Mood Rings
I'm walking through a garden. It's a beautiful garden, but one that's lacking something…color. Everywhere I look, there's only white. White roses, white tulips, white daffodils…even white leaves. The stems are green, but a very dull sort of green…like they're depressed and can't show their brilliance. I don't know how I can give plants such distinct emotions, but I feel it too.
Depressed…and annoyed. Why is everything so…boring! That's all I can think. Finally, I spot a bucket. At first, I think it's just a gardening bucket, used to water the flowers. But as I get closer, I notice that it's filled with a deep red substance. My heart starts pounding. I don't know why, but my instincts tell me that it's blood.
But then I spot a small paintbrush beside the bucket. I realize that it's just red paint. I kneel down and grab the brush without thinking, and dip it deep into the thick paint, somehow physically feeling the paint seep into my body, much like how it was doing with all the small hairs that made up the brush.
Once I'm sure the brush is soaked, I quickly turn to the left and splatter the paint all over what was a pure white rose only seconds before. I know it may seem ridiculous…trying to paint a flower, but it was taking the paint very well; for as it once was perfectly white, it is now truly red.
I can't help it…I must paint the rest of the flowers! The pale stem that held the rose I painted became such a brilliant forest green, I feel I need to do the same to the rest of the garden.
I paint and paint and paint…but just as I'm on the last rose…I run out of paint. There's not a single drop of red left in the bucket. My heart sinks in disappointment over having to leave just one rose without color. But then, just as quickly as I spotted the red paint, I see a blue paint bucket. It's very small, but it's the right amount for that last poor rose. I paint it blue.
And then…and I don't know why…but I pick it. I tug the stem from its roots and bring the flower to my nose and inhale deeply. I turn and see someone standing off in the distance…just outside of the garden. I want to yell to them to come see what I did to the flowers, but I have no voice. I don't feel alarmed, however, and simply begin walking in this person's direction.
When I get close enough, I see that he's wearing a hat. I stop…I know who it is. It's a long, lost friend. I begin running. I'm sure he'll want to see my blue rose!
I call his name, and though I don't hear my voice, he seems to. He turned around…slowly, but once he has his eyes on me…those green eyes…everything else seems to fade away. I'm suddenly left in the darkness, the only light being his bright green eyes and my blue rose. I call his name again. But then his eyes close, my rose begins to burn to ashes in my hand, and then…
"I wake up."
Mr. Ascot stared at me, the mustache above his lips twitching just slightly. We were both silent and still, save for the gentle rocking of the ship on the midnight waves. He didn't give me any looks to suggest that he began to presume I was mad, but his continuous, non-wavering stare was beginning to agitate me.
"You think it's a crazy dream?" I asked, waiting for him to give me the response I was expecting.
He sighed and brought his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He closed his eyes tightly before quickly opening them again to show that they were slightly bloodshot. But it was late, and I'm sure he had planned on going to bed just as soon as I walked into his study and interrupted him.
"No, Alice, I don't think your dream is crazy. How can dreams possibly be crazy, when all they are, are our subconscious thoughts? They're not real."
My shoulders slumped, not expecting that answer, "Then why do you look at me like that?"
A chuckle escaped his throat, "Because I don't see what that dream has to do with rushing our trip back home so we can get to my estate as quickly as possible."
I closed my eyes. It was my mistake to tell him that my dream was the reason I wanted to hurry home. No other reason…and I couldn't even explain the dream to him. Right then, he was probably thinking that I had no idea what the dream meant, and I probably just picked it up from something different I saw while in China. But in my heart, I knew…I knew my dream meant something.
Somehow, the Red Queen made me paint the White Queen's garden red. I don't know what the blue rose represented. But I think the Mad Hatter was trying to tell me something…warn me…
Hatter…I found it sad that he was looking right at me at the end of my dream, but I couldn't read the emotions he held. Usually, I found he was like a mood ring. So much so that I even purchased an authentic one in China. It reminded me of how he was so innocent and pure about his feelings…rather he was feeling excited, fearful, outraged…among other things. The mood ring helped me straighten my feelings out.
