Eternal Shadow Goddess: Okay. Sorry for the delay but here is the next chapter. Thanks to those who alerted!

Neji: [looks at the date] I see. You caught the second day of December.

Shadow: [relieved] Tell me about it. I had planned to put this up at least during Veteran's Day.

Neji: [shrugs] At least you're updating again.

Shadow: [winces] Yeah, about that? The next chapter probably won't be until the end of December. Possibly.

Neji: [shoots her a look] Need I ask?

Shadow: Nope! Next chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Loveless. I am just a fan-girl who likes both.

Chapter 14: Calm Before The Storm

Itachi gently pulled Neji through the window, out of sight. Growing up, the only neighbors Itachi had to worry about were his own relatives. Back then, it had been a double edge sword, a blessing and a curse. And despite how many years it had been, it was still a double edged sword. Neji was wisely silent as his ears twitched. He gently yet insistently tugged on Itachi's sleeve. Right. This wasn't the time to reminisce. They needed to find the bastard who had turned his life into a living hell. Neji glanced around, before turning to Itachi questioningly. Itachi said nothing as he walked through the familiar house with his young Sacrifice close behind. "Where are we going?" Neji whispered.

"Basement," Itachi whispered. After spending the last hour sneaking in undetected, they needed to remain out of sight. At least for the time being. Quietly entering the basement, Itachi allowed Neji to enter before closing the door softly. "When it gets dark, we'll head out to the main compound." Neji nodded, glancing around the dimly lit basement.

"Where are we?" Neji asked.

"An old friend's home," Itachi said cryptically as he glanced around. Typical. He still doesn't prefer to stay at home, even on his days off. Itachi thought. But something caught his eye. He would have ignored it if not for the fact that it had his name on it. Sharingan active, Itachi moved towards the note taped to the wall. Pulling it off, Itachi read it silently.

"What is it?" Neji asked.

"I'm not sure," Itachi admitted, tipping the note for him to see. In red, the message was clear. Itachi, wait for me. S. Neji blinked in confusion.

"Is it a trap?" Neji asked.

"Doubtful," Itachi said calmly.

"Then…" Neji began.

"Then, he's a bigger idiot than I realize," Itachi deadpanned. Yet, he couldn't help as his lips curled upwards in a fond smile. Shikamaru and Temari continued to lead the Soulless pair to the riverside.

"You know Itachi-kun is going to kill you?" she asked finally. Shikamaru gave a lazy shrug. "And don't give me that. You care. I know you do." Shikamaru sighed.

"Okay. What difference does it make?" Shikamaru asked finally. Temari rolled her eyes.

"You manipulated your friends," Temari deadpanned.

"Naruto is my friend," Shikamaru reminded her.

"And by extension, Hinata, Neji, and Itachi," Temari said flatly. "Face it. They're your friends and you manipulated them like pawns." Shikamaru didn't bother to deny it this time.

"Isn't that why Rin-sensei placed us here?" Shikamaru asked instead. Temari hesitated. He placed his hand over hers, squeezing it lightly. "It's why we were the ones placed here instead of Kiba and Shino or any of the others. And you know it, even if Taki-sensei didn't outright tell you." Temari said nothing for a moment. Then her lips curled bitterly.

"Then let's finish the job," she said. Shikamaru allowed his own dark smile to cross his lips.

"Agreed," he said, releasing her hand. As soon as they reached the riverside, the dark smile faded into his familiar lazy mask. Focus. Shikamaru thought.

"Here we are," Temari said, smirking. The red haired girl, Karin, scowled. But her partner, Suigetsu, simply smirked back at the other pair.

"Perfect. No witnesses to your deaths," Suigetsu sneered.

"Don't you mean no witnesses to your painful defeat?" Temari asked. Her stance was lax. She was at complete ease. It only annoyed the other Fighter even more.

"We'll see about that," Suigetsu said. "Engage Systems! I declare a Spell Battle!" Karin twitched in annoyance.

"Engage Systems! I accept!" Temari cried.

