Chapter 12

Bella POV

Great, new school, new life. New dad. New siblings. What the hell happened to the old school, the old life, the old dad?!?

Just cause my mom remarried to some small town hick doesn't mean I have to move! My dad, Charlie is in the same town, and I don't get how the hell it's going to work, but heck, what does a seventeen year old teenager girl know?

Nothing. Or so my mom thinks. The bitch. I love her, but she is a bitch.

The plane landed and I was forced to pay attention the pixie chick which would now be my step sister. Alice Brandon and her brother Emmett Brandon were the most peppiest people on earth.

Not that I was against it or anything, but it's just different.

My name is Bella Swan and I am what you would call, a Emo? Nah, to scary. Goth? Nope, to black. Nerd? To smart… Um…Outcast? Yep…outcast.

My mom has bought me so much designer shit it's not even funny, but I'm more into the whole…ripped jeans, band tee thing.

"Aren't you excited, Bella?!!" Alice giggled from in front of me.

"Yea.." I said with a tight smile.

I knew so many comments that would make her cry, and that were so rude that my mom would ground me, but Alice was just too nice. She was honestly excited about having me as a sister, even thought she very well knew my reputation sucked ass.

She smiled and turned around. I turned to Emmett, who was sitting beside me, and he was jamming out to some random rock song that was way to loud. He banged his head, and I rolled my eyes, turning around so I could look out the window.

Mom was standing by the pane wearing a smiled and was wearing a mini skirt and tank top.

Bitch, I thought rolling my eyes. It was misting, and was kind of chilling but that idiot was wearing Phoenix summer clothes.

"Attention passengers, you may now feel free to exit the cabin." Some one over the intercom said. I stood up, and seriously jumped over Emmett, and made my way down the aisle with Alice on my tail. I went down the steps and saw my mom standing with her new husband, Phil Brandon.

I walked up and threw him my bag, not caring what the heck the idiot thought. My mom's temper flashed, even thought I had done nothing wrong.

"Isabella Swan! How dare you?!" She raved. I rolled my eyes and Phil calmed her down and soon we were on our way to my new house.

We soon pulled up to a big two story house. It had a balcony, along with many other unique features, like a pool with a little bridge, from what I saw. A walk through garden, thanks to my mom's gardening pals. Also a rare case of stupid singing birds, that were truly beautiful, and annoying.

They sang and sang, and I soon got a head ache. I put my hands over my ears and walked up to the porch, and into the house.

It wasn't fancy, but better than what we used to live in. It had wood floor with a set of stairs leading up. I walked up and saw it had four bedrooms each with a personal bathroom.

I mean, it wasn't a mansion, and the rooms were actually pretty small, an the bathrooms probably stank. I kept giving it insults and then silently contradicted myself walking into the first bedroom.

It's walls were a dark shade of red, with white carpeting, and a four poster bed with a red comforter, and I just stood there in awe.

"I know how much you like red…So I had this room customized for you," Phil said walking up beside me. We had rarely spoken, and ever since the whole bag thing, I have been ignoring everyone.

I nodded in thanks and walked in, kicking of my converse, and went and jumped on the bed.

Phil smirked, shook his head and turned to leave, but hollered over his shoulder, "The Veggie burgers will be done in about….twenty minutes!"

I licked my lips. One thing was for sure, the man could cook.

I truly wasn't bitter like I acted, I just had to show them were I stood. Forks. Is. Not. Where I like


I sighed, and looked around. Mom and Phil had been living here for about a week before they had to literally force me to get my ass on a plane and flight here.

I sighed, again, and got up, and made my way to the kitchen.

Japer POV.

Shit! I am fucking dead!

I had pulled yet again another prank, but this time I "went to far."

Fuck! As where I stand, there is no to far!

Me and my best friend Edward had mooned the sheriff. Chef Swan, and now, we had ran all the

way to my house, and in the other fucking side of Forks, I might add, just to get away from the fuckers ass, and guess what? The Douche Bag called my fricking mom!

"JASPER WHITLOCK! Get you GROUNED ass down here this instant!" My mom, Kelly Whitlock, yelled. She rarely cussed, so she was mad. I groaned and walked down stairs. Chef Swan, red faced, looked at me, and his eyebrows furrowed, and I chuckled, making him redder. Which I thought was impossible, but yea, it happened.

