New Characters

Name: Amelia Styx

Age: 336 (looks 16)

Hair: Pitch black, long all the way to her butt.

Eyes: Light, dark (depends if hungry or not) purple, gold around outside and pupil

Personality: Quiet, fun, loving, and kind. Anger issues, make her mad she'll go off. Never forgets, holds grudges forever.

Background: She was born in 1641. Had a Mum (Selene, 41), Father (Marcus,46), older

Sister (Catherine,25, died giving birth), older Brother (Jonathan, 19), younger Sister (Catalina,12), and two twin Nieces (Natalya and Nathalie,8). In 1657 she was 16 and her village, in Germany, was attacked by werewolves who were attacked by vampires. The rest is in the story.

Name: Raff Cullen

Age: 68 (looks 17)

Hair: Blondish, brownish. Longer like Jaspers.

Eyes: Gold

Personality: Quiet, jokester. Strong like Emmett. Rosalie's mate.

Amelia's P.O.V (point of view)

I'm stumbling through some woods, bleeding to death. Finally, I am going to die. I can finally be free of this dreadful life. I thought. I end up stumbling into a clearing and falling to the ground. I lay there bleeding as it starts to rain. This is it! I start to drift off to sleep, which vampires obviously can't do. I feel someone pick me up. Then everything goes black.

Emmett's P.O.V

Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Raff, Edward, and I are sitting around the living room. Rosalie, as always, is occupied with herself. Raff's staring at Rosalie while holding her. Edward's off in his own thoughts. Jasper and I are joking around with Alice who seems to be annoyed.

"Ha ha, were sorry Alice, but you know it's true." Jasper said.

"Yeah you know it." I said in between laughs. Complaining Alice, who never shuts up, stopped talking and her face went blank, no expression at all. Everyone stared at her. We all knew she was having one of her visions. Hmmm I wonder what it's about? I wondered.

She finally snapped out of it, but instead of telling us what it was about, like she usually does, she got up and ran, at abnormal speed, to Carlisle's study. We quickly chased after her.

When we got to Carlisle he was reading a book, when he looked at us. " May I help you?" he asked.

"I had a vision of a visitor" Edward tensed when she said this, he loves Bella so much, he would do anything for her, " but one like us, a vegetarian. She's bleeding badly, I saw her fall down in the baseball clearing. We need to go help her now before she ends up getting hurt even more!" Alice almost yelled.

"Okay, Emmet, Jasper, and Edward go find her and bring her here. Rosalie and Alice go get some dry clothes for her and Raff go fix up the guest bedroom were going to need it." Carlisle instructed. We all went to go do what we was instructed to do.

Jasper, Edward, and I ran at abnormal speed to the clearing. I seen her first. When I got to her, she was sprawled out on the ground. We was all crowded around her. Jasper turned her over so we could see her face. Oh, was she beautiful.

I even heard Jasper murmur " She's beautiful." Which is unusual because he never says that about anyone other than Alice, his mate. After that scene I picked her up and we ran back to the house.

Amelia's P.O.V

I woke up, but kept my eyes closed. It felt like I was in a warm bed. I should be dead! I screamed in my head. That's when I smelled them……. Vampires. I quickly opened my eyes and jumped against the headboard at what I saw. 8 vampires standing around me, staring. Most of them had the feelings of curiosity. The one with bronze colored hair was feeling curiosity, hate, and some kind of protective feeling like I was going to hurt one of them.

"Who are you! Where am I!" I yelled in my native old German language, which they probably would not understand. None of them answered.

"Answer me!" I yelled again.

The blonde one who seemed like the coven leader answered " We are not going to hurt you. My daughter had a vision of you dieing in the clearing, we saved you."

" Why!" I tried to yell but my voice croaked.

" I'm sorry I can't understand you. Can you speak English?"

"Yes I'm sorry, but can you tell me who you are an where I am." I spoke perfect English but with a German accent.

" Very well, I am Carlisle Cullen and this is my wife Esme," he pointed to the women beside him. She looked about 20, with the same gold eyes as the rest, and long, wavy, tan colored hair. Carlisle looked about 23 or 24. Not long but not short blonde hair and of course gold eyes.

"This is my son Edward," he pointed to the one with the bronze hair, " my son Raff," he pointed to the one with blondish, brownish shaggy hair and gold eyes, " my son Emmett," he then pointed to the really big, strong looking one with shorter brown hair and gold eyes, he was so handsome, "and my son Jasper." lastly he pointed to the one with the same color and length of Carlisle's hair and the same gold eyes.

" This is my daughter Rosalie," he laid is hand on the long haired blonde with gold eyes shoulder. She would probably be beautiful in any humans eye, " And my daughter Alice, the one that seen you in her vision." He didn't point to anyone but I guessed it was the last girl there. She had short black hair and a mix between green and gold eyes. She was very perky, I guess you could say.

Then I smelled her. The human on the bottom floor. " Who's the human on the floor below?" I questioned with curiosity. I seen Edward tense.

" That is Edward's girlfriend, Bella." Carlisle spoke clearly.

" I'm not going to hurt her, Edward. I don't drink human blood either. So you don't have to worry about me. I'm sorry I worried you." I said trying to calm down Edward.

" It's okay." Edward finally said after a few seconds.

" I hope you don't mind but if your going to be in town you should probably stay here. If that's okay?" Carlisle said. I haven't had a home in a long time. I thought.

" I'd like that. I have not had a home in so long." I said a little sad yet happy.

" I hope you won't take this personal, but what's your story. I mean how did you become a vampire. We'd all like to know, if you don't mind?" Edward asked politely. By now he had already went and got Bella. She was way shorter than Edward, she had hazel eyes, she had dark brown hair, and she had abnormally white skin, probably albino or


I smiled. " No I don't mind. Oh, by the way my name is Amelia Styx." I responded.

Emmett's P.O.V

I was so amazed by her beauty I didn't hear a word anyone said until I heard her speak her name.

"…… my name is Amelia Styx." She had the voice of an angel. I had never heard anything like it from any human or vampire. She was now going to tell her story. I hope it's not awful like Rosalie's of Carlisle's.