A/N: I know. . .I know, I have a few stories going on at the moment, one on hold. But this idea suddenly came to me and I wanted to write it. Its probably not original, but I don't care. Oh, and I will also be using English names for those who watch it with the Japanese names. . .if you don't know who's who, I know the Japanese names but prefer English:

Shinichi Kudo - Jimmy Kudo
Ran Mouri - Rachel Moore
Inspector Megure - Inspector Joseph Meguire
Ayumi Yoshida - Amy Yeager
Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya - Mitch Tsuburaya
Genta Kojima - George Kojima
Hiroshi Agasa - Hershel Agasa
Yusaku Kudo - Booker Kudo
Yukiko Kudo - Vivian Kudo
Eri Kisaki - Eva Kaden
Kogoro Mouri - Richard Moore

I know most probably know the difference, but I saw some people on sites saying like 'Who the hell is Rachel?', and so....yeah. I see nothing wrong with the English names.

Summary: You all remember how Jimmy Kudo shrunk, right? He was fed a poison...but what if, when he was hit on the head by Gin, it did more than just knocking him out?

Disclaimer: Case Closed / Detective Conan belongs to Gosho Aoyama.

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Episode One: The Big Shrink

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"Don't worry, I'll catch up with you later!"

Jimmy Kudo had no idea that those would be the last words he'd ever say to the girl he loved as himself. He had no idea it what this strange feeling suddenly was building up inside of him as he followed one of the men from the roller coaster muder. They were dressed in black, and Jimmy knew they were up to something from the start. But what, he had no idea. They had nothing to do with the murder, but still. . .even when the case was solved he was still suspicious.

So. when he saw them running off towards an alley just as he was leaving the amusement park with Rachel, he took this as his chance to investigate what was going on with them, knowing curiosity would get the better of him eventually.

He looked back as he waved to Rachel one last time, smiling though he was confused by the look on her face. Tears were suddenly starting to form in her blue eyes as she looked at him, but he wasn't quite sure why. 'Rachel. . .'

He looked around the corner of the alley, frowning. There was a rather big man dressed in black, with a hat, glasses and all, and another man dressed in black, with a bald head and sunglasses. One was holding a briefcase.

He listened to them for a while, not liking where this was going. He wasn't sure how long he'd been there, watching, when he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

"That's enough eavesdropping, detective."

"Huh?" Jimmy turned around just in time to see a pair of cruel eyes staring down at him, and long brown hair. The rest of him was covered in black. He held a metal bar in his hands, bringing it down onto Jimmy's head. It instantly knocked the boy out, and he fell to the grass with a small thud.

Jimmy wasn't quite sure what happened after that. Despite the pounding in his head, he was still barely conscious, he felt someone gripping his hair and pulling him up slightly, then a pill of some sorts was forced down his throat. He had no choice but to swallow it, they put some water down his throat, too.

Then, the pain starterd. The men in black were long gone when it did. He started to sweat, get really got, almost like he was on fire. Then, his bones were in such pain it was almost like they were starting to melt. He clutched at his chest, wincing in pain, before finally finally falling unconscious.

'My bones feel like they're melting. . .I'm gonna die. . . I'm gonna . . .'

That was his last thought before his eyes closed.

"Hey, over here! A dead body!"

'...Am I dead?'

"No, wait. He's still breathing. Call an ambulance!"

'...Then I'm not dead....are they talking about me?'

Suddenly, a bright white light was shone in front of his eyes, and he flinched, shutting them almost after he had fully opened them once more since he had passed out. "Don't worry little boy, we're here. You're safe."


He looked up at the police officer shining a flashlight in his direction. "Y-You're a police officer...right?" he asked, frowning. He wasn't sure why, but he knew his voice wasn't supposed to sound like that.

"Yes," he said relieved that the boy was awake enough to talk. That meant he would probably be alright, just a concussion. "Can you tell me who you are, son?"

The boy frowned as he stared at the police officer.

"I...I don't know..."

A/N: So he transforms into Conan AND loses all of his memories? Uh oh....continue or not?