"Young man! Tell Charlie you are sorry! NOW!" Mom said her face growing a pink shade. She wasn't as mad as she sounded, but she was still pissed.

"Sorry, Chef Swan, it was a joke, you know? Prank," I mumbled.

Betcha' ten bucks Edward was some where playin' his freaking WII. His dad was all high and mighty, so that left the middle class people to eat his ass.

I loved Carlisle like he was my dad, right along with Edward, but you had to face the facts.

"Son, I get how you feel, and I'm sorry I called your mom, its just that Swan temper," He said sheepishly.

For an old fart knocker, he was pretty cool.

"Well, I just wanted to let ya' mom to know, so she can handle you a little better. If that shit was on your record, you wont get in to college." He said stepping away from the door.

Mom instantly became neighborly, because everyone knew Chef Swan was single, and had no family in town, and his cooking sucked, "Would you like to stay for dinner, Charlie?"

His smile brightened, "No thank you, my baby girl moved back!"

My mom smiled and nodded, while Charlie nearly danced to his car.

"I'm so happy! Gosh! We should make a cake for her!" She walked in the kitchen, and I followed.

"Charlie is what about…34? She can't be that old…" I said, hoping on the kitchen counter.

I wasn't going to help, but I was going to lick the bowl clean.

"I don't know…We'll make her a princess cake!" My mom got all the supplies and got to work.

She was a baker for a small bakery in Port Angeles. She loved cakes and having to use her pink dye, which was very rare.

About twenty minutes later, I was licking my bowl! I hate it when she adds pink, but if it got Charlie off my back, who gives a shit?

Mom got the cake out of the oven and set it on the counter.

"Now, what icing? Pink! Duh!" Ugh…she was such a girl.

She decorated it in less than ten minutes and was putting a lid on the pan.

She grabbed her keys, "Lets go!"

I don't know how she knew, but mom made her way through town and got to a pretty cool looking house.

"How did you now to come here??" I asked bewildered when she grinned, the confusion got cleared up.

"Gossip," We said at the same time, she giggled, I rolled my fucking eyes. She was worse than Rose, Edward's sister.

I got out and made my way to the porch, caring the princess cake.

I rang the door bell and heard a few shouts, then a pixie person answered the door smiling, "Hi! How may I help you?!" She saw the cake and smiled wider, "Aww! So sweet!"

I was confused for about…two seconds till I finally asked, "Chef Swan's daughter?"

The girl looked bewildered for a moment, then quickly understood, "OH! You mean Bella? No! I'm her step sister Alice! Nice to meet you!"

A woman in the her early 30's came to the door, "Oh, hello. Alice, go get your farther and brother and tell Bella to get down here, we have guests."

My mom smiled, "Hi, I'm Kelly Whitlock, and this is my son Jasper, I'm friends with Chef Swan, and wanted to welcome his little girl to the neighbor hood." She offered the cake.

The lady took it, "I'm Renee Brandon, that was my step daughter Alice, um, that there is my husband Phil, and his son Emmett."

She pointed to a guy about my age, and a guy in his late 20's.

Alice came back, and frowned at Renee, "She said she's to busy."

Renee rolled her eyes, "I'll get her, Alice take this cake to the kitchen, okay?"

Alice nodded, and grabbed the cake, lifting the lid to see what kind it was. She licked her lips.

"Yum…but Bella wont like it…she picky." She said shaking her head.

Mom chuckled, "Jasper was like that…but thank the lord that habit broke!"

Alice smiled and asked, "Want to come in? We just cooked Veggie Burgers, and don't mind Bella…she just a little new at the whole moving thing."

She shrugged and my mom smiled, "So was Jasper when we moved here from Texas."

Alice smiled, "You're from Texas? We're from Phoenix. Guess we both love that hot weather."

I smirked and walked in. Renee came down with a frown, "It'll be a minute."

I sat at the table and my mom and Rene handled the food. She handed me my plate and I took a bit of the burger chewing it slowly.

I was about to swallow when a girl with long brown hair, down to her waist, came in with a sports bra, showing every beautiful detail, and a pair of black short boxers. I spite out my food, and it landed in Alice's hair. She screeched, and the girl turned around and giggled.

Bella POV

I was listening to my I pod when Alice came in.

"Hot neighbor," She said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and threw my hand up say, 'go away.'

