AN: I wrote this story some time ago under the name "Firedragon" on another site. But I have edited some words and such before uploading here.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the plot and Ocs

"blah" = speak

'Blah' = thinking


Chapter 1: Where, Why and Who? Naruto is Missing!!

Naruto woke up with a burning headache. He was lying on the floor. He slowly opened his eyes and took a look at his surroundings.

The wasn't any furniture in the room, and it was barely illuminated. Actually, the only light was coming from a light bulb that hung from the ceiling over his head. There were no windows and only one door, which was only barely visible because it was grey-black. It looked like it was made of metal.

"Where am I?" he murmured vaguely "And what the hell happened?"

He tried to remember.

"Oh, yeah" he murmured. "We were celebrating that Neji and Tenten is a couple now. We were on a restaurant. And… we eat ramen, some fish I can't remember and ice cream."

He concentrated harder. "Afterwards, we went at a bar. Sakura, Sai, Kiba, Hinata, Chouji, Ino and I got some sake and beers. Hehe. I wonder who became most drunk? Later on Hinata and I were kissing in an alleyway, when someone started shouting. What was it again? Oh yeah. It was Neji and Tenten trying to calm Lee down. He has never been able to drink. Wait a sec. Lee, drunk? He never drinks. Well, perhaps he took one to be social."

Naruto chuckled a little bit. Then he went serious and concentrated once again.

He remembered that the only reason that he, Neji and Tenten didn't have to become serious in subduing Lee was because of Sakura. Well, it would be more accurate to say that it was because of Lee himself. At some point during his drunkenness, he had grabbed Sakura's t-shirt, around the chest, and torn it apart, revealing her pink bra. Everyone in the street had got a good look, before Sakura snapped out of it, and punched Lee square in the face which caused his nose to break. Unfortunately for Lee, the impact with the wall and ground caused that he broke his left leg. After that, Sakura had walked home fuming, making everyone around her trembling with fear and waiting for her to explode.

Remembering this made Naruto laugh. But his laugh was abruptly stopped by a searing pain in his chest and stomach.

"What the hell…" Naruto murmured.

As he had tried to press his hands to the searing places, he realized that he couldn't. He took a glance down himself, and discovered that he was tied by some weird looking chains.

"Chains??" Naruto mumbled as he sat up. This also made him cringe a little with pain. "Why the hell am I tied up? And why the hell do my chest and stomach hurt?!"

He closed his eyes once again, and concentrated harder.

"Now, what happened…" he murmured under his breath. "I remember that after Sakura knocked Lee out, I went back to the alleyway where Hinata was. She seemed a little dizzy and strange, but I guess that was because she had too much to drink. Perhaps I should ask Granny Tsunade, she probably knows the effects of alcohol better than most." Naruto smirked a little at this, before returning to concentrating. "Hinata and I walked back to my apartment. I took a shower, and when I came out Hinata had stripped down to her panties. So soft, so beautiful." Naruto felt the tears pooling in his eyes by the memory. "Her breasts were so soft, and I could feel her heartbeat. She pushed me back to my bed and gave the most passionate kiss. Oh boy. If I told this to Ero-sennin he would have material enough for one of those boring books Kakashi-sensei enjoys so much. I wonder what kind of training awaits me, now that I have cleaved those leaves and that waterfall? "

Naruto started to cry now. The image of the proud Kakashi was more than he could handle. It didn't become any better by remembering Kakashi's words, before he went to celebrate with the others:

-Flashback, start-

"Naruto, wait a sec."

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei?"

"If you meet to our next training session and aren't by your five senses, I will personally give you a longer hospital stay than I ever have had. Got it?

At this Naruto swallowed hard, and stammered "Y- Y- Yes, Kakashi- sensei!"

-Flashback, end-

'Heh, right now I would rather stand before a very pissed Kakashi-sensei and take the beating.' Naruto thought, before returning to his attempt to figure out what happened.

"Hm. I remember that Hinata took of my shirt and then…" Naruto stopped his murmuring for a moment. He was sure he just had felt someone in there. He took a glance around, but he couldn't see anyone.

Naruto narrowed his eyes: "Who is there?"

No response.

'Hm. Strange.' Naruto thought, before closing his eyes again. His eyes snapped wide open in an instant. Now he remembered!

Suddenly Hinata had jabbed him with her Gentle Fist, blocking his chakra circulation. Then she had stabbed him three times with a knife. Two times in the stomach, and once in the chest. Then someone had knocked him unconscious from behind, and now he was here.

Naruto suddenly became aware that he only had his pants on; the chain was starting to chafe in his skin. Especially around his naked chest, elbows and waist.

'But why would Hinata do something like that?' Naruto thought. "Well, anyway, time to get the hell out of here!"

Naruto soon realized that he couldn't use a jutsu that would require him to use hand seals. The chains were too tight for that.

"Very well. In that case I will try to use the first two steps for Rasengan." He murmured. He started focusing chakra into his right palm, but stopped almost instantly with a hiss of pain. He looked down on his right thigh. His palm was placed closely to his thigh, and the gathering of chakra had burned a palm's area on his thigh.

"Damnit!" Naruto cursed under his breath. "Fine. Then I will try emitting my wind chakra from the waist and up. I have never tried it before but this isn't the time to have second thoughts!"

Naruto let out a scream of agony. He had just started emitting his wind, when the chains started to glow red. They stopped the moment he stopped emitting his chakra.

