So, I'm somewhat dissapointed that I only got one review/comment for my last chapter:( But I guess I should thank the one person who did respond, so thanks:)( You know who you are) Anyways, here is the last chapter of this story I really hope that you enjoy : I do not own Class of the Titans:(
Jay walked into Atlanta's room and found her sleeping peacefully. Atlanta stirred in her bed and looked up at Jay.
"Good to see that you finally got some sleep" Jay said while rubbing the back of his neck.
" Yah, me too it felt nice"
" Anyways, Hera wants to see us" Jay said as he left the room.
" K, I'll be right down" Atlanta said as she remembered the notebook she was clutching. She started to open her nightstand drawer to put it away but then thought better of it. Atlanta stuffed it in her pocket before she grabbed her coat and headed downstairs.
The six heroes sat silently outside Chiron's office. They all had a feeling that this had to do with saying goodbye to Archie. Atlanta started to feel very uncomfortable and started fiddling with the notebook in her pocket. Just then the door opened and Hera and Chiron appeared.
"Jay, Theresa, Neil, Odie and Herry come on in, we need to talk" Hera announced.
"Hey! What about me?" Atlanta questioned.
" Ah yes, Hermes needs your help, go down to his room"
Atlanta gave Hera a quizzical look but proceeded to go find Hermes.
"Children, sit" Hera said as she motioned towards a group of chairs.
" Is this about Archie?" Neil blurted out.
" As a matter of fact, it is" Chiron chimed in.
" Well where is his bo-where is he then?" Jay questioned.
" Why don't you ask him yourself?" As Chiron said this a quiet purple-haired boy appeared in the doorway.
" Uh hey guys. Remember me?" Archie asked while rubbing his arm.
" It's Archie!" Herry screamed as he ran towards him and gathered Archie in a bone-crushing hug.
" Thanks Herry, but I can't breath"
"Oh, Sorry" Herry said as he stepped away.
After greeting everyone else, Archie took a seat.
" So, how is this even possible? How are you ali-" Odie stopped himself.
"Alive?" Archie finished Odie's sentence, "It's complicated"
" We cannot reveal all of the details because it is far too dangerous. But I can say that Hades, Thanatos, and Atropos all played a role in helping, so that Archie could live and the prophecy could be fulfilled" Hera explained
" Whoa. I thought Atropos was all evil and junk. She tried to take Jay away. Remember?"
"Yes I do, but this is no place to talk about it, you have Archie back and that is all that matters"
" If Archie has been alive, why didn't he come home?" Theresa questioned.
"It was not safe. We had to let Cronus believe that Archie was dead. So we hid Archie here for the past couple of days. However, that is no longer necessary because Cronus is planning something, and we need all of you heroes. I will not answer any more questions," Hera said.
" Well, it's good to have you back" Jay said to Archie as he patted his best friend on the back.
"Good to be back"
" So whatever happened to Hypnos?" Theresa asked
"He has been severely punished" Hera explained.
" So, who wants to tell Atlanta?" Odie asked.
"Why the hell was I sent to Hermes if he can't remember what he needed me to do? Atlanta mumbled under her breath as she walked back towards Chiron's office.
Five of the heroes stood blocking the doorway. Wide smiles spread across their faces as they stepped aside, revealing a figure standing in the doorway.
Atlanta sprinted towards Archie and wrapped her arms around him. She stood there clutching him. She never wanted to let go. Atlanta took in his smell and his presence. She felt so safe, so sheltered in his arms.
" Archie I, I uh, I'm" Atlanta stammered as she tried to apologize.
"Shhh" Archie interrupted as he placed a shaking finger on her lips. " It's okay" He pulled the trembling huntress closer to him, wrapping his arms around her frail figure. He rested his forehead on hers and stared into Atlanta's deep, longing eyes. A shy smile crossed Atlanta's lips. Neither of them wanted to let go.
"Sheesh!" Neil blurted out, "Just kiss her already!"
The two heroes blushed and Atlanta took a step back.
" Well, if you all insist…"Archie slyly commented, never breaking his gaze with Atlanta.
"YES!!!!!!" all of the other heroes shouted in unison.
Archie stepped forwards and grabbed a started Atlanta. He placed his hands on the sides of her smooth face, gently rubbing his thumbs against her temples. Archie leaned forwards and placed his lips on Atlanta's, letting go of all the love he had held for so long. Atlanta returned the passion and shivers shot down her spine. She had never felt so wonderful. Archie started to pull back, but Atlanta grabbed him. She had lost him once; she wasn't going to lose him again. Archie and Atlanta stood embracing each other, their passion overtaking them and their lips expressing their deep affection.
There you go, the last chapter of my first fanfic ever! Totally fluffy ending I know, but I love those obligatory happy endings. Pretty please review/comment! If you go to my profile I have a list of stories I'm thinking about writing next but I need help deciding which one to write first. So go to my profile, take a look and let me know which one I should pursue first. Thanks a bunch:)