She sighed and walked away. I just wanted my veggie burger. No matter how hot the guy, I wasn't staying. This wasn't permanent

She sighed and cut on 'Brass Money' by the Beastie Boys until she heard her mom bang on her door.

"Isabella! We got super finished!" She yelled, then walked away.

I slowly got out of the bed and made my way down stairs in my usual chill wear. Sports bra. Boys shorts. Done. I grabbed a plate until I heard Alice screech I turned around, giggled, and was shocked to see a blonde guy, about my age, looking at me with bug eyes.

I got ticked and spat, "What?" He just shock his head and looked down.

A lady about my mom's age looked at me with a sheepish smile, "Isabella?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes Ma'am?"

She pointed to the princess cake Alice was holding. It. Was. Pink.

I groaned and looked at it. It was very pretty, but had Snow Freaking White on it. I mean, I'm not a hard ass, and I loved the gesture. But. It. Was. Pink.

"Thank you….but how did you know…?" I let the question hang for a moment before mom stepped in.

"They are friends of Charlie's Isabella, be polite." She said giving me a 'don't you dare ruin this' look.

I looked back at them with a smile, and the lady said, "I'm Kelly and this is my son Jasper, we are friends…but only because of Jasper." She had a frown and it made me quirk an eyebrow.

She answered the gesture, "Um…Jasper has been taken care of by Charlie many times…before."

Jasper groaned, Alice giggled, and Emmett laughed, "What like is he your step dad?"

Jasper groan again, "Hell to the no!"

Kelly gasped, "Jasper! Language!"

He rolled his eyes, but apologized. He ate a French fry and wouldn't look at me.

I took my food with me and sat down beside him.

"How do you no my dad?" I asked.

He kept his eyes down while he answered, "We're close…"

I frowned, "So, like... Ok." I took a bit of my veggie burger.

I sighed and looked back at Alice who had smirked and looked at me. She mouth, 'Flirt Alert.'

I scoffed silently and rolled my eyes. She just shrugged, and look at me as to say, 'We'll see.'

Kelly soon finished along with Jasper, and she stood up, "So…Isabella,"

I corrected her, "Bella,"

"Huh?" She said tilting her head to the side, a little.

"Call me Bella, Isabella is to formal." I simply nodded, and looked at the cake. It and its girly-ness.

I mean…come on. A pink cake? What happened to simplicity?

"Ok, Bella. I'm sorry, Charlie said, 'His Little Girl' was coming back. I just figured…." She said…but I couldn't let her feel guilty over my grudge toward pink.

"No, no…I just…I mean I understand. I just…have a problem with pink…" I said, Alice laughed and rolled her eyes.

Charlie walked in with a big goofy grin. "BELLA!"

He walked up toward me and pulled me in a hug.

I sighed, "Hey dad."

Jasper chuckled and my dad's head flew up.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked, nearly shouting.

Jasper smirked, and I bit my lip and held back a giggle.

"Sup, Charlie?" Jasper asked with that smirk. And I smiled, because he looked…good.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?!" He asked again, getting red. He had separated every word, I guess trying to look scary, but he looked stupid.

"Seeing. Your. Daughter." Jasper said with a cocky grin, and did the same separating the word thing.

"THE HELL YOU ARE!" He yelled.

I was kind of frightened. My dad rarely cussed, he was pissed.

"Dad…?" I asked timidly.

"Charlie…I think you don't get that we made a cake for Bella," Kelly put in, trying to calm my dad.

"Kelly, I understand…but if this…beast steps more than a five foot radius of my Baby girl, there will be hell to pay!" My dad…was threatening. Wow.

"Why thank you Charlie. I know I'm a beast." Jasper said again smirking. I laughed and then bit my lip. Oops.

"Bella, maybe you, Alice, and Emmett should go up stairs." Mom said.

I shook my head, and grabbed my dad's arm.

"Dad…? What's wrong?" I asked.


Okay, so what?

I say this out loud and my dad just stares at me finally speaking. "So…what? SO what? SO WHAT?!"

I sighed.

"Dad…he gave me a cake, not a baby. Chill, 'iight? Gosh, I'm seven teen not seven." I rolled my eyes, and plopped down on the couch.

My dad closed his eyes and counted to ten, something we both do when we get mad.

"Maybe we should leave….?" Kelly said, kind of embarrassed by her son.

Renee nodded, "That would be best…"

They left and I made my way upstairs…getting in bed. I heard my parents arguing bellow…