"I wouldn't try that again, if I were you." a voice snickered. It sounded familiar. "Those chains are infused with fire natured chakra, and they respond if you try using your wind chakra. And perhaps you know this, but wind is weaker than fire."

Naruto glared at the person standing just outsight his line of sight. The person stood just on the other side of the door, which had been opened.

Naruto was shocked. He hadn't noticed the door open. He narrowed his eyes. "Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"You don't need to know." the person said. "Now, go back to sleep." Then the person threw a needle, which hit Naruto right above the heart.

Naruto felt he hit the floor head first as he closed his eyes, and heard the voice through the darkness:

"Oh, one more thing. Don't bother to try to use the Nine-tails' chakra. The seal on your forehead will stop that right away, and it will make the chains respond."

"Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan, help me." Naruto whispered, tears filling his eyes. "If you get me out of here alive, I will do whatever you want and stop acting stupid." With that he passed out.



The windows in the Hokage's office rattled.

"Lord Hyuuga, calm down!" Tsunade yelled.

"The hell I will!" Hiashi yelled, his voice filled with anger. "It has been three days! The ANBU can't get a word out of her, and still you keep her in the hospital?!. Let her come home, and I will deal with my daughters problems. Then I will report to you what I find out.

"Lord Hyuuga, Hinata is currently in a state of shock. She is no shape for a third degree interrogation." Tsunade said as calmly as she could.

"The only things the ANBU have found out with the 'Time - reversal jutsu', is that Hinata Hyuuga was in Naruto Uzumaki's apartment and was the one using the kunai. Everything else is in blur. Besides, the evidences speak for themselves. Hinata Hyuuga was found almost naked in the apartment, entangled in the sheets that were soaked in Uzumaki's blood. Her fingerprints are on the kunai. It has furthermore been confirmed that the blood on her hands is Uzumaki's, so is the blood on the kunai. Clearly, she is the one who committed the crime." a masked ANBU member said. "Now we just need to find Uzumaki's corpse."

Hiashi glared at him, and started moving towards him. However, Sakura was faster.

"How dare you?!" she hissed through her teeth, lifting the ANBU from the floor by the collar of his uniform. "How dare you speak of Naruto and Hinata like that?! How dare you jump to conclusions like that?!"

"Sakura! Tsunade said loudly. Sakura didn't react at all.

"And you." she said glaring at Kiba, Shino and Kurenai. "You are her teammates and jounin commander. Don't you have anything to say?"

"Sakura!" Tsunade said loud and sternly. "Calm down and let that man go. Otherwise, leave this room."

Sakura looked at the ANBU with narrowed eyes. Then she looked at Kiba, Shino and Kurenai, all of them looking dumbfounded and shocked. Then she let go of the ANBU, who now was gasping for air with a low "My apologies" directed at Tsunade and team 8.

"Good." Tsunade said in stern and yet calm voice. "As the ANBU pointed out, the visible evidences speak for themselves. However, I would like to wait for Inoichi Yamanaka's report. He is trying to break down the many mental barriers the ANBU have encountered in Hinata's mind."

As on cue Ino Yamanaka came bursting in, skidding to a halt in the centre of the office, visible and audible for those gathered.

"Dad has succeeded in breaking down one of the barriers!." Ino said, trying to catch her breath.

"And?" Tsunade said, after hushing the others, eager to hear more.

"According to dad, the barriers aren't created by Hinata's mind. They were placed there by genjutsu." Ino said, still having trouble catching her breath.

"Genjutsu?" Tsunade frowned "By who?"

"We don't know yet." Ino said. "But what father saw is quite disturbing."

"And what was that?" Tsunade asked.

Ino glanced nervously at Sakura. Sakura saw this, and said impatient: "What did your father see, Ino? Spill it!"

Ino closed her eyes. "According to dad, it was only a glimpse, but there was no mistake. He saw white hair and a single Sharingan eye."

At this everyone's eyes went wide open.

"Impossible." Sakura whispered

"But why would Kakashi do such a thing?" Kurenai said in a low voice, completely horrified that her fellow jounin and friend would do such a thing.

"Who knows?" the ANBU said. "We found white hair in Uzumaki's apartment, but it hasn't been confirmed that it is from Kakashi Hatake. The medics are working on that as we speak."

Tsunade buried her head in her hands, but her voice was clear when she spoke: "Get Kakashi Hatake here. Kurenai, see if you can help Inoichi break down the barriers."

"One problem Lady, Hokage." the ANBU said. "Hatake has gone missing. It has been confirmed that he left the village one hour before we found Hyuuga in the apartment, but there has been no word from him since then."

"WHAT?!" Tsunade yelled, making the windows shatter. She calmed down a bit. "I don't care how you find him, just do it.

"Yes, Lady Hokage." The ANBU said, before disappearing.


Meanwhile, a cloaked person was wandering down a dark corridor. He was happy, yet wondering if it was smart to come here alone. But on the other hand.

He chuckled. They wouldn't dare to harm him. If they did, their goals would be forfeit.

He stepped inside a circular room, where four were facing him. One of them seemed to recognize him without opening his eyes. But when he did, he narrowed his eyes ominously, giving the fully developed Sharingan eyes a more dangerous red glow.

"You sure have some nerve there, old man." He said with a mix of murderous intent and amusement in his voice.

End chapter 1.