Wow...I am so sorry, guys! I hope y'all didn't lose complete faith in me!

After the guests expressed their congratulations to the bride and groom, they had dinner. Zuko couldn't get Ozai's appearance out of his mind. Mai took notice and sighed.

"All right, spit it out." Mai said. "What's wrong?"

"I just can't seem to figure out how the hell Ozai found out about us getting married." Zuko admitted.

"Well, you're getting a lot of media coverage." Sokka put in.

Zuko stared in shock. "What?"

"I thought you knew?" Mai asked.

"I didn't!" Zuko exclaimed. "I can't keep track of every little thing that goes on in this country!"

"Oh, well, know you know." Mai replied. "But we thought you'd pick up on it, since it's the first royal wedding the Fire Nation had in a long time."

Zuko sighed and put his head in his hands. "Uggghhhh..."

"Zuko, come on. It's your wedding!" Aang exclaimed. "Have a cookie. Dance with Mai! Stop worrying so much!"

"I don't like dancing." Mai said dully.

"And I don't like cookies." Zuko said just as dully.

Aang and Sokka stared. "Wow. They really are the perfect match."


Hakoda got his food and surveyed the reception area. He turned around and almost bumped into Mai's uncle, the warden of The Boiling Rock.

"Oh! Sorry." Hakoda apologized.

"Yeah." The warden grunted and shrugged. They shifted awkwardly.

"Nice shoes." Hakoda commented, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you." The warden walked off.

Hakoda went back to searching for a seat. The only available seat was at a table of five which seated four Fire Nation women. He smiled and approached the table. One of the women Hakoda recognized was Ursa, Zuko's mother.

"...I realized that." She was saying calmly. "But if my children grow up knowing that their mother gave up her freedom for her principles instead of the other way around, I'm okay with that."

Hakoda stopped and stared at the woman before him. 'Wow. What a woman.' He cleared his throat The women looked up at them. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

"Of course not." Ursa smiled. She gestured to the empty seat, much to the other womens' apparent disapproval.

Hakoda sat down and looked around. It was silent for a few minutes. The Water Chief decided to break the ice. "So, an ostrich-horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says 'Hey, why the long face?'!"

After a few seconds, Ursa covered her mouth and giggled. "Oh my, that was clever!"

Hakoda smiled. He glanced at the other women who had looks of dismay on their faces. One of them stood up. "Please excuse us." They left Ursa and Hakoda alone.

"Was it something I said?" Asked Hakoda.

Ursa just smiled and shook her head. "We haven't officially met. I'm Ursa, Zuko's mother."

"Hakoda, Sokka and Katara's father." They bowed in greeting. Ursa caught herself staring into Hakoda's eyes. Hakoda noticed and stared back.

Ursa cleared her throat and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I want you to know that some of Zuko's idealism and compassion comes from Sokka and Katara. They really helped him from going over the edge with stress. He also told me you had a talk with him after you signed a peace treaty."

Hakoda smiled. "Thank you. I'll be honest with you: I don't like the Fire Nation for what they did to my wife...but, after meeting Fire Lord Zuko, and after he saved Sokka and Katara from certain deaths and stopped the war...I'm starting to warm up to it."

"That's good." Ursa said. "And, truthfully, I don't like my government either...until Zuko became Fire Lord."

A slow song started. Hakoda stood up and extended a hand. "May I have this dance?"

Ursa stared in surprise, then smiled. "I'd love to." She stood up, took his hand and pulled him to a spot on the dance floor. Ignoring the surprised stares of the wedding guests.

Mai and Zuko were still at their table. They noticed a Water Tribe man dancing with a Fire Nation woman.

"Aww! Isn't that awesome, Mai?" Zuko smiled. "Already, interracial couples are forming!"

Mai looked closer at the two dancers and turned back to Zuko. "So, you're really okay with it?"

"Yeah, why?" Zuko took a sip of his drink.

"Because that is your mom dancing with Hakoda, Sokka and Katara's dad." Mai responded.

Zuko spat out his drink in surprise. "WHAT?" He jumped up and ran to get a closer look. Sokka and Katara joined him. Katara gasped in shock and Sokka exclaimed "Holy shit!"

Hakoda and Ursa took no notice of their childrens' outburst. Zuko, Sokka, and Katara stared at the couple. Aang, Suki, and Mai joined them.

"Hey, what are you guys looking at?" Asked Suki. She, Aang, and Mai followed their gazes, and saw Hakoda and Ursa dance together. "Aawww! They're so cute together!"

"They look really happy." Aang commented.

Katara just sighed in disbelief and sat down at her table and put her head in her hand and rested her elbow on the tabletop. Her friends joined her.

"Katara, they were just dancing." Aang reassured her. "It's not like they're getting married."

"Yeah..." Katara said dully.

"Though, if they did get married, we'd all be related." Zuko pointed out.

"Yeah..." Katara said in the same tone. "We'd also be related to Azula."

Sokka gasped and put on a dramatic face. "The stepsister from hell!"

