So here it is, my long awaited (and by long awaited, I mean by me :)) first attempt at a Naomily fic.
It's... well it's quite a bit different... The idea has been nagging at me for days, and I really hope I can do what I have in my head justice. This would probably be pretty alright as a one shot, but I have so many ideas for it I'm practically aching to get them down. I'm pretty rusty with my writing, but hopefully it isn't too, too bad.
I'm Canadian, so I apologize if I use any non-British slang, and I don't have a beta so all mistakes are my own.
Feel free to reviews with any comments, concerns, criticisms, or compliments... anything that starts with a C will do really.
Now, onwards.
Sweat and alcohol. I know I shouldn't be surprised when the pungent odor floods my nostrils as I push my way into the crowded club, but I cringe anyway in spite of myself. I glance around the dimly lit room filled mostly with unattractive bastards slobbering into their overpriced jack and cokes, and groan loudly. A fucking strip club. I'm hardly shocked though, I figured when Cook wouldn't tell me where we were going we'd end up in a fucking place like this. I don't know why he assumes that just because I'm gay I'm going to enjoy oogling sweaty, scantily clad women carrying god knows how many venereal diseases crawling all over me for a few quid. I shuddered slightly at the thought and continued following Cook and the rest of the boys to a large table at the corner of the room. I threw myself heavily into one of the chairs near the corner and shot annoyed glare to Cook as he plopped down next to me.
"Alright, Naomikins?" He asked laughing slightly through his shit-eating grin.
"Seriously Cook, a fucking strip club?"
"Come on Naomikins, it's my special day. You're supposed to be happy and supportive and shit."
"Could you be any more cliché? A fucking strip club for your bachelor party? How original," I responded with a cheeky smile.
"You know you love it," he answered, smiling manically. "Now let's see if we can't get us some fucking drinks over here! And, maybe a few other special presents," he added, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.
"Fuck you Cook, I don't do strippers."
"We'll see about that babe, wait to you've got a few more shots in ya before you go making any rash calls, yeah?"
I glared at him and shoved him slightly, but I was far from annoyed with his antics. He was my best mate after all, always had been. I could hardly believe he was actually getting married in a few days; it was no secret that we were both quite wild in our younger days. Between the two of us, we'd probably fucked and fucked over enough women to populate a small village, and we'd definitely downed enough vodka to float a fucking steamer. But all that had changed in the last few years. I guess when you start to hit your late twenties you just don't feel like fucking around anymore. We'd calmed down, settled into steady jobs, and now Cook was getting fucking married. Found himself a hell of a bird too, a gorgeous brunette named Michelle. Good thing he'd calmed himself down by the time he met her. She probably would have ripped his balls off if he'd of fucked around on her.
When our drinks arrived I engaged in some absent conversation with one of Cook's cousins about some boring film that I could care less about. Before I knew it I was feeling quite tipsy. I glanced over at Cook who by now had downed more shots than I've seen him do in the last year put together. I giggled slightly as he began drunkenly banging on the table demanding a lap dance from 'the fittest fucking bird in the fucking club.' His eyes glazed over slightly when an extremely alluring brunette sauntered towards him and dropped herself into his lap. I looked away, feeling strangely guilty about perving on the girl while she gave a lap dance to my best mate. I tried to focus on my drink in front of me, but I suddenly felt someone's eyes on me. I looked around the table, but all of the blokes were staring intently at the gorgeous brunette that was continuing to dance for Cook.
I tried to shake the feeling off and excused myself to go to the toilet. Not that anyone was paying attention anyway, fuckers. My legs wobbled as I stood, the full effects of the alcohol I had just consumed finally setting in. I took a few tentative steps forward and steadied myself against one of the tables. The music pounded in my ears as I continued my journey, and once I again I was overcome with the feeling that someone was watching me. I scowled slightly at the thought that I was being perved on in a fucking strip club. It would figure that dirty old men surrounded by gorgeous, sweaty strippers would perv on the fucking lesbian just trying to enjoy her best mate's bachelor party. I glanced around quickly, surprised to not catch a single pair of eyes staring me down. I shrugged it off once again, figuring I was just being overly paranoid.