Casually looking down at my ring finger on my right hand, I noticed that it was dark amber. I studied the chart that came with the ring, and knew the color meant to tell me that I was anxious. Sometimes I wished the mood ring could also tell me why I felt the way I do. Alas, that's hoping for just a little too much.
Hearing him say my name, I looked back up at him and forced a smile, "I know it doesn't make any sense to you…but I just feel as though I forgot something there."
He raised an eyebrow, "But that was nearly three years ago…and you're just thinking about it now?" Shaking his head, he rolled up the map he had been studying, "Must not be that important to you."
I bit my bottom lip gently to stop my outburst upon hearing this comment. I wanted to tell him that it was the most important thing in my life…that nothing could ever take its place. But then…I thought…he would surely ask what it was. And how could I explain to him in any way of sounding sane…
That the most important thing in my life dealt with a wonderland where you can drink a potion that made you shrink, eat a cake that made you grow, talk to animals, watch a cat disappear in thin air, slay a dragon, and…most importantly…
Feel hopelessly devoted to a madman.
We didn't make it back to the mainland for another six days. Usually, I took the time to enjoy the rock of the ocean, but lately it had me feeling sick with restlessness. In fact, I had been lying in my rack with a warm washcloth over my eyes when I heard the whistle blow, signaling that we were about to hit shore.
I quickly ran from the bottom to the main deck, a huge smile plastering my lips as I saw the landscape. It had been so long since I'd been home…sure, it was beyond anything I could've dreamed to sail to China with my father's spirit beside me…but I lived it. Now I wanted to focus on other parts of my life.
I looked down at the dock to see who would be picking us up. Not to my surprise, I spotted Hamish, looking as "lordy" as ever, standing straightly erect next to a very petite redhead who looked as snobbish as himself.
"You do remember Janet, my daughter-in-law, from the letters, correct?" Mr. Ascot asked as he came up beside me to look down at his family. Hearing him mention this, it brought back memories to when we first received a letter from Hamish, stating that he found the perfect bride for him. I couldn't suppress a giggle as I recalled the way he described her, using words as though to try to make me jealous. Believe me, I was far more relieved that he wouldn't try to pursue me any longer.
"Ah yes," I reply, a quirk of a smile twisting my lips, "She's even prettier than he described, don't you think?"
Mr. Ascot gave me a double-take, at first not getting my sarcasm. But once he realized I was making fun of the way Hamish over-dramatized Janet's looks in his letters, he gave a short chuckle, "Yes, of course. Just remember to be nice on the ride home, Alice."
And be nice, I did. The ride home was long, but uneventful. Mr. Ascot tried to make small talk first with his new daughter, but when she didn't give sufficient answers, he turned to his son. After realizing that neither of them had anything of interest to discuss, he brought me into the conversation to begin describing all our adventures in China.
Hamish and Janet Ascot couldn't have been less interested.
As soon as the carriage pulled up to Mr. Ascot's estate, I jumped out and made a mad dash for the garden.
"Alice!" Mr. Ascot called after me, "Don't you want a bite to eat before you go wandering around?"
"No, thank you!" I screamed back, waving my arm behind me as a farewell. My heart was pounding in my throat and I found it hard to swallow. Once I was a good distance into the maze-like garden, I slowed down to catch my breath, surprised at my enthusiasm to come this far at the pace I was going.
I put a hand over my chest to slow my breathing. I looked around, hoping to spot some movement in the bushes. I swallowed hard, "Hello?! White Rabbit!" I spun around, "Are you there?"
I stood very still, trying to hold my breath now. Nothing. Would the White Rabbit be around if he wasn't looking for me? Truthfully, I wasn't quite sure how that worked. I knew he came out and about looking for me if there was trouble, but…what if everything was fine in Wonderland? He surely wouldn't come back to this world for no reason…would he?
