March 4, 2058; Charlie and Emmett watch football in the hospital:

"…And Smith runs down the field, umber 64 taken out by Meyers, and…. TOUCHDOWN!" the TV sports caster enthusiastically says. Charlie and Emmett high five and exchange woops. The TV goes on a commercial for shaving cream. It has upset a woman who keeps nicking herself with razor. She's reasonably pale and has dark hair tied up in a messy bun, automatically reminding Charlie of his daughter,

"Emmett… Is she happy?"


"Who do think, kid?"

Emmett smirked, "She's one of the happiest people I know, Charlie."

"So, you think she made the right choice?"

"Yeah, man. I couldn't imagine life without Bella as my little sis now. And we both know Eddy boy would pull another scheme like he at the beginning…."

Charlie grimaced, he still slightly despised Edward for leaved Bella, even if it was decades ago. He made a non-committal grunt in response, uncomfortable with the emotional range in the room.

The game was back on anyway.

March 20, 2058; Charlie's funeral:

Emmett was one of the only people to not be surprised when Charlie finally left the earth. He was smart, despite what most thought. There was a reason why Charlie asked him if Bella was happy. Because Bella was his life, and her happiness was worth the pain of staying alive.

A/N: I had something written like this, a while ago, but my writing skills have improved so yep. Review please!