A/N: Hey guys! So I decided to write a multichapter Channy SWAC fan fiction story…We'll see how this goes :D I'm writing from mostly Sonny and Chad's POV (I'll tell you when I change it) but I'm writing this as I go so I might throw in Tawni, Nico, Grady, Zora, Marshall, or even Portlyn! Enjoy the story and please R&R!

Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC. L (or SpongeBob SquarePants…hehe you'll see)

Chapter 1: Homesick

Sonny's POV

As much as I love Hollywood and all my new friends here, I miss Wisconsin. I miss how everyone (not just Grady…) is crazy about cheese there. It's so funny and after about a year without that…wow I miss it. I miss Lucy, too. It's so hard to be without your first best friend. I guess you could say I have Tawni now, she's one of my best friends now. Lucy was a little more down to earth though…can't imagine why. "Hahaha," I laughed. Oh crap, I didn't mean to laugh out loud. Now everyone in the cafeteria is staring at me. Gah! I turned beet red and went back to getting my frozen yogurt. I heard a voice behind me say…

"Wow, Munroe, now I understand why you're here alone. Your cast finally realized you're weirder than they are…and judging by the fact that you just burst out laughing at absolutely nothing, I'm actually agreeing with them!" I could recognize that voice anywhere. That's one thing that I would totally, absolutely, indefinitely miss about Hollywood if I ever went back to Wisconsin. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did I really just think that? I don't like Chad! I mean his eyes are sparkly and his hair is soft and smooth and he's nice…sometimes. No! What am I thinking? He's a three-named-jerkthrob!

"Hellll-o? Earth to Sonny. Haha! Oh I didn't even try that and it was funnier than you Randoms," he said. Even though I still hadn't turned around, I could tell that there was a smirk on his face.

"Wipe that smirk of your face, Cooper," I said. I then turned around to see him standing there, shocked.

"Am I getting that predictable?" he asked, concerned.

"Why, yes, you are! Now leave me alone, I'm not in the mood," I replied seriously.

"Oh, Oh. Touchy today, aren't we?" he smirked, then added with a look of…I think it was caring!…in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Why do you care, Chad?" I said. He opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off, "Nevermind. I'm sorry, Chad."

"…Did you just apologize to me for no reason?" Chad asked, confused.

"Yeah, well, no. I'm sorry, I'm just taking out my emotions on you. I just…I guess I'm a little…well…homesick. I just miss Wisconsin and everyone there…" I blurted it all out. Then I felt stupid, why am I telling Chad this? Shouldn't I be telling Tawni, one of my best friends this? I guess I just feel like I can trust him…Whoa. He's the enemy! He's probably going to tell Tween Weekly that I'm sick of Hollywood and I'm leaving as soon as possible!

"Oh. Well, I don't really know how you feel, I've lived here in Hollywood my whole life, but doesn't it help to visit back home," he said. Then quickly added, "Then come back, of course." He quickly looked at his feet and blushed. I picked to ignore making fun of him, since he did the same for me.

"I guess…it's just that with the show it's hard to find time to go back and visit…" I said sadly. "Well, I gotta go to rehearsal, thanks for listening, Chad." I turned my on my heel and left him standing there by the frozen yogurt machine. Oh shoot, I my yogurt melted while I was talking to him…

"Oh well," I mumbled as I threw it in the trash can on my way out.

Chad's POV

I hate seeing my Sonshine…er Sonny…sad. She should always be happy and always want to argue with me! I can't believe I almost told her to leave Hollywood. That would kill me. And I think we all know that the amazing CDC doesn't do death. Hey wasn't there an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants where that squirrel was homesick and SpongeBob and the starfish threw her a party to remind her of how awesome her home is? I should do that for Sonny! Yes! This is the best idea I've ever had! Go CDC!