A few moments later, I stumbled out of the toilet with a shit eating grin on my face. The alcohol was finally allowing me to enjoy myself in this hole, which was not that fucking bad now that I thought about it. I continued my journey back to the party not really paying attention to my surroundings, when out of nowhere I collided with something hard. Jesus, no time like the present to be a fucking klutz, right? I stumbled back, dazed, and shook my head slightly. I looked up to see what I had bumped into and fell into the deepest pair of brown eyes I had ever seen. The girl smiled slightly as I gazed at her, and I could feel my cheeks flushing heavily. Fuck me she was beautiful.
As I allowed my eyes to trail all over her seemingly flawless body, everything seemed to move in slow motion. For someone as short as she was, her legs seemed to go on forever! Her small, shapely hips were hugged tightly by a pair of tiny shorts that accentuated her small curves perfectly. I traced my eyes up to her exposed midriff where I found a glimmering piece of red and silver jewelery hanging delicately from her perfect belly button. I subconsciously licked my lips as my eyes settled on her chest, which was barely covered by a black, vest like top might I add.I knew I was being a total perv, but this was a fucking strip club! I was supposed to leer at fucking beautiful women. My eyes continued their upward journey and I noticed bright red hair cascading around her shoulders. I felt myself catch on fire as I gazed at her perfect neck. Fuck I'd like to chew on that thing for about a week.
My eyes finally met hers, and I swallowed audibly. Her full, red lips were quirked into a sexy smirk that seemed to say, 'yes darling, I am extremely fuckable.' I silently cursed myself for being the most uncool person on the planet and practically drooling all over her. I allowed my lips to curl into a confident smile, but there was hardly an ounce of confidence behind it.
"Sorry, my fault. I'm such a tit," I managed to spit out, surprising myself with the amount of false confidence I was able to inject into my voice.
"It's no problem," she responded in low, husky voice that made every hair in my body stand up as straight as a fucking military cadet. "It's hardly bothersome to collide with a gorgeous woman, especially one that eye fucks me afterwards."
"Oh, um, right…" I responded, chuckling nervously and bowing my head slightly. Shit, she fucking noticed. Well, how could she not? I was being about as subtle as a fucking fire alarm. I bit my bottom lip slightly and looked up again to face her. I felt my mouth go dry as I watched her tuck her bottom lip under her teeth just as I had done seconds earlier. I think it's safe to say that, that little action was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Christ, if I looked like that every time I bit my fucking lip I wouldn't be able to stop fucking myself. Okay, that sounded weird, but you get what I mean.
I snapped out of my internal reverie and noticed the girl's eyes travelling all over my body. The hungry look in her eyes was hot enough to make me sure I was soaking through my jeans. I shivered under her gaze, the distance between us was suddenly on fire. She was leering at me so hard I momentarily wondered if I had accidently left my jeans in the toilet. I laughed internally at the irony of being eye fucked so ferverantly by a stripper.
A stripper! Right. I suddenly felt deflated as I realized that this was probably all an act to pocket a few extra quid from an unsuspecting, perverted lesbian. I was about to turn away when I noticed how flushed her cheeks were, and how her pupils had almost taken over her chocolate brown eyes. I smiled proudly in spite of myself. Yeah, she totally thinks I'm hot. That's right, the most beautiful fucking girl I've ever seen is staring at me like she wants to taste every inch of me. Fucking awesome.
I continued to watch her, slack jawed as she took a tentative step towards me. She was so close now I could smell her perfume. She smelled amazing, like cherries, and something else I just couldn't put my finger on. My breath hitched as her face was within inches of mine. I held my breath, unsure of what to expect as her face drifted closer and closer to my own. I could feel her hot breath on my lips, and felt my eyes start to fall shut. But as quickly as it was there, it was gone, as her face moved past mine. My eyes shot open when I felt her lips lightly tickling my ear. We were barely touching, yet I had never been so fucking turned on in my entire life. I shuddered as she whispered in my ear.
"Just thought I'd return the favor."
