Hello wonderful readers out there! This is a story I began late one night, roughly six years ago! I am fixing each chapter as I go along, and updating as I do.

Please, drop in and leave me a review- they feed my muse.

Disclaimer: I own nothing that Tolkien has created- minus an awesome Middle Earth map.

"….You see, the idea behind my thinking is for you to form an understanding of your future role as King. It may be a long way away, but one day I shall step down, and you will lead- and it is high time for you to begin learning." The Elven King finished, placing his empty goblet back down on the breakfast table.

Legolas nodded, reaching for a piece of bread and honey.

"I understand your thinking. But Adar, will you be comfortable going out with my patrol? You barely know them, and...well, you are not as young as you once were." He said kindly, a twinkle in his eye. Thranduil let out a very un-kingly snort, raising an eyebrow.

"Ion Nin, I will be fine. I am no elderly human. It is you who should be concerned, even for three days my job can be quite stressful- let alone two weeks." Legolas grinned at his father, letting out a laugh.

"If you insist Adar. It will be a pleasure to have you return here, and admit that Patrol Duty is far harder than a little bit of paperwork." He said lightly. Thranduil laughed gently smiling as he shook his head.

"And here I was, fooled into believing that you enjoyed your job- without paper work or anything like that. But come, you must tell your patrol about what is happening and I still need to inform my Advisors." He stood, reaching out to gently pat his son on the shoulder.

"When I return here, I am sure you will be the one to admit that my job is indeed the hardest."


Legolas grinned as his patrol stared at him as if he had sprouted a second head.

"Legolas, your father won't survive with us! He may be a skilled warrior, but he has not been in a battle for several years- and if he does survive, he will probably lock you in the dungeon to keep you from coming with us again!" His friend Beridhren exclaimed. Legolas grinned more at this, trying not to laugh.

"Though I may agree, Beridhren, it's his idea and I cannot refuse him. Besides he might find it fun, and want to join you again!" he tried to convince his men. Even still, they all shook their heads.

"He is our King, Legolas- I do not think it would be proper for me to order him around." Beridhren informed him. Legolas sighed before coming up with one last thing.

"You give me orders, do you not? I am your Prince, yet when we are out there I follow your every order. When he is with you, he shall be no more the King than I am the Prince." He announced. Immediately the Elves around him perked up. The idea that they would be able to treat the King like they treated Legolas was an interesting idea... one they would definitely use.


Celegon choked on his wine.

"Thranduil, do you want your son to leave for Valinor early?" he demanded. Thranduil chuckled softly at his old friends words.

"I'm quite sure Legolas can manage for a few weeks. With you watching over him, everything will go smoothly. Do not forget that you cared for me in my first few weeks as King." He gestured to himself. Celegon shook in mock horror.

"I shall never forget those weeks. How someone could be able to make so many mistakes I shall never know." Thranduil glared at his friends before breaking into a smile once more.

"From tomorrow until I return, Legolas shall be in charge, with you as his Advisor. The Kingdom shall be safe in both of your hands, I am sure." Thranduil explained as he stood. Celegon nodded before frowning.

"Thranduil, where are you going?" he asked suspiciously, seeing the twinkle in the king's eye.

"To prepare a few tasks for Legolas- I am sure there is quite a large amount of paperwork piling up in my study..." He replied. Celegon's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"How long have you been planning this, exactly?" he asked slowly. Thranduil smiled and shrugged dismissively.

"Oh... about two months or so." Celegon let out a loud groan.

"I knew it. You do want Legolas to leave early." A laugh filled the air as Thranduil exited the room.


Legolas and Thranduil stood outside on the balcony of the main hall, watching the elves below. The sun had not yet risen, but both had eaten and were wide awake.

"Adar, you should leave now so Beridhren can ensure that everyone is accounted for before you depart. Remember, they will treat you quite differently out there- if someone gives an order, you must listen to them. Everyone is equal when on patrol- if a leader is needed, the role will fall to Beridhren. If..." Legolas was cut off when his father gently placed a hand over his mouth.

"Do not worry about me, Ion Nin, I have done this all before. You should be worried about yourself- you will hate me by the end of these two weeks! Make sure you listen to Celegon, he knows what he's doing and he is under instructions to watch over you. Try not to lose your temper at anyone- I know it is hard, but you must. If you are required to punish a criminal or say no to a request you must do it, you cannot be soft because then they shall take advantage of the fact in the future. Also, you must do the paperwork- you cannot avoid it. If you try to, you shall regret it. Celegon will give you further instructions in the evenings and the mornings. Good luck, Ion Nin." Thranduil instructed pulling his son into a hug.

"I shall see you in two weeks." He finished, pulling away from the hug. "Stay safe, Legolas." He added, as he left the room.

"And you, Adar!" The Prince called back, shaking his head with a smile.

Several minutes later, Celegon entered the room, a list in his hands. Looking down once more Legolas then turned and joined Celegon in the middle of the room.

"Today Legolas, we shall begin by filling out the documents Thranduil has left for you. We shall stop for lunch and then you shall be visited by some of the people of Mirkwood, each of them will have a request. After that you have half an hour of spare time before dinner. After that I suggest you do some more paperwork… that way you will have more time tomorrow, which shall be a busy day indeed." Celegon announced as they walked to Legolas' study-which he rarely used. As he entered he groaned at the size of the pile of paperwork.

"Is this all of it?" he asked sadly. Celegon shook his head.

"No my Prince, this is only part of it." With that Celegon sat down at a smaller table and began work on a small pile of papers. Sighing Legolas sank into his chair at his desk and looked at the first piece of paper. Weaponry Expenses.

"How fascinating." Legolas said to himself as he began the slow and boring task ahead of him.


Thranduil watched in amusement as 'his' patrol sat around groaning about the early start as Beridhren went over his Orders

"Today, we leave to replace Berenon's patrol. Once we arrive, we will need to inform him quickly and quietly that we are there, so Elweth will be joining us as our scout for the first day. After that she will return here and prepare the next patrol to replace us. Once we reach the river we must remain silent, because from then on we will be in orc territory. Is everyone clear?" he announced. Everyone nodded and hoisted their packs onto their backs. Thranduil followed suit, picking up his bow and sword and securing them in place. Once everyone was prepared, Beridhren looked over them all before nodding.

"Let's move then. Elweth shall be meeting us on the way." With that the patrol-eight of them altogether- took off at a jog. As they ran Thranduil grinned to himself.

This is going to be easy.

*cackles* Yes...easy...

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