A/N: New chappie! enjoy!

Chapter 8: Visitor

Lenore hummed through a smile as she stepped through the marketplace, looking over the carts and their contents to see if whatever was in them was what she needed or not, a bag hanging from one of her wrists. She lifted a piece of fruit from one of the carts she passed, handing the vendor a coin for it as she took a bite, thanking him as she continued on her way. The hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stood on end, making her steps falter before they quickened slightly. She wasn't sure who was following her, but she was certain she was being followed.

Rounding into and alleyway, she shoved her back against one end to peek out from the shadows. Her amber eyes darted around the scenery before she turned to head fully down the alley, but she gasped when she was met by an obstacle. Her eyes widened as she took a step back in shock and terror.

"Riddick…" she breathed, meeting his shining gaze as he stared down at her, his massive frame looming over her small one. "W-Why are you…? What—?"

"Quit sputtering and take me to Vaako," he demanded, making her eyes shoot wider, if possible.

Her terror and shock turned to anger as she glared up at him, making him cock a brow at her in wonder.

"No," she snapped. "You'll have to kill me before you can kill him."

"I'm not here to kill either one of you, stupid girl," Riddick shot back, making her eyes widen in shock before she gasped when one of his huge hands came up and grabbed her arm to pull her closer and glare down at her. "Now…take. Me. To. Vaako."


Damon marched up the stairs to his hotel room, sensing something was wrong. He went to the marketplace after selling the frigate he had arrived in with Lenore and the others that wanted to come to Palic to look for Lenore, but he hadn't found her. He was sure she would've been there with all the shopping she said she had to do, but when he found no sign of her, he assumed she'd come back to their hotel room. At least, that was what he hoped.

Stopping at the door, he noticed it was unlocked, and there was an ominous air coming from inside…one he'd felt before. He realized what must have happened and settled his hand on the knife in its sheath on his belt. He'd bought it before heading to the marketplace with some of the money from the sale, but he didn't realize he would have the opportunity to test it out so soon.

"Damon should be here any moment," he heard Lenore explain on the other side of the thin door, making him stop his strategy of attacking. She sounded calm enough. Then again, she was a master at keeping her cool in the gravest of situations. "He went to sell the ship we came in on."

Don't tell him, Lenore! he scolded her in his thoughts, silently moving to grasp the knob.

"Instead of waiting, you can leave the message with me if there's somewhere you need to go," she suggested, making Damon frown in wonder.

"It ain't just a message," Riddick's deep voice sounded, seemingly right next to the door. "I'm here to help with this problem heading your way."

Damon kept his hand on his knife, but didn't brandish it as he gripped the knob and stepped through the door. He'd been right in assuming Riddick was waiting next to the door to attack any intruders, because as soon as he stepped over the threshold, a shiv came up to his throat, which he quickly dodged by sidestepping it and strolling into the room.

"Damon!" Lenore gasped from the small kitchen across the room, glancing between the two men as Damon moved to the center of the room, the door swinging shut as Riddick lowered his shiv to his side, staring his shined eyes at the former Necro commander. "What the hell Riddick?"

"It's alright, Lenore," Damon called, still glaring at Riddick, lifting a hand to her when he heard her take a step closer. "What's your message and what help are you offering?"

"You heard?" Lenore breathed in disbelief, staring at his back.

"Of course he heard," Riddick smirked smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. "He was standing outside the door long enough."

"Damon, why didn't you—?"

"Lenore, please," Damon cut in, gently as he glanced at her over his shoulder then looked back at Riddick with a nod.

"Your ex-wife is on her way," Riddick reported, making Lenore freeze before lowering herself into a chair she gripped close by, her eyes wide in disbelief. Damon said nothing as he straightened, his own eyes widening at Riddick, only slightly. "I had her locked up, but she escaped and took one of the smaller ships. I don't know where she went, and she didn't know where I sent you two, but it's only a matter of time before she finds you."

"So, you've come to help me when she arrives, is that it?" Damon guessed. "It's appreciated, but I can handle her. All I need do is slice this blade across her throat and—"

"No, Damon."

He whirled around and frowned in confusion at Lenore's call and she met his gaze.

"I won't allow you to take another life," she breathed. "Especially if it is to protect me. Commander Vaako is dead. Damon never took a life as long as I've known him."

"Now is not the time to argue about identities, Lenore," he argued, stepping toward her as Riddick remained silent, waiting for a sure answer from them. Damon knelt in front of her as she kept his gaze and he took her hands into his, settling them on her lap as he continued, "If she comes, she will still be consumed by the Necromonger teachings. She will want to keep what she kills."

He glanced over his shoulder at Riddick before looking back at her and lifting a hand to stroke her cheek, softly and whispered, "I won't let my dream become a reality. If I lost you, my life would be forfeit."

"And I refuse to lose you again, Damon," she murmured, lifting his hand in both of hers to hold it over her heart. "If you take a life again, I will lose you."