"Water, rise. Become my blade and shred my enemies!" Suigetsu commanded. Water rose and launched towards the Fearless pair.

"Temari," Shikamaru drawled. She glanced back. "Use the shadows."

"Sure. Shadows, rise. Become my shield," Temari cried. The shadows trembled and rose sharply, surrounding them. The water struck the barrier briefly before fading away. "Shield us from sight." The barrier trembled before reaching outward, engulfing both teams.

Damn it. They not only have momentum but have forced us to play on their terms. Karin thought darkly. "Suigetsu. Get rid of the shadows."

"I know that," Suigetsu snapped. "Light, pierce the shadows like stars!"

"Negative, the night is impenetrable," Temari's voice rang out, taunting them.

"Suigetsu, your Spell doesn't have enough power," Karin snapped.

"No shit," he said sarcastically. Karin shot him a dark glare.

"Then maybe you should try forcing them to come to us," Karin hissed. "Use the shadows to…"

"Yeah right," Suigetsu interrupted. "I got a better idea. Water, rise. Wind, roar. Rain down upon my enemies! Strike them with the force of a storm!" Karin twitched angrily as the hard rain fell as the winds rose to a deafening roar.

"Interesting," Shikamaru mused, mildly impressed. "Use our own cover to strike us. Temari?"

"Absolute defense. The shadows belong to us. Nothing can pass through the shadows," Temari cried. Karin didn't even need to look to know that the Spell had no effect.

"Tch," Suigetsu snapped, annoyed.

"Suigetsu," Karin began darkly.

"What?" Suigetsu asked.

"Will you please call off the storm?" Karin snapped. "And do as I say?!"

"Since you asked so nicely," Suigetsu said sarcastically. "Storm, rage! Rip apart the night!" Karin's fingers twitched, almost positive the sarcastic bastard wouldn't notice her intention until her fingers were firmly wrapped around his throat.

Damn him. Our Spells don't have enough power against theirs. Worst case scenario, they will turn the storm against us. Karin thought angrily. What the hell is he thinking? Suigetsu peered into the shadows, hoping to hear chains or at least screams in the storm.

"Negative! The night is silent and still!" Temari cried. Almost immediately, the storm vanished.

"Goddamn it!" Suigetsu swore. Karin easily pictured strangling Suigetsu in that moment. If it weren't for the fact that the idiot was faster and stronger….Her eyes widened sharply as the shadows parted, revealing Temari and Shikamaru standing directly in front of them. Temari didn't hesitate to shove a stunned Suigetsu to the ground.

"You should listen to your Sacrifice more," Temari said finally, gazing down at the other Fighter reproachfully. Brief satisfaction replaced Karin's surprise. But Shikamaru turned to her as well.

"And you should at least take in consideration what your Fighter thinks," Shikamaru said calmly. "His idea was unconventional, yes. But if his spell had more power, it might have tipped the battle in your favor." Karin deflated slightly at that before a thought occurred to her.

"Wait, when did we finish?" Karin demanded.

"Now," Shikamaru said calmly. "When we realized beating you was too troublesome." Suigetsu scowled at him. "And the reason why your Spells didn't have more power is because you two weren't working together." Karin blinked at him, confused.

"Uh, why are you telling us this?" Karin asked slowly.

"Because it's kind of depressing how badly you two work together," Temari answered. "It's really pathetic." The Soulless pair stiffened at the jab.

"You two spent more of the battle arguing with each other than facing us," Shikamaru added. "A Fighter's strength comes not only from how creative he can be but from the bond he has with his Sacrifice. You two have the potential and good ideas. But if you can't work together, then you don't stand a chance against any Pair, much less us or Neji and Itachi." Suigetsu scowled as Karin looked away, unable to look at the other Pair.

"Damn you, cocky bastards–" Suigetsu began and Shikamaru cut in.

"How troublesome. Us cocky bastards would have kicked your arrogant ass," Shikamaru pointed out. "Unless you want to finish and we can prove it to you." Suigetsu's lips curled but Temari bent down to him, putting herself on eye level with him.