"No kidding." Mai added. "I have my own monster-in-law." Zuko raised an eyebrow at her. "Azula, not Ursa."

Sokka stretched and got up. "Well, I'm gonna get a drink. Anybody want anything?"

"No...not really...thanks anyway."

Sokka shrugged. "Suit yourselves."

Aang stared at Katara and smiled. He got up, walked to his girlfriend, and extended his hand. "Care to dance?"

Katara looked up at Aang. "I don't know..."

"Come on." Aang smiled encouragingly.

Katara smiled and took a sip of her drink, set the drink down, and took Aang's hand. "What the hell."

"And then there were two." Zuko commented. He and Mai got up to socialize more.

Teo stared at Toph for a while. He wheeled over to her, smiling. "Hey, Toph."

"Hey, Wheels." Toph replied, eating a pastry. "What's up?"

"The sky." Teo smirked. They both laugh. "So, I have a question..."

"Ok..." Toph nodded for him to continue.

"Can you see fire? I mean, I know some blind people can see some light and colors...but..." Teo cringed a little in embarrassment. "N-never mind. I-it's a dumb question..."

"No, it's not." Toph rolled her eyes. "I can't see at all. Total darkness here." She waved her hand in front of her eyes. "What about you? Can you feel anything in those legs of yours?"

"Nope." Teo poked his legs. "Total numbness here." He smirked. Toph giggled slightly. Teo smiled and stared at Toph in admiration. "You have a pretty smile."

"Thanks." Toph stared back at Teo. "I'd return the complement, know..."

Teo shrugged. "Hey, would you like to go out sometime?"

Toph was pleasantly surprised. She smiled. "Sure. Does tomorrow sound good?"

"Absolutely!" Teo grinned widely. "Two hours before sundown sound good?"

"Sure! See you then!" Toph waved and walked off.

"Awesome!" Teo sighed happily. Realization dawned on him. "I just asked out a blind would that even work out?" He paused. "Ah, well. I'll think of something."


"...So excited for your marriage. How many kids are you going to have?"

Mai and Zuko continued mingling with the nobles. It was a countess who asked the question.

"Well, we'll have at least one." Zuko answered trying not to blush. "I do need an heir."

"Oh, how wonderful!" the countess exclaimed.

Mai was about to respond when a bolt of lightning whizzed past her ear and crashed into a table setting it on fire. The crowd gasped and turned to the doorway to see a girl in her late teens with unruly dark brown hair and amber eyes.

"IT'S THE FIRE LORD'S CRAZY SISTER!" Sokka shouted pointing at Azula. Aang, Katara, Toph, Haru, and Iroh ran to Zuko's side to back him up. They all took their stances.

"What are you doing here, Azula?" Zuko demanded.

"Well, after hearing of your marriage, I just had to see this!" Azula cackled madly. "I am surprised, though. I figured you'd marry that Water Tribe peasant you risked your life for."

"Well, you figured wrong. Going crazy can do that to you." Zuko smirked.

Azula screeched angrily and shot lightning in Zuko's direction. Aang bent up a wall in front of Zuko, and Mai and Sokka pulled Zuko out of harms' way. After the dust cleared, Azula stood panting for breath.

"I will get my revenge on you, brother." She seethed. "Make no mistake about that!" With that, she ran off.

Zuko ordered his guards to search for her and lock her up. Ursa just stared after her daughter. Did she see her? She didn't know what to make of her appearance. Only that Azula had been corrupted by her father.

Ty Lee approached Sokka looking weary. "Sokka, we have a problem."

Sokka groaned. "What now?"

"I just got a message from the guy who rented out the cabin on Ember Island for Zuko and Mai, and he said that someone already reserved first." She said, tearfully.

"Today of all days..." Sokka sighed and smacked his forehead. " problem. We can reserve another cabin."

"It's too late to send a messenger hawk." Ty Lee shook her head.

Katara walked up to them. "Hey, what's going on?"

Sokka explained the situation. Katara sighed and shook her head. "Ok, so, now what?"

"I have a plan!" Sokka exclaimed pointing to the sky.


"So, because Ember Island messed up the reservation for Zuko and Mai's cabin, we need Appa to fly there to reserve another cabin for them without them knowing?"

Sokka ran to tell Aang the situation. Sokka nodded eagerly. Aang folded his arms. "Why don't we just tell them the truth?"

"Because enough has gone wrong and we don't want to stress them out!" Ty Lee answered. "Besides, this is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. The perfect wedding, and now it's the perfect disaster!"

Aang raised his hands to calm her. "Okay, calm down."

Ty Lee sighed. "I'm sorry, Avatar. It's just..."

"It's okay." Aang smiled. He then turned to Sokka. "I'll have Appa ready."

"Thanks. I'll tell my dad to stall the ship to give us a head start." Sokka and Aang separated. They hoped they can pull this off. The last thing they need is another disaster.

I was gonna add more, but I figured you guys have waited long enough.