Hi there! I don't know what made me come up with this, but I did. I just love putting Nancy through heck for some odd reason. Well, I hope you like!


Edward jolted upwards, his head snapping to his wife. She was kicking and punching, almost as if she was swimming in their bed. Her fingers clawed at her pillow; she apparently wanted to murder it. She was screaming, "Quit! Quit! Please quit! Stop!"

Edward grabbed her shoulder and shook it. She turned her attention away from the plush and towards him, fighting him off like a child would his parents when they confront him with disgusting medicine. He tried to wake her up again; this time, he proved successful. Her eyes burst open, her pupils frantically darting around and her breath ragged.

"Nancy, my love, what is troubling you?" he asked, pushing a sweaty lock of hair out of her face.

"Nothing...It's nothing," she mumbled.

"Well, obviously not. Tell me, please. I do not want for you to hurt and me not know."

She sighed, pushing herself up into a sitting position and leaning against him. "I just had a nightmare, nothing more."

"What happened in the nightmare?"

"It was just about and ex-boyfriend...that's it." She was twisting the loose sheets that were around them with her hands, her face slightly flushed. "Don't worry. I have you now, instead of a loser like him."

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" Edward asked, his voice growing angry at the bare thought of anyone who dared do anything to his beloved.


"What? How? Did he hit you?"

"Yeah, sometimes...It was in high school; it's over now."

"That's no excuse! My sweet, why would you allow yourself to be with such a...a...a-"

"Bastard?" Nancy suggested.

"Uh, yeah. Why though? You're better than that."

"He was popular; I was a loser. He put me higher on the social ladder. When I was with him I didn't get dumped into the trashcan. So I just let him do what he wanted with me. If he had had a bad day, he would take it out on me. If he had ever needed someone to wait on him, I would do it. If he needed, um, someone to, uh, do it with, I'd let him do it."

"You'd let him? You didn't want him to do it?"

"Most of the time, no," she said, before murmering under her breath, "Hell, sometimes he'd do it when I wouldn't let him..."

Edward gasped, inwardly praying his suspicions weren't right. "Nancy...did he r-rape you?"

Nancy solemnly nodded before starting to cry. "I-I shouldn't have worn that dress-it was too low-cut-I was too tempting-"

"Nancy! That wasn't your fault. How could you even think that?"

She slumped against him, her whole body releasing its tension. "I don't know!"

Edward pulled her off of him, using one hand to lift her chin to where she was looking into his eyes. He kissed her, then said, "Nancy, remember this: no one will ever hurt you in anyway as long as I live, and if someone ever does, I will see to it that they die a miserable, painful death."

She smiled. "Thank you."

"For what? Protecting you is a part of being your husband."

"Thank you for protecting me, listening to me, loving me..."

"You're welcome, my sweet." He kissed the top of her head and they both settled, Nancy going right back to dreamland. But Nancy mumbled one more thing that caught Edward's attention: "Oh, Taye, that feels good..."


"Hmm?" she groggily asked, now awake again.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked, his brow furrowing in confusion and concern.

"Yeah, yeah..." She passed out again.

Edward dismissed his worries, but heard one last thing before going to sleep: "Now...Mr. Diggs...where were we...?"

Did you catch the Tidina reference? I just couldn't resist :P Please review!