Title: A Hauntingly Wonderful Romance ~ Chapter 8b
By: Moondreams16
Rating: G
Notes: This is the last chapter. Hope you like it. My e-mail box has been
empty so long, send it messages! Beware of flaming though, because Bubbles
emailed me and told me anyone who dared flamed me was going to get beaten
up by her. Thanks Bubbles! And one more thing, thanks Sailor Heartache who
said she would send me money except its hard to send it through E-mail.
Well enough of my chatter. On to the story. Enjoy.

"I know where my grandfather's treasure is," yelled Serena.
"Hush Serena!" warned Endymion as he looked around to see if anyone had
heard. "What is she talking about?" asked Darien looking very confused.
"You'll see! I found a clue in his desk which read, 'the hands hold the
treasure,' and I just figured out what that meant," exclaimed Serena. "Uh
oh here comes trouble," said Serenity as she watched a very angry young
man come toward them.
"Angel, I need to have a word with you," said Derek harshly glaring at
Darien. Darien was glaring at the unwanted guest as well. Both boys
measured the other.
"Umm, sure. Darien why don't you get me some punch unless someone has
spiked it," said Serena as she gave him an unsure smile. Derek was making
her nervous. She had never seen him like this before. Darien clinched his
teeth but obeyed. Serenity and Endymion followed him looking back at
Serena and Derek.
"I've never seen you here before?" cooed a voice with a seductive tone to
it. Darien turned in surprise as a hand squeezed his arm. He turned to see
a girl dressed as a Greek goddess with curly brown hair and dark blue
eyes. "Excuse me, do I know you?" asked Darien trying to be polite but
still wanting the girl to detach her clawing fingers from his arm. The
icy tone in his voice ought to have given the girl the hint that he wasn't
interested. But Elizabeth still hung on.
"That's can be remedied. I would simply love to get to know you better.
My name is Elizabeth. What's yours?" asked Elizabeth. Darien groaned
inwardly and looked to the ghosts for any ideas. Both of them where
glaring at the girl but not making any moves to help him.
"Darien Shields and if you will excuse me I have to get a drink for my
date," said Darien as he tried to move away.
"Ahh, but she's not your date. She's Derek's. I've heard of your family.
One of the richest families in the United States from what I have read
from the newspapers. Your family won't like to hear that you've been with
her. She's practically a beggar around her. Don't let the dress and
jewelry fool you. She probably stole those. She's also a troublemaker.
Why have her when you can have someone of your social class?" asked
Elizabeth as she wrapped her arms around him.
"I want you and I always get what I want," said Elizabeth seductively and
started blowing in his ear. Darien by this time, was fed up with the whole
matter. "If you will excuse me, please get off of me," demanded Darien as
he detached her from him in disgust. She held on tighter.
"Ask her if she smells rotten eggs," commanded Endymion. Darien
looked at the ghost with puzzlement clearly written all over his face.
"Trust me," said Endy with a smile. Darien nodded and
pretended to sniff the air. Elizabeth shifted uneasily. "Do you smell
something?" asked Darien.
"N-no," answered Elizabeth nervously.
"Smells like rotten eggs," he said as he sniffed the air. From out of
Elizabeth came a shrill shriek as she detached herself away from him and
ran out of the room. Serenity and Endymion where practically rolling with
laughter over the whole thing.

Serena stared up at the stars trying to shake off the bad feeling she was
getting from Derek. Derek meanwhile watched Darien leave with his arms
crossed. When he could no longer see him through the crowd he turned his
attention to Serena. He grabbed her arm and jerked her toward him.
"Oww you're hurting me! What's gotten into you?" asked Serena. Derek
didn't loosen his grip on her arm.
"You humiliated me in front of everyone. Who do you think you are? Some
mighty princess that can dismiss me like that? You aren't anything but a
little shabby beggar who should' t even be with here with people far
better then you," hissed Derek. Serena glared up at him and slapped him.
This surprised him for he raised his hand to touch the red mark on his
cheek. "How dare you..." he spat and grabbed her and pulled her to the
ground. But Serena was quick and stomped on his foot. He yawled but still
did not let her go. So she kicked him. The kick hits mark and he doubled
over in pain swearing loudly. Quickly Serena ran from the balcony. She
grabbed Darien's hand. "Come on," she commanded and gave him a smile. The
two ghosts followed. "Here wait," said Darien. He got a bundle that was
against a wall. The couple ran out of the dance room. "So what happened to
Derek?" asked Darien. "He got what he deserved," said Serena simply with
a smile. "That he did!" said Serenity with a smile. "Should've done that
to Diamond," she mumbled under her breath. The others heard though, and
smiled. "What's in the bag?" asked Serena. "Water balloons, me and some
other guys were going to bomb a few teachers. Especially a certain algebra
teacher. But I thought we might need it," said Darien. "In case a certain
Elizabeth came back. You should be proud of him, Sere. Elizabeth ran out
of here screaming," said Endy. "What did you do?" asked Serena. "Nothing,"
said both boys at once. Serena didn't believe them. "Here," said Serena
as they stopped in front of an old grandfather clock. She opened the door
to the clock. "Here," said Endy as he handed her a screwdriver.