And with that, she was gone. Back towards the bar without as much as a glance over her shoulder. What. The. Fuck. I felt my legs wobble again, but I knew it wasn't from the alcohol this time. I shook my head violently in an attempt to snap myself out of my lust filled haze. I spun around, spotting Cook who had moved to one of the couches in the corner. He was currently unaccompanied, but I followed his heavy gaze to the stunning brunette that had been dancing for him earlier. I stumbled over to him, plopping down next to him and laughing loudly at the look on his face.
"Glad to see I'm not the only one who wants to fuck a stripper tonight,"
Cook looked at me like I had thirty small heads sticking out of my neck singing show tunes to him. "Fuck off blondie, I'm getting married, I don't want to fuck her."
"Just because you're getting married doesn't mean you stop wanting to fuck people Cookie."
"Yeah well, chillax blondie, aint nothing gonna happen, alright? And what's this about you, I thought you didn't do strippers," he asked slurring slightly and grinning at me.
"I don't, but that's before I practically ran into an extremely fuckable redhead," I answered, my eyes glazing over slightly as I pictured myself sucking on her bottom lip. "Especially after we spent the last five minutes practically eye fucking each other."
"Atta girl Naomikins," Cook slurred, pushing himself up to high five me sloppily. He look back towards the brunette stripper and waved her over, causing my to raise an eyebrow at him questioningly. He just laughed and shoved me slightly as the brunette reached us.
"What do ya say, Naomikins, fancy a dance?"
"Thanks anyway Cook, she's all yours," I responded, flashing him a winning smile and shuffling myself over to a nearby vacant couch so he could have some privacy. Fuck, good thing Michelle would never find out about any of this. She'd cut his balls off for the way he was looking at that brunette.
I leaned back heavily into the couch and allowed my eyes to fall shut. I pictured the redhead, feeling myself get hot at just the thought of her. Fuck, I was going to have to find some time to relieve my sexual frustration before I passed out later on. I knew I was in the middle of a fucking strip club, but I was beginning to feel myself drift off. I felt a body plop down next to me and I figured Cook or one of the other blokes had decided to join me. I opened my eyes and came face to face with a slightly familiar pair of tits.
"Good dreams?" I heard that husky voice ask and I dragged my eyes up to meet hers. She looked positively ravishing. Her red hair had fallen slightly in her eyes as she looked down at me, and the look on her face screamed 'I want to fuck you.' I pushed myself up slightly so we were face to face and smiled brightly.
"I thought since you so clearly liked what you saw earlier," she whispered seductively, accentuating every word carefully as she licked her lips. "I would come over and see if there's anything I can offer you."
My mouth went bone dry and I swear my heart stopped fully for a few seconds. Anything she could offer me? What exactly did that entail? Despite my obvious confusion, it was all I could do not to scream yes at the top of my lungs when she was looking at me like that. I couldn't deny my barely controllable lust for the girl in front of me, but I was still slightly unsure. For some reason, it bothered me to think that I wasn't the only person she had ever done this for. Maybe this was something she pulled every week, and I was just the newest target. I watched her gaze at me expectantly, clearly amused at the look my face was currently sporting. I was sure she found me attractive, but she was a stripper, I could hardly trust that to be genuine. Fuck, why am I so concerned about this, maybe this isn't such a good idea.
I shook my head and opened my mouth to speak, but I found myself being shushed as a pair of soft fingers touched my lips. I could feel myself trembling under her touch. She gave me a sexy smirk and slid her hand into mine. Before I knew what was happening, she was dragging me through the club towards the back. I glanced over my shoulder momentarily to find Cook and the brunette stripper staring at us. Cook's jaw was almost on the floor, but he quickly gave me a thumbs up. The brunette simply winked and shot me an annoying smile. Why does it seem to me like she knows something?
I found myself in a small dimly lit room that was clearly one of the clubs private rooms. Fuck, how much was this going to cost me to be in here? The room was completely covered in red. Red floors, red walls, and a red couch in front of the back wall. I heard the door click shut behind me, and I suddenly felt a pair of hands gripping lightly at my hips. She spun me around so we were standing face to face, and right away I watched her eyes darken with lust. I opened my mouth to speak, but she was quicker than I was. She pushed me back onto the couch, and quickly straddled me.
