~ Chapter 1: First Day at the Safe House ~


It was the morning after coming to the safe house. My mind was still reeling on about the days on the road, the events that took place in Lyle House, and the horrible truth about me and the others. I snuggled my head further into the warm sheets, breathing in their freshness. This somehow soothed my troubled thoughts for the mean time. I was safe and had a soft bed to sleep on, that's all that mattered at the moment, yes_ that's all that mattered. Who was I kidding?

I tensed into a ball, laying there trying to convince myself that everything was going to be okay even though my conciseness was whispering to me that it was not. I felt like I was lying to myself, I tensed further and smelt the faltering calmness of the fabric between my hands, but it wasn't having the same effect as before.

Reluctantly my feet swung off the bed, and I rose up to face what life had in store for me. My shoulders drooped at the thought. What a lousy way to start the day.

As I opened up the door, I saw someone in front of it, and it took me a minute to realize it was Derek, his fist raised in preparation to knock. When he noticed I was staring, he put it back down. It was silent for a moment, and then he rolled on his heels.

"Simon wanted me to tell you breakfast was ready. So when you are, it will be waiting for you." I nodded instinctively, and with that he turned and backtracked down the hall.

I could not comprehend what I had just seen, Derek looked completely different! His face was clear, and his hair was dry and fluffy instead of its usual lankiness. He looked maybe an inch taller, and his expression... seemed a fair bit lighter. What happened to him last night?

I got dressed and made my way downstairs. At the kitchen table sat everyone, except Andrew who was up making himself some toast. Simon motioned for me to sit down in the seat beside him; the only other seat was beside Tori, and that had the evidence of a news paper and cup of coffee, meaning that it belonged to Andrew.

"Good morning sunshine." said Tori in her usual sarcastic-tired morning manor. I nodded and sat down.

"Good morning you guys." I said to my bowl of pre-made Cheerios, not having the nerve to raise my head to new Derek. Everyone was quiet for a second, probably because of how I answered, but instead of asking, I sighed and laid my head down on the table. "I'm sorry; I'm still a little tired."

I heard a low groan come out of Derek, and I looked up to see Simon just elbowed him in the ribs.

"I told you to see if she was awake, not wake her up!" He scolded, Derek huffed.

"She was awake when I got there, it's not my fault she is still drowsy."Now that's morelike Derek.

"He's right; I just didn't sleep that well is all."Simon nodded, but still gave Derek a dirty look. Tori didn't even butt in, she just sat there slurping her cereal, and I was too tired to argue as well, so I just laid back down my head.

I heard a pop, and knew instantly that the toast was ready. The two quickly settled down.


Later on after breakfast, Tori barged into my room and slammed herself down onto the bed. Quickly I pulled out my earphones and looked up to her from my book.

"Hi...Tori?" I said to her slowly. She looked pissed, but at the same time I saw surprise in her features. She motioned herself close and mumbled something incomprehensible under her breath."What...?" I said easing her off of me. She rolled her eyes.

"I said; ''what in hell happened to Derek.''?" I rose from the bed and quickly shut the door with a silent click. I didn't know if it would help keep him from eavesdropping, but it was worth a try.

"What do you mean?" I said, just to see if she was thinking of the same thing as me.

"Are you blind!!!" she snapped. I quickly let out a shh, and she recoiled back into a whispering tone. "What I mean is what happened to Derek's appearance? Didn't you see how different he looked today I mean... come on?" she was flushing, and I was about to give her raised eye eyebrows until I when I shook it off and agreed with her.

"He seems to be acting the same, maybe it's just his wolf changes. Remember how I was telling you back when we were still on the run that he seemed to be looking better?" she nodded, noting my point.

"But man," she said in disbelief. "He changed a lot!" Once again I agreed with her, trying not to picture his face again knowing that with those eyes of his, I would surly blush as much as Tori did.

Slowly we walked out of my room, checking to make sure the coast was clear, and then we rushed down to the living room. But suddenly my heart dropped, because sitting right on the couch was Derek, who looked up from his book in confusion. Oh crap!

Before I could respond, Tori grabbed me by the shoulders and hauled me back up the stairs. She was my life saver!


"Alright," she said after securely locking my bedroom door behind us. "That was close!" I stood there breathless, my heart racing from fright.

"You've got that right!" I said with a dry laugh. We just stood there for a moment, looking at each other, then when the atmosphere was so thick it could be cut with a knife, we let out two very high, high pitch laughs.


I was rummaging through the kitchen for a snack after that strange experience a moment ago, when all of a sudden laughter broke out from the third floor. I flinched and almost spilt my chips. Get a hold of yourself people! Geez!

Simon walked in, his feet slapping the granite tile as he went. I turned to him, and he grinned.

"Hey, bro! I see you're hungry again." I answered with a grunt, not really in the mood for a conversation. "Hey Derek," he began. "I can't help noticing that you look a little different?" I froze, what was he talking about?

"Huh." I mumbled, retreating down the corridor with my chips.

"Look in the mirror. You'll see what I mean!" he called. I walked a little faster, but making sure I stayed silent. I could not handle the stomping of people's feet, but I learned to accept that they couldn't help it, but me? I made sure to keep it to a minimum.


Sure enough, Simon was right. My first reaction was HOLY SH*T! But once I gained more control I studied this strange appearance. It brought back memories of when I was 12, back before all this wolf stuff began happening. I held the sink, and lowered my head. What does all this crap mean?

Simon trudged in.

"Hey, I hope I'm not intruding."Like hell you ain't! He squeezed in front of me and looked up at my face. "Come on, don't tell you can't see the difference?!" I looked away, and huffed.

"You know Simon, girls are weird." I felt his eyes on my back. To be honest, I had no idea where that last one came from.