This one has been with me for a while. But it has decided to come to fruition today. So I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have written it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my characters and plot line.

Chapter 1.

Settled in the foot hills of the tundra on Port Alberta, a sleepy little village resided. It perfect humid climate made the best of hunting grounds for all that walk the mountains. That was until the humans came. And with them a terrible secret that all that live today would like to forget those dark times. Being so young at the time, one would think I would be able to forget about the elegant black creatures or the invisible hunters. But watching your family slowly hatch these darken creatures was a beautiful sight in itself. I once heard a humanoid called these creatures Xenomorphs. Makes me wonder sometimes what those other hunters called them. I digress from the point, a fierce battle raged in the area. Leaving nothing left for future generations. Nothing laid there but a desolate village that would never again be inhabitable.

I paused at the writings of my ancestors so long ago. These hunters had came with a name, now that we called Yautja. Shaking my head as placed the tomb on the table beside me. Stretching out my crimping muscles. I really loathed the idea of studying but for some strange reason, history had always been a big fascination of mine. That in itself had turned many a suitor away. I snorted through my nose at what was passing for the male kind of my species. Any more puffed up and they would be a strutting Petolde. That is a type of bird here on Port Alberta. My pointed ears picked up the heavy footsteps that were behind me. I struggled to contained the sigh that filled my mind. Duty was calling again.

"I will be with you shortly." Rolling my eyes as I gently closed the tomb in front of me. I was really in no rush to meet my newest of suitors. Brushing my auburn hair out of my eyes, I turned slightly in my seat. Dread filling my heart at the guard that stood so close to me.

"Your father has summoned for you, milady." He bowed slightly at the waist. Showing the proper respect for my lot in life, but still it grew so tiresome. Pushing the air out of my slightly parted lips.

"I see." I tapped my fingers gently. It would seem very improper at the thought of a lady being impatient, let alone appearing in that way. "Tell my father that I will be with him in a short while." I shook my head as the guard went to make a protest. Holding up my slender hand at him, I whispered. "I know the threats that he made if I did not appeared at your side. But please do what I have asked." I gathered my reading materials to my chest before I stood up from the desk that I had seaten myself at.

"Very well, milady." He bowed once again. Making me growl lowly in my throat at him. I just wished for once that I was treated like a normal person and not some thing that would shatter at the first sign of trouble.

"Good, be gone then." I nodded my head over towards the door. Juggling the heavy book over to the book case that stood to the ceiling from the floor. Groaning, knowing that I would need more then a step ladder to help in this situation. My eyes darted around the highly decorated room that housed the books. "Damn." I cursed softly under my breath as I stamped my foot in vexation of the situation of being able to find a ladder with in a reasonable distance to where I stood. My eyes lit up at the desk that I found near me, drawing up to my full height of six foot six. Gathering my billowing skirts around me as I struggled to make my way over to the ladder.

Eyeing the old contraption before I pulled it along the ground with all my strength that I could muster. It was frankly quite heavy for some thing that looked to be very light. I grunted as it had to find the only imperfection on the floor. I glanced up to find that I was in the area that I needed to be in anyway, a softening smile touched my features as I once again pulled the tomb to my chest. Enjoying the familiar weight of it as I approached the ladder with trepidation filling my heart. I was never one for heights even if I was tall for female. Some of my suitors found that fact to be a bit too towering for their liking. Placing my hand on the dusty wood as my slippered foot found the bottom rung. Cringing as I heard the slight groaning sound from the wood. Closing my mind to it, I climbed up the ladder to the spot that the tomb belong. History of Port Alberta, I made a mental note of the title for future references.

"Mistress." A decidedly feminine voice called from the door way. "Should you be all the way up there?"

"Thank you for the reminder, Breatice!" I grumbled as I realised I was more then twelve feet off the ground. I whimpered in the back of my throat as I tried to throw a glare at the interfering woman. My fingers gripped the wood tighter as the slight shaking in my legs grew more pronounce.

"I will gather a body to help you, Mistress Rebeka." Breatice cried as the ladder shook unsteadily for a few moments.

"That would be very much appreciated." I muttered under my breath at her. Cursing her for the very foolish behaviour but the fear of being stuck up here for an eternity was more of the frightening prospect. Hearing the heavy footsteps behind me but I was too scared to crane my head to look at the person that breathing behind me. "I hope you found some one tall and strong." Muttering at her.

"That I have." Breatice giggled up at me. I was most definitely fuming at the woman now that she was finding pleasure in my situation that she had caused.

"Well what is taking so long." I snarled out as my body was still shaking and I thought I heard the wood cracking under my weight. Even if I did look like a good wind would snap me in half.

"Impatience is not what you are meant to convey to your rescuer." Making me groaned when I heard my father's voice from the doorway. My ears twitched further as I heard a smaller foot step coming in behind him.

"Why is Rebeka up there father?" My little sister had to ask the most obvious question. I could only hang my head in shame at this point.

"Just please help me before I die of embarrassment up here." I whispered to the body behind me.

"Yes, why are you up there?" My father chuckled at the slight blueish tinge to my cheeks. Was not my fault that I had a slight blue colouring to my skin. Considering it spoke highly of my mixed blood, but I was proud of it.

"I was putting a book away." I rolled my eyes as I grasped out loud from the warm hands the encircled my waist.

"Sorry." A deep guttural voice stated behind me.

"No, that is fine. Your hands are very warm that is all." I sighed as I tightly closed my eyes. My shoulders sagging as I waited for my feet to touch the solid ground. My hands brushing along my skirt to sooth out any of the crinkles that it may have gotten. "Thank you, sir." I bowed my head a little before I ran out of the door. My cheeks flaming at the embarrassment that flooded out through my system. Cursing myself for not having the courage to look at the person that had handle with such caution.

- - - -

"She is a strange creature, your daughter." The massive Yautja stood looking after the tall female that ran out of the room.

"Yes. She gets that from her mother side." The chief shook his head as he ushered his youngest daughter out of the room. "Go and find your brother now."

"Yes, father." She curtseyed before she ran out of the front door. Taking no notice of the massive males that stood guard.

"Your youngest doesn't seem to afraid of us either." He tilted his head to the side as he pondered on this. Not many species could look at them and not break out in fear.

"She is too young to understand the way of the world." He stroked his chin for a bit before he shrugged his shoulders. "I just don't have the heart to ruin her innocence." Mairk answered.

"Yes, I see your point very clearly." The Yautja turned to his side as his eyes swept over the library. "Such a strange place to find a female." He muttered before he turned his gaze back to the male that he was dealing with.

"I find nothing wrong with having my children tutored. If anything it might be handy in the future." Mairk commented before he turned to the slamming side door. "Here he comes now."

"Such a interesting household." The Yautja shrugged his shoulders before turning his gaze towards the youth that strolled through the foyer with a barely leased power and confidence. Nodding his head at the thought that this one would have been a good hunting target.

"Natren." Mairk held his hand up before Natren could open his mouth. "I want you to meet Seg'tauna." His hand held to the towering Yautja.

"Pleasure I am sure." Natren booming voice filled the room, his head bowed slightly before he turned back to his father. "Can I go now?" Impatience toned his voice as his eyes glared slightly.

"Sure. Just be in time for dinner that is all I asked." Mairk waved his son away. "Come, let us step into the study to discuss what has brought you to my planet!"

So please review.

Until next time, have a good one! ;D