Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Twilight Stephenie Meyer does.

A/N Ok so this is my first attempt at a Twilight fanfic. I'm not totally sure where I'm going with this but I'll figure it out as I go. Anyway please let me now if it's even worth continuing.

Chapter 1

'You've got to be kidding me. Of course he would be taking us to a room where they're turning the water tap on and off every five seconds,' Bella thought while squirming uncomfortably. She had asked their guide if she could go to the bathroom exactly twenty five minutes ago. He had answered her that she would have to wait till the end of the tour after which he proceeded to bore the hell out of everyone and now this. A room where the sound of water could be heard every five freaking seconds. Bella's poor bladder was being seriously abused and she wasn't at all sure if she could hold it in any longer. She looked around her for a possible distraction from the sound of running water or even better a solution to her problem because she really didn't want to have this kind of accident in front of her classmates who already disliked her as it was.

'Ah there!' She thought triumphantly as a door opened and showed her a hallway with directions to a bathroom. Now all she had to do was figure out how she was going to escape this room without anyone noticing. Luckily for her no one's attention was on her and the guide was insisting they stay in this room for at least another half an hour so that they could see the experiment the scientists were about to perform. Bella didn't really care about the experiment but she was glad nonetheless because that meant she knew they'd be here when she got back. She checked one last time and saw that most of the students were lost in thought and the few that weren't were looking at the guide. She acted quickly and slipped out of the room and hurried of in the direction of where the toilets were supposed to be.

After she had found the toilets she returned to where she hoped her class would still be. Since she was now significantly less in a hurry she walked slowly and took in her surroundings. White walls, white doors, white floor and deserted just like the rest of the place she had seen. No wonder this place was losing money and had a bad reputation. She doubted that inviting high school students who were interested in biology was going to help them.

Bella was shook out of her thoughts by a female voice and she froze. Momentarily scared that she had been caught but she relaxed once she realize that it was just a speaker coming from the room to her right. Knowing that she should just continue on but not being able to help herself she opened the door and walked into an empty room. Bella couldn't believe her eyes. While the rest of the building was plain, white and boring. This place looked like it had been taken out of an Austin Powers movie. There were long vertical colorful lamps on the walls and in the middle of the room there was a sort of lava lamp that seemed to be empty. It had a very flower power vibe to it and Bella thought it looked ridicules.

"Preparations complete. Model X ready for trial run."

Bella startled when she heard the robotic voice again. That didn't sound good. When she had walked into the room she had thought it had been some sort of weird relaxation room for the scientists since she hadn't seen any sort of equipment but since the robotic voice could only be heard in this room Bella realized she was wrong. She hurried towards the exit but she wasn't fast enough since her only exit was now blocked by a metal plate and for a split second Bella was glad she wasn't closer to the door but then her relief transformed into panic when she heard the robotic voice again.

"Model X securely locked down. Trial run starts up in five, four, three,..."

That's when Bella gave into her panic and started screaming that she was stuck, but apparently nobody heard her because when the robotic voice finished its countdown the colorful lamps were turned on and the huge lava lamp started shining so brightly it hurt her eyes and after a few seconds her head started hurting too. Bella wanted to continue shouting for help but she found that she couldn't. Her head hurt too much to do anything so Bella crumbled to the floor and hoped it would all be over soon before blacking out.

When Bella opened her eyes again she felt hazy and tired. She noticed that the steel plate was gone and she could once again leave so that's what she did as fast as she could just in case it would start again. She opened the door and started going back towards where she thought her class was. She hoped she was going the right way since she felt a little disoriented. She had no idea how much time had gone by and could only hope that no one had noticed her absence yet. She just rounded the corner and was about five feet from where she thought her class was when she heard two voices arguing behind her. She couldn't be sure but she thought they were in front of the room she had just left. She tried to concentrate and hear what they were saying which was something her headache didn't agree with.

"There's no one here!" One of the voices said clearly frustrated.

"But there has been! The readings indicate that someone was here when Model X was activated," another voice answered angry and threatening.

"If that was the case they would still be here. Our tests clearly indicate that being exposed to the radiations of Model X would lead to unconsciousness or death."

"The readings don't lie and we can't take the chance. We have to find whoever was in here!"


"Did you forget that we were supposed to shut this project down? If anyone finds out we kept it running our careers are over. Now go and find out who was in here and bring them to me! We have to find them! They know too much!"

Bella's eyes widened. That did not sound good. She hurried towards the door where hopefully her class still was and silently entered the room. She let out a sigh of relief when she noticed everyone was still there and no one had noticed her absence which wasn't that surprising since no one seemed to notice her presence either. Everyone looked ready for this tour to be over and Bella couldn't help but wholeheartedly agree. She wanted to be as far away from this place as possible. All she wanted was her bed and some peace and quiet since her head still hurt like hell and she felt very hazy. Little did she know that entering that room would mean the end of her peace and quiet for quite some time.