"Thanks," said Serena with a smile having no idea where he had
gotten it. She had to wait for it to warm up a bit before she could use
it. She unscrewed the screws in the clock.
"Need any help?" asked Darien not quite believing he was seeing
the whole thing. Things like this didn't usually happen every day like
"Not now, but I will tell you when I do," said Serena. Darien
raised an
eyebrow, most girls he knew would tell him off and tell him that they were
perfectly able to handle things like that it even thought they were females.'
"So why is this treasure so important to you?" asked Darien. He
sort of expected something like, 'duh it's easy money' or something like
"I need it to help my mom and my brother. My mom just lost her job and
creditors are always breathing down her neck and she needs to make a major
payment on our house or it will get taken away," explained Serena looking
up at him for a moment. "Her aunt is responsible for a lot of it,"
explained Endymion.
"She made my mom loose her job, how she did it, I don't know," said
Serena as she removed the face of the clock.
"That's awful," said Darien seriously.
"Totally, I couldn't agree with you more," said Serena. She reached into
a dark small space that had been behind the face, her fingers wrapped
around something hard. She was just about to pull it out when Serenity
suddenly called out,
"Here comes trouble!" Serena pulled out the treasure quickly only
time to see the flash of gold before hiding in her waistband on her dress.
Endy quickly put the face back on the clock while Darien screwed back the
"Hurry!" hollered Serenity. Darien grabbed her a bit roughly and kissed
her tenderly but firmly. Serena almost went numb with shock. This was the
first thing Angelica and Ms. Hudson saw rounding the corner. "That looks
like a good idea to me," said Serenity slyly. Endy said nothing and with
a smile he kissed his girlfriend. "What do you think you are doing?"
screeched Angelica.
"Serena Tskino! In my office immediately!" yelled Ms.
Hudson. Serena groaned.
"Oh not them, not now!" groaned Endymion. Darien was too startled to say
anything. The older women dragged Serena away from Darien's arms. They
turned their back to Darien.
"The water balloons!" gasped Serenity as she got a smile on her face.
"Hurry!" urged Endy and took one in his hand. Serenity and Darien took a
few. With that water balloons were thrown at the adults. Angelica
screeched in rage as her makeup started running.
"Let's get out of here!" said Serena as she grabbed Darien's hands.
They ran laughing down the halls followed by the ghosts who were smirking at
the scene behind them. "I am gonna get suspended for that!" laughed Serena.
"I am sorry I did it," said Darien turning serious. "I am not.
is no way in the world I would miss that look on their faces!" giggled
Serena. The four ran into the old library and slammed the door shut,
locking it. They turned to see a surprised Mrs. White staring at them.
"Sorry, Mrs. White," said Serena quickly trying to catch her
"So the souls mates have united in both times, every thing is like
it should be," said Mrs. White with a smile.
"Soul Mates?" echoed Darien and Serena looking at each other then
at her. "Yes, you two were meant to be through out time. You're lucky,
not many people find their true mate," said Mrs. White. "You knew Serena
was going to find hers didn't you?" said Endymion as his face showed his
amazement. "Yes, Endy I knew. It would only be a matter of time," she
said with a smile. Suddenly there was a loud knocking at the door.
"Ms. Hudson and Angelica are after us," explained Serena as she
saw the shocked look on Mrs. White's face.
"Soul mates, huh? I like the sound of that," said Darien as he
kissed her again. "How can you even think about that when two crazy women
are after us?" asked Serena. "Don't worry, I'll stand by you. Nothing is
going to happen to you, I promise," said Darien.
"Foolish mortals," laughed a wicked voice. A vase hit Mrs. White
making her crumble to the floor.
"Mrs. White," yelled out Serena in horror as she saw her teacher
lying on the floor not moving. "It's Diamond!" shivered Serenity in
horror. Endy put a protective arm around her. A ghost appeared before
them. "Leave us alone, Diamond!" yelled Endymion. The room became silent.
Diamond focused cold blue eyes on Serena. Darien moved in front of her
protecting her. "So, she is just as beautiful as you Serenity," said
Diamond wickedly. "Go away!" yelled Darien. "You are hardly in the
position to give me orders," yelled Diamond.
