My Fatal Flaw Chapter 3

The first thing I thought was "Oh DAMN!!" My head hurt like Annabeth had just explained something about a structural support to me. I sat up straight and surveyed my surroundings. I had no idea how long I'd been out. The sky was a calming midnight blue, and the stars twinkled comfortingly. A brisk wind swirled around me, stirring up last falls leaves. The only thing missing from the beautiful summer night was peace. There was blood pooled to my left and several human teeth near my leg. The moans of the wounded penetrated the quiet of the night. As I absorbed the sight of the carnage grief and anger spread like fire through me. I felt a sharp pain in my hand and I looked down to see my hands clenched tightly around a glowing arrow that slowly pulsated a golden light. I quickly dropped the arrow and studied it. I couldn't remember why I had it and I slipped it in my pocket. I stood up unsteadily and concentrated on putting one foot after an other. I staggered to the side and fell against a tree. I began to chuckled insanely to myself. The great prophecy boy reduced to this! I eventually was able push myself back up and I tottered off into the night.

I pushed through the leaves and branches of central park, my arms scratched red and raw from the many thorns. Every ten minuets of walking I would see a battered looking wood nymph tending to the wounded, but they were too busy to notice me. I stumbled along, determined to make it to Olympus before dawn. Just as I was wondering how much farther it could be when I managed to trip myself over a root and fall flat on my face. I began to pull myself back to my feet but a pair of strong but delicate hands pulled me up. I whipped out Riptide, only to see the familiar face of Juniper.

"Looking for Olympus?" She asked, smiling.

'Um… That would be great." I muttered. She looked at me uncertainly, and then pressed forward. I struggled to keep up, but she fell back and gently guided me through the last thicket of trees. The Empire State building rose majestically before me, the early morning light reflecting off its many windows. Juniper and I continued to walk towards Olympus, but suddenly she stopped.

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"I…I…must return to tend for the wounded." She stammered, averting her green eyes. She started to fade back into the woods, but quickly snapped back into sharp reality, unable to contain herself. She started to open her mouth, but then closed it again. I immediately realized what she was thinking.

"I…don't really know, Juniper. He's a tough satyr. I bet he made it." My lame excuses didn't seem to satisfy her, but I thought of a good one.

"I bet the blessing of Pan protected him." She brightened up a little at that, but still looked uneasy.

"I'll keep you posted, okay?"

She seemed to regain a little composure and waved goodbye before finally slipping back into Central Park. I sighed heavily, thinking of the pain caused by Kronos and Luke. Gods, I don't care what Annabeth and Hermes think, I'm gonna kill him. When ever Annabeth talks about Luke I get this terrible feeling in my chest, a burning anger, roaring to get out. I have a feeling that when it gets out… How can she still care about him after… after… all that?