Why didn't I stop her? I should have, I didn't want her to go. Please, Alice! Please tell me this is MY dream and I will wake from this. I couldn't believe she left, especially without saying goodbye. I saw her turn into a puff of black smoke, and swiftly dissapear. I reached my too late hand into the empty air.

She was gone.

"Alice." I said softly, stunned of how fast she had left. My happy mood that lifted me a few moments ago all but dissapeared with her.

I stood there amongst the what was once, a few moments ago, a battle field. Why did I feel so empty? She had left before and I was fine. Why, what was different now?

I remembered her small hands and golden curls wrapping around her smiling face. It was the last time she had been here, so much younger than now. There was this feeling of loss, but I knew she was alive, at least.

"Hatter?" the White Queen said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned back with a smile on my face. Smiling was the only thing I could do to keep from bursting out into hysterics and crying. "Yes Mam?" I said, my voice cheery. "Are you ok?" she said, looking at everyones concerned and saddened faces. "Of corse I am! Why wouldn't I? I mean, it was her decision, let her live her own life!" I said, knowing I was lying through my teeth.


I walked through the crowd as it parted as I came near. I smiled at everyones face, but as soon as I passed the last person, a tear stained my cheek. I couldn't hold much longer without crying. "Hatter?" Chessur asked, his cat face staring at me, floating in mid air. "Yeah, what's up Chess?" I asked, taking my hat from his grasp. The last thing I wanted right now was to loose my hat to the cat.

He (his entire body) plopped infront of me, almost making me almost trip over him. "Ok, now why are you so happy? Everyone is crying, and you just decide to walk off smiling?" Chess said in his toying nature of a voice. "Well, I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I just don't feel right. I want to be alone." I said, walking around the grey and blue cat.

"Yeah, not everyday when you loose the person you love." Chess said, I heard his light footsteps from behind me. I stopped in shock. Love? Me? Alice? No couldn't, could I? It was just that I would give up so much for her. I would loose my head to the Queen of Hearts for her. Isn't that what friends are for?

"What are you talkin' bout? I'm not in love with Alice!" I said, having a light giggle after that to hide my shock. Was I?

Chessur looked at me, and started to laugh. What was he laughing about?

"Are you kidding me?" Chess said between giggles. "Mad Hatty, your actions and eyes speak for themselves. I can see what your feeling, and I feel the same way, just not to that magnitude."

My body went cold when I realized the trueness of Chess's words. My mouth was opened slightly, adding to my shock. I WAS in love with Alice. I hadn't noticed it before. How could I be so blind?

The trees that surrounded Chessur and I seemed to get bigger and more menacing. I felt so small now, so alone. "Alice." I said, tears now streaking my face. I dropped to my knees, and I held my chest with my arms. Chess snuck up next to me, and plopped down beside me. "It will be ok, Hatty! She'll be back. She'll come back to us someday, so don't worry!" he said, trying to make me feel better.

"But, she won't remember me." I said, knowing she might never return. I know that, by the time she (might never) comes back, she might have a husband and children. Something made me feel this odd feeling. I think my heart broke.

I couldn't hold back the tears that now flowed down my face. Alice.

Chessur dissapeared, and I heard the light brush of someone walking. "Hatter." the light voice said, her voice thick with empathy. I looked up to the queen, and smiled though my heart was breaking. "Yes my queen?" I asked, clearing my throat, wiping my face, and standing myself up. I straightened my coat and dusted off my pants. The queen looked into my eyes, and her face softened.

"Why do you cry?" She said, wiping a tear I had missed. I smiled, and walked past her.

"Nothing, my queen." I said before returning my hat to my head, and slowly walk off.

Ok, my 1st chpters are always shorter than my others, so bear with me. I will get longer chapters up!

(I love the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) he is so cool!)