriana running around the living room in excitement as she opened her gifts.

Jon had stopped in a few days ago, only to tell me that Adriana's growth would be slowing now. A relief to me really, because I was having to explain so many things to the neighbors now. Like the fact that she looked like she was 12, and they swore I just had her a year ago.

"Not posbble. You spoil her absolutely rotten." Elliot grinned before leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

So how did we end up here, I bet your wondering...

Well, it's not a very long tale really. At least not one long enough for a flashback.

That night, Elliot had taken Adriana and I out to dinner. There was something about him...I don't know, I felt an overwhelming sense of trust. And the fact that he and Adriana got along perfectly didn't hurt.

Adrian crawled back in and out, the violent fallouts continued, until something happened I didn't expect.

One night, Elliot walked right into my house. Tore Adrian off me, and told him right off the bat. If he ever laid a hand on me again, Elliot would go right to the press with information about the Mahattan attack.

Of couse Adrian underestimated him at first, but Elliot proved he was not kidding by leaking a small bit to the press. Within days everyone was wondering if Jon really was the culprit.

I kicked Adrian out in May, which is just when Elliot and I really started going out on dates. He picked me up right off the ground. Treated me like a queen. Showed me love I never thought I would see again after Jon left. He was perfect, in every way.

Of course I eventually had to tell my parents about why I had a one year old daughter with a 12 year old's body and a 40 year old's mind. They didn't believe it at first, but after taking one look at Adriana...everything made sense.

As for Elliot and I? Well, it was nice to be able to actually have my old friends and family at the wedding this time. I didn't really like to think about the fact that I was technically divorced once but...hey, I was in love.

Here we are now. One daughter. Room full of friends. Twins on the way, Elliot beside me.

Cliché much? Cheesy?

Yes, but it all honestly, I coudlnt' be happier.

And now, our tale is done.

Goodbye all. Adieu. Adios. Perhaps your story can turn out like mine.

Well, without all the drama hopefully.