Co written with BlacknBlue32

I lay in the bed a little while after the alarm goes off. I refuse to open my eyes or to move from the place he had died. All I want of this moment is to die, to just stay here and die in the exact same place he had. Oh how I want to see him again.

Unconsciously my powers bring me back to the time of his death. I stand there in a shadow of the time, unable to change anything.

It was 7:00 on his 29'th birthday. The alarm clock was playing (Ironically) "If Today was your last day"

"Daddy wake up!" called our eleven year old daughter, Catelina

"Dadadadadadadadadadada" coed our 3 year old, Kyler

"Dad it's your birthday!" smiled our old for his age, son James of thirteen years

"I'm up, I'm up!" he exclaimed, sweeping his kids into a hug.

I giggle from my place in the door way "Mirandy!" he smiles his long time nickname for me

I laugh and move to hug him, "Happy birthday baby" I whisper as he kisses me.

"Ewww!" The kids grossed out except James, Who sat on the side of Danny that faced the window. It was as if he knew his father would be killed and had to sit in the line of fire in order to protect him.

"Hey James, turn off the alarm will ya bud?" asked Danny good naturedly tousling the boys hair.

The boy seemed reluctant to get up from his post but switched off the clock anyway and returned right back to his spot.

I looked at the two and how much they were alike. The same sad and understanding face on both of them. "Something wrong you two?" I ask feeling a pang of worry stab through my chest, as my hand flies up to my heart.

Danny wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair, "Not for long"

"Not long at all" murmured James leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Why do't you two go get breakfast for the younger ones. I'll see you later" He put emphasis on the word later.

James looked up rather alarmed "Now?" he seemed to choke back a sob

"Yes Now" said Danny softly and firmly "I love you James. More than anything in the world I love you, now go help your siblings."

James left the room his eyes shining with unshed tears. Danny kissed me one last time. "I love you Mirry" he smiled winningly

"Miranda Catelina Jackson, you are irreplacable and you need to get over me" he said "I love you, I'll see you soon, now go"

I felt ready to cry myself even though I had no clue what was to happen.

I went downstairs and fixed breakfast with a heavy heart. James, last I saw was out on the porch swing.

"Go get your brother" I start to tell Lina but am cut off by hearing James yell in pain.

"James!" I hear Danny scream

Another shot rang out. "DAD!" screamed James, I burst into the bedroom to see James clutching his left for arm, and stagering to stay in the fighting stance, normally used in the MBC which he supoosedly knows nothing about.

Danny lay with his eyes closed on the bed, blood seeped from a wound in his chest. "Miranda" he whispers my name slowly. Then he died. The funeral was held the next saturday and the folowing months passed in a blur.

A year passed and James was very much the father of the family, he even worked to help my meager income.

Every mornng is like this, wishing I could die hear. Everytime I realize I can't, James needs me, the other two do too but mostly James.

I close my eyes again and I see Danny, wearing a soft but sad smile he soke his head at me. I smile softly and open my eyes. I drag myskef out of bed, plaster on a smile and face the world once again.

In the sunny kitchen James is frying Bacon, while Lina attends to the baby.

"Hey kids." I smile, "forget school today, let's have fun"

This is a three shot and after that if you want us to continue we will if you ask!