Disclaimer: I don't own the Southern Vampires. Sole copyright belongs to Charlaine Harris. I'm poor, please don't sue. Most of the characters are Charlaine Harris's... but some are mine! All the mistakes are my own.

Chapter Ten:

The man who stood in the doorway, was a hideous looking vampire. He was of average height and looked like an albino. His long black trench coat made his skin look so pale it was almost see-through. His skin was also slightly wrinkled almost as if his body had been pickled. In all my years I have never seen a vampire to match him. His shoulder length white hair and his red eyes made him look more like a Demon than a Vampire. It was quite off putting. I itched to unsheathe my sword, and Pam stiffened at my side.

"Waldo. What are you doing here?" Bill replied returning his face to an expressionless mask. Quinn had moved up to flank Bill and he was looking more composed.

'Waldo? The Queen's Waldo? If he knows, the Queen must.' I thought furiously. I had heard about him but had not met him. He did not often come out in the open. The look of him would scare most humans and he was not known for his personality. He had a reputation for being vicious and ruthless. I could see why the Queen did not have him displayed as she did her other children.

"I am here to take care of some business." Waldo said stepping out of the doorway and shutting the door behind him." I have a proposition for you, Sheriff."

"Really..." Bill paused for a second staring Waldo down then continued, "what would that be?" Bill asked barely keeping a hold on his ice cold facade.

"I am offering you an opportunity to save your little area and your life. It is an offer that should not be discarded. Richard is ambitious, he wants your area for himself. He is surprisingly resourceful and is tired of playing your lapdog. He has many years on you and I think he believes that the Queen made a mistake in making a young vampire, such as yourself, a Sheriff."

"What is it that you want in return for such a favor?" Bill face showed no emotion but his voice was hard and revealed his irritation.

"William, simply give me the girl and I will help you stay in control of your area. I will help you get rid of Richard. I think it is a small price to pay...yes?" Waldo smiled but it wasn't a happy smile.

A fierce growl escaped my lips before I could stop it. All eyes went to me. Bill must have realized I was at the end of my patience. "What makes you think I need your help?" Bill scoffed. His face was still a cool expressionless mask when he returned his gaze to Waldo.

"I do not think the four of you will survive against Richard. He has this well planned, even with the Viking and his child, you do not stand much of a chance." Waldo made a motion with his hand, almost as if he were swatting away a fly and six vampires appeared around us in a circle. They were armed with swords, and posed to fight.

"What is the meaning of this?" Bill hissed. Pam took a position at my back and Quinn did the same, standing behind Compton in a crouch so he could shift quickly.

"Just in case." Waldo scoffed. " I would not come here alone. You think me senseless?"

"What do you want with the girl?" Bill asked stiffly. Ignoring Waldo's last remark.

"I wish to make her mine. She will be my pet. The Queen will curry favor with me to use her talents. That little bitch Hadley should not get all the glory, all her attention. I was her favorite child. Only I deserve her love and attention. I will take my rightful place at her side once again." Waldo's face was intense with determination. I was sure this Vampire was "off his rocker" as the humans would say. There was no way that was going to work. It was by far one of the worst plans I had ever heard. Anyone could see the Queen had more of an affection for Hadley, than she would for someone she felt was a pet. She was not simply using the girl, if that were the case she would not have made her immortal. 'Fucking imbecile.' "What is your answer?" Waldo said impatiently.

I did not wait for Compton to answer. It did not matter what his answer was I would not let this wretched creature even near my Sookie. I unsheathed my sword and launched myself at Waldo, but he was quick, much faster than I gave him credit for. He avoided my blade by millimeters and pulled out a long knife from under his coat.

"You may be old Viking but I am spry." He said darting away from my attack. Two other vampires made their way toward me . Out of no where Pam, already covered in blood, sped behind one of them and staked him. I dropped into a crouch and sliced the other Vampire's legs from his body at the knees. The Vampire slid to the floor with a sicking cry and I stomped on his head, crushing his skull swiftly, then I leapt up to move on to the next attacker.

I glanced over to Bill and Quinn, who was in his tiger form, and they had both taken down one each and were finishing off the third. Waldo was no where in sight and the bodies of the six vampires lay in piles of ash on the ground.

"You could have gotten us killed Northman." Bill spat as he brushed off the front of his suit. Not that it mattered much, vampire blood and ash covered us all.

"What did you think? I would let you bargain away Sookie to save your position? She is mine, no matter what kind of fascination you have with her. " I spat right back. I hovered over him to impress my dominance on him.

"I was not going to bargain Sookie away." Bill said indignantly. "I was simply working out a plan."

"I have no time for your plans Compton. Sookie is in there waiting for me." I pointed to the door. " I will not let anyone live who tries to take her from me. Anyone." I knew he would get my meaning. I did not even intend to let the Queen take her.

