I changed this chapter up because i decided i didn't want annabeth to come this early in the stroy. more of percys life without her first...
Last time i checked, Im a girl, and i have all my hair. So i must not be Rick Riordan and there for won none of the Percy Jackson books...
Percy looked at the girl laying next to him. Her long bronze arms were wrapped around his waist. She was beautiful. Her caramel hair cascaded down her shoulders.. The light from the TV
reflected on her beautiful brown eyes. He was lucky to have her. But he didn't feel that way. The one he really wanted to be laying there had disappeared five years ago. He missed her so
much. Her blond curly hair and stormy gray eyes were imprinted in his memory. The way she could wear whatever she wanted and she would always look beautiful. The way she called him
seaweed brain. The way she was the only person who could make him say the way he really felt. Sure, he loved Stacie, but he wasn't in love with her.
"Yawwwnnn" Stacie yawned beside him.
"Oh I'm tired" She said stretching her arms above her head.
"You going to bed?" He asked.
"I think so. You?" She said standing up.
"I'll be up in a couple minutes" He said thinking about Annabeth.
"Ok" she said as she walked up the stairs to the bed room they shared.
"Oh an Percy?" She said stopping.
"Yeah?" he asked looking over at her.
"I love you" She said sweetly.
He just winked. Plain and simple. She looked a little disappointed, but walked up the rest of the stairs.
Percy got up and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and poured a glass of water. Water always helped him think.
He walked over to the bookshelf that held all the pictures. There was one of him and Annabeth buried in the back because Stacie wasn't to fond of Annabeth.
"She's dead Percy, she might have been your girlfriend back at camp. But know I'm your fiancée!" Stacie was a daughter of Aphrodite.
He reached back a grabbed it out of its hiding space. Annabeth was sitting next to him by the campfire. Her head on his shoulder. He was kissing the top her head.
He tried not to cry. But he really couldn't help it. She was the only girl he really ever loved.
He put the picture back in the (not so) secret hiding place and walked up the stairs. He opened the door of their room to see Stacie sleeping peacefully on the bed.
He had always imagined that would be Annabeth sleeping there. Their bed, their house, their life.
He walked back down the stairs and looked out the window into the night sky. He wondered if maybe, just maybe, she was still out there.
He sat on the couch after that and just thought about her, something he'd been doing a lot lately although he couldn't figure out why.
He pulled out his phone to see what time it was, when it struck him why he had been thinking about Annabeth.
The clock said it was 1 am, on March 30. Annabeths birthday.
He looked back out to the night sky.
"Happy Birthday Annabeth" He whispered, hoping that she was out there somewhere.
Good? Bad? Okkay so I know march 30 isnt her real birthday.. but i couldnt find the real one! so if anyone knows it please tell me and i'll fix it!
Oh and if look right below this writing? There an adorable little green button. It's soo cute! you just wanna poke don't you?? Go on you know you want too!!