"Don't worry," she whispered softly as she leaned in toward my ear, "this, has nothing to do with work or money."
I gasped as I felt her bite my earlobe, and my centre suddenly felt hotter and wetter than ever before. I considered her words and the comprehension of what she meant came slowly through my lust filled mind. I smiled slightly as I realized she was as overtaken by lust as I was. I gasped as I felt her begin to suck on my neck, my body finally responding to her minstrations. I tangled one of my hands in her hair and with my other hand I traced circles over the exposed part of her back. Her skin was on fire, and I could feel her shivering beneath my touch. She pulled away from my neck suddenely, and leaned back to look at me. Her eyes were the darkest shade of brown I've ever seen, and her hair had fallen slightly in her face making her look unbelievably sexy. She leaned in slightly and took my bottom lip between her teeth, biting down slightly. I felt like I was drowning in her as she continued to stare at me, unmoving. An overwhelming wave of courage overtook me and I grabbed the back of her neck, forcefully crashing our lips together. Within seconds the kiss had deepened and our tongues were swirling together roughly.
Christ, she tasted fucking amazing.
She began unbuttoning my shirt as we continued to kiss, and I leaned forward slightly so she could slip it off my shoulders. She broke away from my lips and began kissing down my chest, sucking, biting, and licking every inch of me. I could feel her leaving marks, but I couldn't even bring myself to care as I moaned loudly. I pulled her back up and crashed our lips together once again as I practically ripped her top off of her shoulders. She let out a low growl as I leaned in to bite her neck, and she forcefully pulled me backwards so I was on top of her on the floor. We continued assaulting each other with our tongues, drinking each other in as our hands were fumbling wildly around each others bodies. My fingers found the clasp to her bra and I quickly slipped it off her shoulders. I leaned back and gazed down at the sight in front of me, fuck, she was so fucking gorgeous. I couldn't speak. The effect she was having on me was preventing me from forming words, so I simply leaned down and attacked her perfect breasts with my mouth.
She gasped loudly as I began teasing her nipple with my tongue. My hands continued to fumble around and found the button to her shorts. I leaned back to pull them off of her, underwear at all, and felt my vision go cloudy when I realized she was beneath me completely naked.
Before I knew what was happening, she had flipped me onto my back and ripped the rest of my clothes off. She jumped back on top of me and I felt her thigh press roughly between my legs as our mouths crashed together once again. I shifted slightly and without warning I buried two fingers inside of her. Fuck she was so wet. She gasped and swore loudly as I entered her, and I could feel her beginning to grind against me as my fingers curled inside her. I pumped in and out of her, brushing my thumb over her clit incessantly as she began to pant loudly in my ear. Suddenely I felt her fingers running along my wet folds and before I knew it I was panting along with her as she plunged her fingers into my sopping wet core.
I pushed my mouth to hers again, strangling the scream that was threatening to erupt from me as her tongue swriled with mine. Fuck I was so close. She pulled away from me again and began moaning loudly and panting in my ear.
"I'm so fucking close," she panted into my ear, and I curled my fingers upwards as I felt my own orgasm begin to rip through me. I was shuddering and seeing stars, and I knew I had pushed her over the edge as well. We screamed and swore as we both came down from our highs, and I cringed in ecstasy as I felt her bite my neck hard enough to break the skin. I felt her collapse into me, still breathing heavily into my ear as I carefully removed my fingers from her.
The last thing I remembered before drifting off into a post-sex coma was her whispering, "fuck me, that was incredible."
I woke up alone not long after and noticed that I was wearing all of my clothes again. My shirt was still unbuttoned, but otherwise I was decent. I looked around the red room and was disappointed to see no sign of the gorgeous red head that had just fucked me senseless. Fucking hell that was amazing.
I sat up and pushed my hair out of my eyes. I felt something rough as I touched my face and was surprised to find a small sticky note stuck on the inside of my palm. I brought it up to my eyes and tried to focus on it as my vision was still spinning.
That was fun, we should do it again sometime ;) – E
Fuck, I didn't even know her name.