"Then what, in all your womanly wisdom, do you suggest, my love?" he wondered.

"Let me face her," she instantly replied. "If she wants to keep what she kills, let her fight me."

"Did you not hear me, Lenore?" he ground out, softly. "I won't let her kill you."

"You don't know that she will kill me."

"Even if you live, I will still lose you," he insisted, making her frown in wonder. "Taking a life…it changes a person. Did you not learn from watching me all these years?"

"I have learned, Damon," Lenore smiled warmly as she lifted a hand to stroke her fingers through his hair. "Which is why I would rather sacrifice my innocence to bloodshed than force you to renew your talent for it…unless you let Riddick help."

Damon stared at her, knowing she would do what she'd just said. Everything they'd said to each other was true, he knew it. But he also knew his former wife. She would not stop until Lenore, or even he, was dead. In that moment, he made his decision. He would let Riddick help them, but whatever the plan, he would protect Lenore. Damn the Necromonger way. The former Dame Vaako will not have her way this time.

He smiled warmly at her, realizing she still stroked his hair before he moved toward her and pressed a kiss to her cheek as he stood tall. Their hands slipped from the others as he turned to meet Riddick's shining gaze as he waited for Damon's decision.

"Do you have a plan?" he asked, answering Riddick through the question and he nodded as Damon felt Lenore slip one of her hands into his and they simultaneously squeezed the other's hands gently. "What do you plan to do with this troublesome woman?"

"I plan to kill her, unless you had something else in mind?" Riddick replied.

"If that is the plan, I'm afraid you must be the one to kill her," Damon explained, sending Lenore's wide, amber eyes at him, but he only kept his gaze on Riddick.

"So I heard," Riddick smirked. "I'll gladly do the job. I ain't complainin'."

"Thank you for your help, Riddick," Lenore smiled as she stood next to Damon, still holding his hand.

"Don't thank me till the bitch is dead, girl," Riddick warned, shoving off the wall and turning to the door. "I'm in the room next door. We'll talk later."

"Will you be having dinner with us?" Lenore wondered as he opened the door but didn't step out just yet.

"No," he replied, simply. "Don't try to get homey with me. I'm not here for your company, I'm here to kill that damned woman, and once it's done, I'm heading out."

"You must be lonely," she guessed, taking a step toward him, but Damon still held her hand to keep her from getting too close. "Please, join us for dinner?"

"I've been alone all my life, girl," Riddick nearly growled over his shoulder, swinging the door open to march out. "That'll never change."

The slam of the door made Lenore jump with a start before she sighed and turned to Damon to step closer to him.

"I tried," she murmured, setting her head on his shoulder as he slid his arms around her shoulders to pull her close, his cheek resting on her head. "I hate seeing that loneliness in anyone."

"Riddick can handle himself," Damon assured her, stroking her hair absently. "He doesn't need anyone, really. At least, that's how he sees it."

Lenore said nothing else as he continued stroking her hair, unable to help the smile that crept over his lips as her hug tightened on him before she stepped away with a smile of her own.

"I'll start dinner," she murmured, placing a kiss on his chin before stepping away and he reluctantly let her go to step toward the bed and she guessed, "I take it you sold the frigate?"

"I did," he replied, pulling a good sized bag from one of the pockets in his cargo pants and jingling it to get her attention. "This should last us a good while."

He gave a grunt when something rammed into his back and chuckled as Lenore threw her arms around his chest to hug him again.

"You are amazing, Damon!" she grinned.

"Thank you," he smirked back, gripping one of her hands and pulling her in front of him to nearly toss her back onto the bed. She laughed as she landed with a bounce on the mattress and he leaned over her, instantly capturing her lips in a passionate kiss before slowly pulling away after only a moment, making her frown. He only looked her in the eyes and reminded her, "I meant what I said, Lenore. I can't lose you. My nightmare won't come true. I don't care what happens. If she comes after you, you run and don't look back."

"I won't leave you to her!" she breathed, gripping his sleeves. "I meant what I said, too, Damon!"

"You really think she can hurt me?" he smirked. "She didn't hurt me when she had reason and she won't hurt me now."

"Do you not remember her attack against me?" Lenore wondered.

Damon swallowed, his gaze falling to the still raw cut on her throat in guilt before he looked back to her eyes and nodded, "Yes, I remember all too well. That's why I want to take care of her myself or have Riddick do it, preferably the second option. Now, what did you have in mind for dinner?"

Lenore gave a sigh before nodding, deciding to let the subject drop. She smiled delicately before pressing a quick kiss to his lips before they both stood and she took his hand to lead him toward the kitchen.

"Come and help me," she requested but before they reached the kitchen, he stopped them and pulled her toward him, making her frown up at him as he only smiled.

"This playing house is kind of nice," he smiled, warmly making her smile in return.

"I hope it lasts a little longer," she admitted and he hugged her close.

"I know, my love. I hope so, too."

A/N: short, i know. reviews?