"It is a dangerous game you are playing Viking. You should mind what you say." He said with a sly look on his face.

"You should take to your own words Compton." 'I really fucking hate him.' "Enough talk we need to get inside." I walked over to the door and held it open. "After you." I motioned to Bill. He just scowled and motioned for Quinn to go first. 'Fucking coward.'

Quinn slinked into the building and Bill followed. Pam entered after Bill and I took up the rear. We crept down the hall. There was one guard near the front entrance. I nodded to Pam and she silently took off towards the front door. She was back in moments and was wiping the blood from her sword. I smiled at her and then turned my attentions to Bill and Quinn. "Upstairs." I mouthed the words, not daring to make a sound. We slowly made our way up the stairs that ended at a horizontal hallway. I peered carefully around the corner and I could see the small hallway lined with Vampires and Weres. I motioned with my fingers four Vampires and two Weres.

They all nodded and we stepped into the hallway attacking the waiting guards, chaos ensued. The vampire guard closest to me sprang, lunging his sword at my chest. I quickly side stepped his attempt and sliced his body in half at the waist. The guard fell to the ground in two pieces and started to drag himself back towards me. I did not hesitate, I scooped up the sword the guard had dropped and stabbed it through his neck, pinning his upper body to the floor. I watched the body twitch for a moment before turning to help my child who was holding off a Were and a Vampire who were attempting to take her out together.

Body parts flew through the small space. Blood splattered the walls recording the massacre that was happening here. Agonized cries rang out in the small hallway, until finally there was silence. I was sure Richard was well aware that we were here. Any element of surprise was now lost.

Pam's beautiful blond hair looked pink from the blood and Bill's suit was covered in gore. Quinn's fur was dripping red and I didn't look much better. The guards did not stand a chance against such formidable opponents. I am sure Richard did not take into account that the Sheriff and I would team up. The dislike we had for one another was no secrete, and our pursuit of the same human woman was the subject of much gossip.

We walked to the end of the hallway to a set of double doors. Bill flung open the doors dramatically and we filed in the room taking in the scene before us. Richard sat at a large mahogany desk that sat in the middle of the room. His hands folded behind his head and his feet up on the desk. He had a huge smile on his face, a look of triumph clearly pasted there. Waldo stood next to him on the right, a small scowl on his lips. He was not happy with how the nights events were turning out. A red headed female vampire with sharp features and small smile stood to Richards left. The walls were lined with guards, twelve by my count. 'Oh Fuck. This is not good.' I thought, scanning the room, trying to come up with a way to walk away alive.

"We have been waiting for your arrival." The red headed female said in a light and trilling voice, then she winked. 'What the fuck?'

In the next second several things happened so fast that if I was not a vampire, I would have missed it. Richards head flew across the room and the red head whipped a stake out and threw it at Waldo hitting him in the heart. His eyes looked down before he crumpled to the ground. The guards began to attack one another until there were only half of them left. My head whipped around in awe of the speed of the attack. I crouched ready to defend against anyone who attempted to attack me, Pam and Bill followed suit and Quinn growled viciously. But no one attacked us. In less than two minutes the red head stood in the center of the room surrounded by the remaining six vampire guards. The bodies of our enemies strewn around the room, swiftly turning into piles of ash.

"What the fuck is going on?" I said fixing my eyes on the red head.

"Oh...you are so feisty, Northman." She said looking down at her nails as if she was bored, "What does it look like, I am saving your undead lives."

"Who are you?" I said raising an eyebrow. I was sure this saving would come with a price. Vampires did not risk themselves for others, unless there was something in it for themselves.

"She is my maker." Bill said in an emotionless voice. Quinn, Pam, and I all looked at him astonished. 'So this is Lorena.' I took a moment to look her over, from her four inch heels to the top of her 1920's flapper style red dress which had rows and rows of fringe that swayed as she walked.

"What is your purpose by interfering in these matters?" I demanded. Although she had killed my enemies I knew it would not be wise to trust her. I did not dare take my eyes off her since she proved to be formidable.

"Oh I have several reasons." She paused thinking for a moment. I was growing impatient. " I could not let my child die, and definitely not for the life of a human." Lorena frowned and looked disappointingly at Bill, and then back to me. "I heard from Waldo that the Queen sent you to obtain the girl for her but now you claim the girl is yours. Is this true? Do you defy your Queen?" Lorena looked gleeful at the thought. 'What is her game?' I understood she wanted to save Bill, I would do the same for Pam, but there was more to this than she was saying.

Carefully I replied "I do not know what you are talking about." I wasn't going to admit to anything. Treason is punishable by final death.

