Disclaimer: don't own it.

(A/N: jalex angst two-shot for all of you. Tell me what you think.)


"Just give in, Justin", Alex pleaded looking into his dreamy blue eyes.

Justin broke free from her embrace. "I…can't…. you're my little sister."….

And she likes to think maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.


She thinks it began on her 18th birthday. She blames the sappy music and romantic atmosphere (that she didn't hate for one day of her life). He blames the drinks (that she forced down his throat).

And then they got lost in each other's eyes during the dance. Eyes on eyes, hand in hand, breathing in sync- her life was picture perfect (and she still has the picture in her work desk).

"Sorry I couldn't find the perfect card", Justin apologized, looking deeply into her eyes.

Alex smiled. "It's okay. Your card was the best."

"No insults? Wow, you are growing up." Justin chuckled.

Alex laughed. "I would insult you about the messy hair, but it's making you look too hot."


Alex froze in fear and anticipation.

Justin smiled. "Thanks."


"You look great too." Justin complimented.

Alex blushed (seriously?). "Thanks."

And that was supposed to be just a friendly peck on the cheek, but no, things had to go wrong (don't they always do?)

Justin pulled her into him and lightly nibbled at her earlobe. Alex shuddered at his touch. "Justin….."

"Shhh…." Justin whispered against her ear.

And she kept quiet.

She kept quiet when he kissed her neck fervently.

And she kept quiet when he suddenly pulled back and ran away.

And in moments like this (heart-breaking, painful, torturing), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.

(And she still thanks God that no one noticed the kiss. Or maybe Justin used the memory spell. Then again, she's thankful he didn't use it on her)


Things got back to normal within a week. Justin acted dorky and annoying again. Alex teased and taunted him again.

But there was this sudden pain in her chest, and a stinging feeling in her eyes, when he introduced her to his girlfriend.

She ignored it, in the same way she ignores her mother when she asks her to wash a dish.

The only difference was that this feeling came back.

It came back to haunt her- in her days and in her dreams.

And she couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't really like her."

Justin raised an eyebrow.

"She's too girly… too princess-y". Alex complained.

"So?" Justin scoffed.

"You two won't last long." Alex declared.

Justin glared at her. "And why would you say that? What do you know about relationships? What do you understand about love?"

She's quite sure she understands what love is. But she thinks maybe it was better if she didn't. And it's definitely better if she didn't speak.



"I didn't mean to sound like that…. I'm sorry…. I know how much you love him…."

Alex raised an eyebrow.

Justin sighed. "Mason."

Oh. That. Yeah.

She's vaguely aware of the fact that Mason left her heart-broken at Transylvania. Because the only thing she can remember is 'We are not normal people'. Ironic. True. She's not normal: she's in love with her brother.

"I'm sure you'll find the right guy." Justin smiled.

And why did she never notice how his lips curved upward so cutely when he smiled like that? Pink, soft lips.

Alex licked her lips. "Justin…."

Justin raised an eye-brow.

"Break up with her."

"WHAT?!?!" Justin jumped out of his seat.

Alex looked at his eyes.

"Alex, you can't tell me what to do. You have no right to butt into my love life. You're just my little sister."

And in moments like this (heart-breaking, painful, torturing), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.


"I told you so." Alex said as she sat down beside Justin on the couch.

Justin had his head buried in his hands, but he looked up at her with red teary eyes. "Why does it always happen to me?"

That's the same question she asked herself. And she would have asked God when she went to Heaven, but she's almost aware of the fact that she'll be going to Hell.

"She never loved me….." Justin sobbed.

Why didn't she notice his nose was red because of the crying?

She pulled him into a hug, whispering comforting words in his ear.

And she's almost certain that Justin lost control because he was so vulnerable. He crashed his lips onto hers, kissing her fiercely, biting her lips, till he broke away after 2 minutes, and walked out of her door without a single word.

And in moments like this (heart-breaking, painful, torturing), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.

And yet, her lips still tingle at the memory. (And it has got nothing to do with the fact that she likes the taste of breaking the rules- she just loved the feel of her brother's lips).

They don't talk about it though.


"Pizza tonight?"

"Yeah, sure…. I'll pick you up at seven…"

Her heart pounded fast against her chest. Justin was taking her out for pizza. Well, not exactly on a date, but she could care less.

"Wow, Justin, you're right on time. Talk about punctuality!"

She still remembers his bright smile when he saw her in the beautiful black dress. "You look great Alex."

"Thanks…. You look good yourself…"

Déjà vu?

He took her hand in his, but dropped it after ten seconds.

And in moments like this (heart-breaking, painful, torturing), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.

"So, you like the pizza?"

"Duh." Alex rolled her eyes. "As long as you are paying." she added, just to be sure.

Justin smiled. "Anything for you, love".

Alex froze. Justin froze. Time froze for them. Until their mom called him.

"Yeah mom…. What?...really?… okay… We'll be there…yeah Alex is with me… in an hour…okay…see you then."