"Before you answer," Temari said, her voice dangerously soft. "You might want to consider if you want to put your Sacrifice through that." Temari's cold words had frozen his own response. Karin turned sharply at that.

"I don't need him to consider me damn it!" Karin said sharply. Shikamaru gave a sigh.

"If that were true, you wouldn't care when he ignores you," Shikamaru pointed out. Karin stiffened, her face reddening slightly. Suigetsu glanced up at her, catching the look. No, Karin didn't care about him. At least, not in the way most Sacrifices did about their Fighters. But the look on her face was similar to the one she usually wore when she was embarrassed and caught doing something she shouldn't have been doing. He knew the look because it was mostly used when he accused her of doing something stupid to impress Sasuke. But why did she have that look now? Slowly, he frowned thoughtfully. Unless, she really did care and had a horrible way of showing it; and if that was the case, they both had a horrible way of caring about each other.

"I don't…" Karin began but froze at Shikamaru's dark gaze.

"Don't be troublesome and lie. You want him to listen? Then try a little honesty," Shikamaru said flatly. He purposely ignored Temari's eye roll. Yeah, it was hypocritical. But at least it was the truth. Embarrassed, Karin said nothing as she turned and stalked away from them. Suigetsu rolled his eyes, getting to his feet. She was, no doubt, off to find and complain to Sasuke about the whole thing. Not that the other Fighter Unit would care enough to listen but there would be no telling Karin that. He knew her well enough to know that she needed time to cool off. Otherwise, she'd take it out on him and that was the last thing he needed right now. Suigetsu glared at the Fearless Pair.

"This isn't over," Suigetsu warned. Temari simply smirked at him.

"If you want a rematch, you know how to find us," Temari pointed out.

"Suigetsu!" Karin snapped. He considered ignoring her but decided against it. It seemed he had some thinking and practice to do. Giving a curt nod to the Fearless Pair, Suigetsu turned and walked after his Sacrifice, not quite ready to speak to her. And if her own silence was anything to go by, Karin didn't mind. Meanwhile, Ritsuka walked with Soubi towards his home. Everyone else had gone home after a few more hours of hanging out, something Kio had insisted on after Itachi had ditched them. Speaking of which…Ritsuka glanced up at Soubi.

"Do you think they're all right?" Ritsuka asked. Soubi glanced at him and offered a soft smile.

"I'm sure Neji-kun and Itachi-kun are fine. They are a strong team. And Hinata-chan, Shikamaru-kun, Naruto-kun, and Temari-san left to help them if necessary," Soubi pointed out. Ritsuka paused and nodded reluctantly. Soubi had a point. Perhaps, he had been worrying for nothing. But he couldn't place the sense of dread that he had. Soubi stopped abruptly and turned sharply, glaring at the corner. Ritsuka stopped and turned to him.

"Soubi? What is it?" Ritsuka asked.

"I see. So there is more than one Fearless pair here," an unfamiliar voice said calmly. Two figures walked around the corner. Soubi continued to watch them. The taller boy gazed at them, his black eyes seemingly void of emotion. The second boy offered a weak smile.

"Excuse us. But we're looking for Neji Hyuuga and Itachi Uchiha. Do you know where they are?" the second asked.

"No. Who are you two?" Ritsuka said flatly.

"Ah, forgive me. My name is Menma and this is Sai-kun. We are Loveless," the second boy said politely.

Eternal Shadow Goddess: Okay, that was chapter 14. I had hoped to get this out by the end of November, not the beginning of December. But…

Neji: [raises an eyebrow] Seriously?

Shadow: [shrugs] Seriously. So, there was chapter 14. Sorry for the delay but finals are this month. And that means…much more homework.

Neji: [shakes his head] Why does this surprise you?

Shadow: [annoyed] It doesn't. It's just…grr! [takes a deep breath] If anyone is still reading this, thanks for reading and please review.