Oh my gosh, someone pointed out to me that I said 'Katara' instead of 'Kiara' a couple times. Sorry! I was writing a fan fic for Avatar the Last Airbender CARTOON at the same time, I must have been thinking a lot about it and got it mixed up. Thank you for the name suggestions, so far I have found one for a girl that I really like & someone gave me the most awesomest idea that I never would've thought of! Daniel goes to Kopa and Vitani!

A few weeks later, things had really settled. Nashti and Kiye had gotten old enough to walk, and were starting to say words and very short sentences. Daniel had gotten very close to Jarvis, and then Kopa and Vitani had both fallen in love with him, so they adopted him. He is very happy with his new family. Dalila (Lila) went to Meeka, who is a very loving and caring lioness, a perfect mother. However, Kovu is very paranoid and keeps a very close eye on her, looking for any signs of Nuka-ness. He loves his cubs, Nashti and Kiye, and is a wondrous father. The little family of four are eagerly expecting their new arrival. Rafiki returned, and told them the gender was a little girl, and they both decided to name it Aisha.

Kiara sighed. She wasn't really allowed to do anything, with this big pregnant belly of hers. She looked down at the round taut thing that was her stomach, and smiled. Inside her, there was a cub growing. A cub that would be here soon. Nashti and Kiye were napping, thank goodness. In the last week they had learned to toddle, then walk, and now they were starting to master running and skipping, learning quite fast for their age. They were quite a handful, but Aunt Vitani and Grandma Nala were always around to lend a helping paw. Vitani's own den had gotten cozy, since she'd discovered that she was with cub, which made Kovu angrier than a Savannah hornet, because he knew the cubs were Kahbe's. He just hoped that they had Vitani's coloring, he didn't want Jarvis to wonder why the cubs were pure white when the alleged father, Kopa, was not. Kopa, Jarvis, and Daniel all got along very well, and they really were like a real family. Vitani was the wonderful, tough, stubborn and loving mother that all her boys adored. Being pregnant definitely suited Vitani, making her cheerful and sarcastic, if such a combination could exist.

Kiara shook her fur and got up. She walked carefully over to a corner of the cave where all the cubs slept, lovingly dubbed, 'Cub's Corner' by Simba. Luckily, Nashti and Kiye were still sleeping, and even 'Lila, Jarvis, and Daniel were resting quietly beside them. She turned and walked from the cave, entrusting Meeka to watch the cubs. She needed some adult time, with Kovu, Kopa, or Vitani it didn't really matter. The Savannah looked rather broody today. The water hole was gray, as were the clouds that were in the sky, looking as if it might rain. Other than that, the grass was yellow, the trees were green and beautiful, and the herds were out and about. She smiled at the thought of a little cub being bored inside the cave on a rainy day, and lay down in the shade of a big acacia tree.

She saw Vitani walking over to her, and smiled. "Vitani!" she yelled.

Vitani saw her best friend and returned the smile, and continued on her way to the Acacia Tree. She plopped down beside Kiara and sighed. "Looks like it might rain," she said.

"Yeah," Kiara said thoughtfully, looking at the sky. She looked at Vitani curiously, and at her slightly bulging belly. "Have you picked out names yet?"

Vitani grimaced a bit. "No. We haven't really thought about it. Kopa is more than a little upset that the cubs are Kahbe's. He blames himself," she said quietly.

Kiara nodded in sympathy, but fury was brewing under her serene gaze. Kahbe was still out there somewhere, probably back at his own prideland. She shuddered to think what horrible conditions were out there. Suddenly, there was a pain in her abdomen. A sharp, hurting pain, and she knew her Aisha was coming. "Vitani! Aisha's here," she panted, tears in her eyes.

Vitani leaped to her feet. "I'll get Kovu and Rafiki!" she said.

"No! Don't leave me!" Kiara cried. "No one ever told me it would hurt this bad!" she thought.

Vitani looked pitifully at Kiara. "I'll be right back, hon, I promise," she said, and sprinted off before Kiara could say anything more.

Kovu was laying peacefully in the cave, watching Nashti and Kiye sleep when Vitani came sprinting up to him, a panicked look on her face. "Kiara has gone into labor," she said simply, and Kovu's expression turned to one of fear, excitement, and nervousness.

Vitani turned, and sprinted back to Kiara, with Kovu on her heels, but then passed her to get to the Tree of Life, to Rafiki.

"Kovu!" Kiara called out, and Kovu stopped and nuzzled Kiara. "Don't worry Kiara, I'm right here. You'll be okay now," he said soothingly.

After an hour of insistent pushing, little Aisha came into this world. She was golden brown, darker than her mother and lighter than her father, with a freckle here and there with Kovu's green eyes, but Kiara's nose. In her Pride's eyes, she was beautiful. Kiara carried her back to the Cave, and laid down, Aisha cradled lovingly in her paws. Nashti and Kiye toddled over, and looked curiously into their mother's paws.

"New?" Nashti ventured, her little nose scrunched in confusion.

"Cub?" Kiye finished for her, his blue eyes wide in wonder.

Kovu chuckled and gathered them both in his paws, laying down opposite of Kiara and Aisha. "This is your new baby sister, Aisha," he said, and Nashti and Kiye both grinned. Kovu left his little family for a moment, a bit overwhelmed by it all. He went out to the Ledge of Pride Rock, and saw the sun was starting to set, already. He stared at it, in his eyes it was unusually beautiful tonight. An emotion was building up in his heart, he couldn't really explain it. Suddenly, he felt a presence on his left. He turned his head, and his sister Vitani was sitting there.

She smiled at him. "Happy?" she asked him.

"Ecstatic," he replied, grinning ear to ear. "And excited too," he said..

This puzzled Vitani a bit. "Excited for what?"

Kovu smiled, staring out into the sunset. "For the days to come."

The End

If I get atleast 6-8 reviews saying they want a sequel MAYBE I will make one…Kahbe is still out there!