I looked down at my mood ring to see it was still amber. I dropped my hand in irritation. I wanted to stomp my foot childishly, but thankfully stopped myself. I would have to think this out rationally…where was that rabbit hole?
The bushes shook beside me, causing me to jump from surprise. My eyes grew and blinked rapidly as I rushed over to the greenery, "Rabbit?" I spread the branches apart and looked inside, but there was nothing.
I heard someone clear his throat and I shot my head up to look down the isle of flowers. And there, at the other end, was the White Rabbit in his waistcoat. I was too shocked to move for a long moment…could it really be…just because I wanted him here…?
He held up his pocket watch and tapped on it insistently, bringing me back to reality…well, sort of. He turned and began hopping in the other direction. I thanked my adrenaline as I ran after him, knowing he would lead me to the rabbit hole that would lead me back to Wonderland and…all I left behind.
It didn't take him long to lead me to the large hole that sat at the bottom of the tree. I dropped to my knees and stared down into the darkness. I always hated this part…
"Just breathe, Alice…" I whispered to myself before closing my eyes and allowing my hands to slip to begin falling endlessly.
As I was falling, I thought of all the people I would surprise upon my return. I would quite like to visit the White Queen to see how she was doing, and…and…I would like to attend another tea party for I'm sure I was late. I smiled just thinking about it, though it quickly faded once my freefalling stopped and I landed roughly at the bottom.
"They need to find a better landing for me…" I grunted as I picked myself up. I was glad nothing changed as I saw the "drink me" bottle, the "eat me" cake, and the key that would unlock the door.
I grabbed the key off the table and drank the potion, feeling the tipsy feeling in my stomach as it felt like the room began to grow larger instead of me shrinking. I laughed inwardly as I tried to drag my dark indigo dress with me so I would be able to grow into it again once I exited the room. Somehow, I managed, eating a small bite of cake once I was on the other side to grow to my normal height.
"I see you're getting better at that!" came a loud, yet squeaky voice. I looked down to see Mallymkun, grinning back up at me with her hands on her hips.
I giggled, "With all I went through last time, it's hard to forget."
"Hm! Well, it's a good thing your memory didn't fail you this time!" the Dormouse sounded slightly annoyed when saying this, "Isn't that right, Hatter?" She turned to the left to look at who she addressed.
My heart skipped a beat and my stomach dropped to the ground. Hatter was already here? My eyes followed the direction that Mallymkun looked, and sure enough, there he was. He sat sitting against a tree, his head bent down so his hat was covering his face.
I didn't even dare blink as I began to walk toward him, hardly even noticing the mouse and rabbit that followed my movements. Why wasn't he looking up at me…?
I opened my mouth, trying to find my voice, "Hatter…?"
And with that, he finally began to lift his head. The first thing I noticed was how his face wasn't as pale as it had been three years ago, and the red around his eyes wasn't so prominent. He seemed much healthier, and his eyes were the same brilliant green as I remembered them to be.
As soon as his eyes locked with mine, a large, toothy smile broke out over his face. The happiness and excitement was portrayed perfectly just from that action.
"Alice…" The S sound at the end of my name lingered for nearly five seconds, his smile seeming to grow larger and larger with each passing second.
Oh yeah, it was good to be back.
Well, there's my first chapter! I'm sorry if it seemed so slow (adding so much up to when she finally got back to Wonderland) or if it seemed too rushed (she got there too fast). I'm hoping most of you found a happy medium for it, that way you'll come back to read more parts of my story!
Oh, but I had a question for you guys:
I just looked up Tim Burton's Alice on Wikipedia, and it said that the Hatter's real name is Tarrant Hightopp. Now, I usually tend to believe Wiki but I don't know their sources for that. My question is, do you want me to introduce Hatter as Tarrant in this story, or would you rather just let it be and address him as Hatter? Whatever you guys feel more comfortable with. Thanks in advance for the opinions and reviews!