Alex raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Max." Justin stated calmly. "He's bringing his girlfriend home."

"Oh." Alex smiled. At least one of them was happy.

The rest of the dinner went silently. Conversation began again in the cab.

"It feels so good to know max has got a girlfriend…" Justin smiled.

"Yeah, just yesterday he was talking about were-foxes." Alex laughed.

"Looks like our little brother is growing up."

"Yeah." Alex agreed.

Max never told them about his girlfriend. And they were sure he didn't tell her about them either. Typical. Predictable.

"Hey guys." Justin smiled as he walked in.

"Hi bro!" Max smiled. "Emma, I'd like you to meet my brother, Justin."

Justin smiled and said hi.

"And this is-"Max pointed at Alex.

"I know-"Emma cut him off.

"You do?" Max sounded surprised.

"Yeah." Emma smiled. "That's his girlfriend, right?"

Alex frozen again. Justin froze again. Time froze again for them. Until their father spoke- "no… she's his sister…er…I mean… their sister…." He pointed towards Max and Justin.

And in moments like this (heart-breaking, painful, torturing), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.


"She's a wizard." Max confessed.

Alex raised an eyebrow.

"I can't marry her if I don't win the competition….and I won't win…Justin will."

Alex rolled her eyes. She knew Max would never win. Justin would. (She would say she would, but she couldn't break Justin's heart and shatter his dreams!)

"And what if I give you my powers?" Justin asked calmly.

"What?" Alex and Max questioned in unison.

"I want to give up my powers." Justin stated coolly.

"Why would you do that?" Max asked, clearly confused.

"Because you are my little brother…." Justin smiled.

And Alex is convinced that there were other reasons (about the facts that he was in love with his sister and would never marry another girl-wizard or mortal).

"What if you fall in love with a wizard?" Max asked again.

"Uhh, don't you mean, witch?" Justin smiled as he got up and walked out of the room.

And he didn't answer Max.

And in moments like this (brotherly, comfortable, serene), she knows things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.


"Why are you avoiding me, Justin?" Alex set the phone on speaker mode.

"What! I'm not avoiding you. I'm just…busy."

"Did I ever tell you that you aren't good at lying?"

"Nope. But how can I be bad? You are the mother of lies. And we share the same genes."

Yeah. They shared the same genes. Thanks for reminding her though. And thanks for the long awkward silence.

"I gotta go Alex…."

"Justin….We broke up…."

"What! Who? When? Where? Why?"


"When? Where? Why?"


"Where? Why?"

"At the movies…."


"Justin! I think you know why!" Alex replied in an irritated tone. Seriously, she wasn't talking about charming her parents. This was way more serious.

"Oh". Justin finally understood.

Then there was silence until-

Justin hung up.

And she is sure that the dial tone of a phone is the most heart-breaking thing in this world.

And in moments like this (lonely, helpless), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.


"I can't stay with her!"

"Justin she's really upset. She isn't even talking to me. And I am her mother! You have to talk to her. It's your responsibility. You're her brother. She needs you!"

She's fully aware that the reason he came to her apartment that fateful night was their mother's words. Yet, she likes to pretend it was because he cared about her (sure he did, but not the way she wanted him to).



"Ummm…come in…"




She now smiles at their inability to form sentences that night. But some things don't need words. Some feelings can be best expressed through eyes. And she knew her eyes fully sparkled with the mixture of love, trust, hurt, anxiety, pain and jealousy she had been holding in for months. And she vaguely remembers seeing a struggle between lust and self-control in his eyes. And she still wishes she could forget the painful expression in his face.

She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer to her.

She's fully aware of the fact that Justin's heart started racing and his breathing became ferocious. And she's vaguely aware of the fact that she stopped breathing and her heart ceased to beat.

"I love you."

And she thought she'd never hear him say that!

"I know…." Alex pecked his lips lightly. But the kiss turned passionate, with tongues battling and hands roaming freely. She is fully confirmed that she will never feel so giddy and dazed in her life ever again.

Finally, Justin pulled apart and groaned. "I can't do this."

"Just give in, Justin" Alex pleaded, looking into his dreamy blue eyes.

Justin broke free from her embrace. "I…can't.. You're my little sister"….

And in moments like this (heart-breaking, painful, torturing), she likes to think that maybe things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.

"You are leaving tomorrow morning." Alex declared, as she wiped her tears.

Justin simply nodded, not trusting his voice.

"And we are not speaking again." Alex completed.

Justin sighed. "Stay with me tonight?" His voice cracked.

She still feels vulnerable when she recalls the uncertainty in his voice.

She simply nodded and threw her arms around him for dear life.

And her eyes still get filled with tears when she remembers the last night she slept in his arms- the last time she spoke to him.

She still has the last letter in her hand. The letter he dropped in her desk the next morning.

"I'm sorry Alex…. I love you…always."

And that's how you avoid your sibling for two years even when you're living in the same city.

And she tells herself every damn day that things would have been different if she wasn't his sister.

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