"Oh, but how do you explain the human's scent? She clearly has had your blood. Was a blood bond part of your orders to obtain her?" Lorena said asked flippantly.

A menacing growl escaped my lips and my lips pulled back revealing my fully extended fangs. I was suddenly enraged at the thought that this bitch was close enough to Sookie to smell my scent.

Lorena laughed. "That is all the conformation I need." She had a devious grin plastered on her face.

"What would you say if I told you that right now, you can leave with your human and your child." Lorena looked at me with excitement in her eyes.

"I would say you want something in return." I said frostily. I was not sure I liked where this was going.

"Yes... you are correct. I want your loyalty. I want your help in a matter." She said nonchalantly. "Just a little favor. A promise. One that I will hold you to. Should you fail to follow through on your end...well let's just say the short life expectancy of your human will be shortened further, promptly. "

"What favor would that be?" I hissed through stiff lips. Her threat against Sookie would not win her any favors. I hate to be manipulated.

"I am going to take over Louisiana. I am going to be Queen, and you are going to help me." She said pointing a finger at me. She was lucky that I did not rip it off.

"And how do you plan to do that?" 'Have all the Vampires of Louisiana gone mad?' I couldn't help but wonder. First Richard, then Waldo now Bill's maker.

"Russell Edgington, King of Mississippi, has given me a contingent of Vampires. I wish for you to assist me in leading them in a takeover of the state. Your reputation as a cunning strategist and warrior precede you, Northman."

" You can not expect me to risk myself for the offer of simply letting me leave with Sookie. What assurances do I have that you will not try to take her when you have what you want. It will take more than that to get me to agree to this." I have not lived this long by rolling over and doing as others tell me. If I was going to do this, I would get as much from the situation as I could.

"How about this..." Lorena said looking thoughtful, "We can draw up a contract, if you wish. In exchange for assisting me to become Queen, you may keep your human. No one under my rule will interfere." Lorena's gaze went back to Bill for a moment, then she continued, "I will even order Bill to abandon his attentions on her." Bill let out a low growl, but Lorena shut him up with a threatening glare. "Once I am in power, I will raise you to the position of Sheriff and you may control this area. Bill will be raised to my second, so remaining a Sheriff will be impossible for him. As long as you are loyal to me, I will give you and your human my formal protection. I can make your life pleasant, or most unpleasant. That is your choice." Lorena huffed. "I think I am being more than generous." I stared at her for a moment. This could work. I was not really thrilled at helping with a takeover or at taking on the position as Sheriff, but it would serve to keep Sookie safer. I could open my business and Sookie, Pam, and I might be able to live in peace. I pondered this for a moment.

Pam spoke up then, "Master, we should just leave the state. Why risk our lives like this." I shot her a steely gaze and she promptly shut her mouth.

"I want to see Sookie. Bring her to me and then we will talk." I said straightening from my crouch. I held my head high and straightened my back. I was sure Lorena was not going to try to kill me. Not yet anyways.

Lorena motioned to her guards and two of them promptly left the room. I could feel Sookie getting closer. Not a minute later the two guards returned with four more guards, two proceeding and two following. Sookie was being held by the tops of her arms by one and Jason was being dragged by two others. I could see Sookie had been slapped around some by the bruises rising on her face, but she seemed otherwise undamaged. Her brother did not look so good, he had been severely beaten, and it seemed that walking was a problem for him.

As soon as our eyes met, Sookie cried out, "ERIC!" and struggled in the guards arms.

"Release them." I said, fury clouding my every thought. I wanted to rip them all to shreads and laugh as their bodies turned to ash. My thoughts were murderous.

Lorena took in my expression and waved her hand. The guard released her and she ran to me. I held out my arms in welcome and she slipped right in wrapping her hands around my waist. "I knew you would come." Sookie whispered and when I pulled her closer she buried her head in my chest. "Pam, get Sookie's brother." I commanded. Pam swiftly scooped up Jason and held him in her arms, returning to my side.

"See Northman, all is well. I was able to prevent more damage from being inflicted on her. She will recover." Lorena said trying to calm my overwhelming anger. "The man was already quite damaged when I arrived, there was nothing I could do for him."

"I agree to the terms. Call Mr. Cataliades and have the contract written up. We will meet and finalize the terms of our agreement." I said attempting to rein in my temper.

"Perfect!" Lorena said clapping her hands excitedly. "This is wonderful."

"Yes, now we will take our leave." I said in a tone that hinted at no disagreement.

"Yes, yes, but remember Northman, I will hold you to your word." She said. Her eyes danced with anticipation

"As I will hold you to yours." I replied with complete seriousness. I knew that this was not an option that had crossed my mind, but maybe, just maybe, this would end favorably for all of us.

The End.

(For Now.)