"Your fight is against me Diamond, leave them alone," yelled
Endymion. "On the contrary, I cannot hurt you any longer but that doesn't
mean I can't hurt them. Your love has caused by soul anguish over the
spans of time. I will destroy it," yelled Diamond. Diamond pointed to
the door. The door unlocked itself and Derek stepped through. There were
no signs of Ms. Hudson and Angelica. Derek looked at them both with
hatred. Diamond smiled and floated over to Derek. With a flash, Diamond
disappeared within Derek. "Ah its so good to have a body again," he
smiled wickedly. He pulled an antique sword from the wall that had been
used as decoration. "Forgive me," whispered Endymion and merged with
Darien. He pulled out the opposite sword. "Brother, it's been a long time
since we've dueled," he snickered.
"Not long enough it would seem," swore Endy under his breath.
"Can Diamond hurt him?" asked Serena to Serenity as she looked on
with worry. "No but he can hurt Darien, that is what is worrying me," she
answered fearfully. At first, both looked like they were just toying with
each other, testing the other's skill. Then they started fighting for real,
each time their swords met sent a sickening clang echoing through the room.
Diamond knocked the sword out of Endy's hand.
"you pathetic, prepare to die again," he said as he lifted the
sword above Endy. Endymion held his gaze on Diamond showing no signs of
fear. Diamond brought down the sword.
"NO!" yelled Serena but Endy was quick and avoided the blade.
Serena let out a sigh of relief. If only she could do something, if only...
Serena grinned as an idea formed in her head. She took a stack of books and
started throwing them at Diamond. With each smack of a book, Diamond let out
a yell of rage and pain. While Diamond was preoccupied trying to dodge
books, Endy had the perfect opportunity to throw a punch. The punch knocked
Diamond out cold. Diamond jumped from Derek's still body. In the room, the
lights suddenly went off. "What the?" started Serena.
"Let this fighting come to an end, Diamond you have lost," said a
ghost who appeared in a chair. The ghost was an old man who had a pipe in
one hand and was reading a book of Shakespeare.
"Nobody asked you old man!" yelled Diamond. The old man stood up
and placed his hand on Diamond who disappeared with a flash of light.
"Granddad," yelled Serena as she threw her arms around her
"Hello Honey, my you've grown into a beautiful young woman," said
her grandfather as he looked her over. "How did you get rid of Diamond
like that?" asked Endymion as he split from Darien.
"I wish you wouldn't do that!" exclaimed Darien who shivered with
"Diamond had no place being here, he was not meant to be a ghost
and torment you all," said her grandfather.
"I still don't understand," said Serena.
"And you probably never will, take care of your mother, honey.
She needs you," said her grandfather with a smile.
"And you better get her home by midnight," came a new female voice.
The others turned to see Mrs. White. But she had changed, she looked a lot
younger, and she was translucent as the other ghosts were.
"Beth, I waited a long time," her Grandfather said and held his
hand out to Mrs. White. Mrs. White took it with a smile. Serena felt tears
well in her eyes.
"It is time to go, say your good-byes," said her grandfather who
disappeared taking Mrs. White with him. "Endy, I will miss you," said
Serena as she hugged him.
"I will always watch over you," whispered
"Take good care of her," whispered Serenity as she kissed Darien
on the cheek. The 2 ghost embraced each other and disappeared leaving the
2 alone. "Look," breathed Serena and pointed to the painting that had just
a few minutes earlier contained the picture of Endymion. Now Serenity was
by his side and they were in each other's arms. "what are we going to do
about Derek?" asked Serena. "Somebody will find him sooner or later," said
Darien with a grin as he led her out of the Library. The neared the dance
and a soft melody met them. "Would you care to dance?" asked Darien.
Serena nodded. She laid her head against his shoulder as they swayed to
the music. "What's this?" asked Darien as he felt the lump in her sash.
"Oh I almost forgot," said Serena as pulled out a golden bracelet studded
with diamonds looking to worth a king's ransom.
"I believe our lives are going to be very boring after this," said
Serena with a laugh as she thought about what had happened since she had
arrived in England.
"Our lives will never be boring and we will live happily ever a
fter, for that is how all good stories end," said Darien.
"This isn't the end just the beginning," said Serena and closed
her eyes in happiness. They would live happily ever after, she was sure of
it, and just as happily after that.

The End

Well this one is over. Thank you for all your posts, extra thanks to those
who posted more then once. I also go under the pen name Webspinner so you might
want to check some of my other fics out soon. I hope to posting more stories
God Bless,