"I'M FUCKING BORED AS HELL!" I yelled. Jason was sharpening his machete. He looked up at me from the ground. I was doing my usual hanging upside down from a branch. Jason shrugged and returned to sharpening his machete, making it sharp enough to cut through bone easily. I sighed, groaning.

"How do you stand this?" I asked him. He didn't reply. I rolled my eyes and hissed. I jumped down and went into the woods. I sat down in a meadow.

You'll always make me so proud, Casey, you'll always be my little girl, no matter how big you get! My father's voice whispered in my ears. I remembered that conversation, I was young, five.

I love you Daddy. My childish voice replied, Dad's laughter rang in my ears gently. Tears stung my eyes.

Casey run! His voice demanded.

NO Daddy I can't leave you! My shrill voice screamed.

GO NOW! That was when I had ran, maybe if I hadn't listened. His screams of pain ripped through my mind, making the tears spill. I screamed in agony and buried my face in my hands, sobbing.

Casey, go to Crystal Lake, you'll find a man there, he'll take care of you! My mother's voice rang in my ears. They both died, protecting me, would everyone around me die, because of me? Anger welled in my chest. I looked up and saw Jason he was watching me.

"What!" I asked. I got up and walked away. I didn't like it when people saw me cry, it pissed me off. I walked deeper into the forest. Tears were blurring my vision, I was choking back sobs. My mother, my father both were gone. I was alone, the last remaining Fanachella. I collapsed, I was at the edge of Crystal Lake. I crawled towards the water, should I just end it? I watching my reflection, glaring at the ugly scar slashing down the middle of my face.

Scarface! Hey Scarface! Who're you gunna shoot up next! The children would taunt. I growled and slashed at my reflection, wanting so bad to just die on the spot, why hadn't I just let that damn dream demon kill me? Death would come so easily if I just put my face in the shallows and kept breathing. I felt a yank on the back of my shirt and I was hoisted into the air.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Jason's angered voice yelled mentally in my head.

"Let me down Jason, I want to die!" I told him. His eyes softened.

Casey. I made your mother a promise, I can't let you do that to yourself. She would be heartbroken to know that you just gave up.

"GAVE UP? YOU HONESTLY THINK I JUST GAVE UP? I've been trekking across the country from Oregon for three years. When you're alone, things take a lot longer to happen!" I yelled at him.

"Now let me down!" I hissed. Jason met my eyes. I glared deep into his brown eyes. He huffed and put me down. I stomped away. I wanted my Daddy, no one else. I remember not even Momma could've calmed me at his funeral. Weaving between trees I stopped, I was back in the camp. I jumped up to the lowest branch on the tree that housed my tree house and then the next, taking myself up to my tree house. I opened the door and pulled myself inside. I kicked the door shut and sat down on my bed. I huffed and looked out the window. The sun was setting. I huffed and laid down, closing my eyes. More tears slid down my cheeks. I wanted them back, I wanted my life back. They took my father from me, he took my mother from me. I killed Freddy, the group of people that had put the hit out on my father were next to perish. They wouldn't die quickly either.

5 Years Later

I was 17 when the rage that had been building up inside me broke I was unstoppable by any mortal, and a killing machine, unbelievably powerful. I'd even impressed Jason. I hadn't killed the people that killed my father. The Agency. That's what they called themselves, they said they were protecting us, that they were helping us. They were keeping us from the people that actually wanted to help us. I'd figure out how to get them to Crystal Lake. Jason told me he'd help with them. I'd found The Agency, and now all I have to do is show myself, and they'll be coming here to finish the job they started 10 years ago. They'd might as well be digging their own graves.

I stood at the edge of the lake, the boxer that had been left by one of Jason's victims by my side. I watched the lake with keen eyes. The dog barked. I looked down at it.

"What?" I hissed darkly. It continued to bark, a black van pulled up. I narrowed my eyes as people spilled from the car, whooping and hollering like idiots. I stalked into the forest, patting my thigh so Hades would follow me. I met Jason watching them a few feet behind the tree line.

"So uncivilized, my mother would be ashamed." I whispered behind him, Jason didn't turn but he nodded.

~Third Person~

Casey's dark velvet voice sounded behind him. Pride willed in Jason's chest, she had blossomed into his somewhat likeness. Yet Jason knew in the back of his mind, Grace was crying. She worked hard to make sure her daughter didn't end up a monster. Yet she did. He heard Casey retreating.

I'm sorry Grace. He thought, shaking his head.

"It was nothing you could help. My baby girl was destined to be this dark angel from the moment her heart started beating." Grace's melodious voice sounded behind him. Jason turned around. Grace stood there, wearing some type of royal robe, looking nothing like she used to in life. Her short bright red hair had grown long and unruly, it darkened. Her electric blue eyes were a deep all knowing blue, the darkest blue before black. Grace looked away from him in the direction her daughter most likely went.

"She's looking for blood. The Agency's blood, every member has to die in her mind. Though great, she isn't powerful enough to kill them all. As much as I want them dead for taking my husband from me. I don't want my daughter dying in an attempt to avenge him. Jason, you have to stop her when you think she has gotten in too deep. You have to rescue her. There is nothing more I can do but stand on the side lines. I'm depending on you Jason." With that Grace disappeared. Jason didn't want her to disappear. He looked down to the ground. He went to follow Casey. He didn't notice her perched in a tree not five yards from the where her mother had stood only seconds ago.


I was hurt! Why didn't Momma come see me? Why couldn't she have told me that to my face. Anger pulsed through my veins, tears no longer existed to me. I growled and pounced down to the ground, landing only centimeters behind Jason. The giant turned ruptly, machete raised out of impulse, I glared up at him.

"Why couldn't she have told me that?" I spat. Jason shook his head. I hissed, my fangs bearing. Jason's eyes hardened. It didn't faze me.

"You think you can scare me like you used to?" I hissed at him, taking a step forth. Jason stepped back.

"Casey!" My mother's voice barked. I turned, facing her. She was the same as she was when a moment ago.

"You think I don't know my own limits?" I asked. Mom's hard eyes met mine.

"You have your father's spirit. You think you can do anything because you're inhuman. Mortal weapons can stop you, Constance Fanachella. I sent you to Jason so you could learn that. Jason is just as unstoppable as you are. How many times has he died in the past five years?" She told me, scolding.

"He's died every year." I replied, my fangs retracting, becoming humble.

"Behave, alright. If you're fallen by the Agency then we're all doomed. Okay? If Jason says you've done enough damage, then please, baby," Mom paused, grabbed me by my upper arms gently, tucking my black hair away from my face. "Listen to him, you're father doesn't want you acting like this. Okay?" She told me, her voice soft and nurturing. My eyes wavered to the ground and came back up again, meeting my mother's.

"Yes Ma'am." I muttered. Mom embraced me quickly.

"I love you." She whispered in my ear. I hugged her back.

"I love you too, Mom." And she disappeared once more.