I still really like this idea. Maybe I'll finish it one day.

Elation was floating around the room. And you didn't have to be an empath to feel it. You could see it on everyone's faces, in the way that they walked, the way that they talked, laughed and even cried from happiness.

Because it was over. Beast Boy was not naïve enough to think that it would be peaceful forever, but he wasn't so cynical as to think that he shouldn't enjoy the moment while it lasted. It wasn't just he who was celebrating their success either. Everyone who was currently residing in the tower was feeling the confidence and relief that they had won.

Being only the morning after the defeat of the Brotherhood of Evil, no one was inclined to be leaving the West Tower any time soon. The peace and safety that was felt when surrounded by your fellow heroes was suffocating, yet welcome. All were relishing it, and didn't want to give that up.

By the time Beast Boy entered the control room, it was nearly ten thirty, and almost everyone was up. It seemed packed, and he stumbled back into the closing automatic doors with surprise, having forgotten that they were all here. In a moment, however, he had adjusted, and a grin slowly spread its way onto his face contentedly. He remembered how they had kicked the Brotherhood's ass.

He totally deserved to be smug.

There were too many people to count, but the green changeling could pick out groups of superheroes lounging against the walls, exploring the tower, ea ting breakfast, talking of taking part in a super-giant-awesome-video-game-contest-of-DOOM that Cyborg had organized and was now overseeing authoritatively.

A gurgling noise shocked him out of his observation trance. He glanced down as the growls grew louder, informing him that it was definitely time for the ingestion of some food. He patted his stomach lovingly, and began making his way through the crowds, over to the kitchen where he knew a tofu bacon breakfast would be waiting for him.

High fives, grins and simple hellos were all exchanged during his jaunt across the room. His green eyes took in everything, making note of any unhappiness in the room and resolving to fix it. Luckily there was none; how could there be, after that kickass fight that they had won just yesterday?

Yes, he was still smug. Deal with it.

Passing the counter, he overheard part of a conversation between Speedy and Kid Flash. The two had somehow found each other, as though magnetized, and connected immediately, being so alike in some ways. All that anyone had heard coming out of their mouths after the fight had been won (and they had made sure that everyone was safe) was either about the "ownsome fighting" they had done, or girls.

Right now, it was the latter.

"There are so many of them!" exclaimed Speedy, his masked eyes glancing around the room with expectation. "Who knew that there were so many hot chicks as heroes? All I get to look at is Bee, and sometimes that's not even worth the pain she brings if she catches you."

The other redhead nodded in agreement. "Jinx is great and all that, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate some of the babes who walk around here in those tiny outfits. I mean, have you taken a look at Starfire?"

The archer whistled lowly, grinning. "Hell yeah! That girl's legs go on forever; I could stare at her and never get bored. And if her abs weren't showing, man would we be missing a sight!"

Kid Flash nodded, once again casting his gaze around. His blue eyes stopped to soak in Kole, looking endlessly cute with her pink hair, before settling back on Star, whose back was turned to him as she talked to Jericho, and blatantly staring at her.

Beast Boy shook his head, smiling, as he opened the fridge and looked inside the door. There was no way that his friend wouldn't know the speedster was looking, but the alien princess thought the best of everyone. No doubt she didn't even care that the fastest boy alive was staring at her hungrily; the changeling had learned through the years that Tamaranians seemed to have no sense of modesty.

As the young hero got out a frying pan, nudging aside another one that was cooking Robin's food, he couldn't help but hear more of the conversation between the two redheads chatting at the counter behind him. His ears perked up and he listened intently, mentally preparing to feel amused.

"Speaking of girls, look at those three. Of course they would find each other; three Goths in one room, how could they not?"

Intrigued, Beast Boy glanced around, searching for the source of that opinion. After a minute of looking, he found them. Raven, Jinx and Argent were lounging on the couch together (or at least, in Jinx and Argent's cases. Raven never "lounged".), having somehow been magnetized to each other. When Jinx and Raven had first been put into a room together, they had nearly torn each other's hair out. Over time, however, once they had gotten over their long-standing grudges, the two had come to find that they had plenty in common, and they clicked. Argent, of course, got along with everyone, and she was welcomed into their group with open arms.