Coming Undone
By Dr. Shelly McCoy and spockslovechild
Genre: Friendship, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Character(s): P. Chekov, H. Sulu, Spock/N. Uhura, J. Kirk, L. Bones/McCoy/C. Chapel
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek... unfortunately.
Author's Note: This is my first Star Trek fanfic.
Author's Note (2): I am collaborating with my friend: spockslovechild, who is responsible for turning me onto Star Trek in the first place.
Chapter Seven – Where Few Men Have Gone
Pavel paced nervously outside of the auditorium as Sulu watched.
"Are you okay?"
"Vhat? Yes, of course I'm okay." Pavel had stopped to answer, but went right back to pacing when he was finished. Sulu sighed.
"Then stop pacing. Seriously, you're acting like you're about to be persecuted."
Both of them looked up when they heard two familiar voices. Spock and Uhura were walking towards them, talking happily. Well, Uhura was smiling and laughing happily and Spock seemed expressionless as normal, but there was something different about him. He seemed… happy, as well. His eyes were bright as he talked to Uhura.
When the couple got closer, Pavel cleared his throat. "Uh… Commander Spock. May I speak vith you?"
Spock stopped and looked at Pavel before nodding once ever so slightly. "Of course, Ensign." He looked at Uhura. "I will meet you inside, Nyota."
She nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. See you boys inside. Sulu, let's go in and find some good seats."
Sulu nodded and together, he and Uhura walked through the doors. Spock looked back at Pavel who was now fiddling with his hands nervously. He tilted his head slightly at the action.
"You're reaction to my presence is illogical. You need not move so much."
"Yes, vell, um.. I vanted to talk to you about the mission."
Spock raised an eyebrow. "If you are confused about the upcoming mission, then I recommend reviewing the message you should have received on your PADD."
Pavel shook his head. "No, not ze current mission. Ze last one."
He waited for Spock to say something.
"Go on."
"I'm sorry."
Spock's eyebrows disappeared into his hair, not expecting this, but he quickly regained himself. "That is highly illogical. You were not the cause of Nero's attack."
"Not Nero's attack. I'm sorry about… vhat happened vith your mother."
Spock said nothing and Pavel went tense, waiting for his reaction. He was looking at Pavel, but his eyes looked a little distant. It took a minute for Spock to say anything.
"It was... an unfortunate accident, but in no way was it your fault, Ensign."
"But I vas at the controls! I had a lock on her but I—"
Spock held up a hand, stopping him. "Chekov, I do not believe it was properly explained to you as to what had happened. My mother was standing too close to the cliff's edge. Right before being beamed back, the ledge collapsed underneath her."
As Pavel was listening, he noted that Spock's eyes became… softer as he spoke about his mother. He was told left and right about how it wasn't his fault, but hearing it from Spock was different.
"I should not have let her stand so close to the edge, but it was nothing more than an accident."
Pavel couldn't help but notice Spock didn't seem upset as he was explaining his mother's death. If it were his mother, Pavel wouldn't have been able to get the first sentence out without collapsing into a heap of sobs. He looks at Spock carefully.
"Are you okay?"
Spock tilted his head again. "I don't understand."
"Your mother died. You shouldn't be zhis calm… sir." Pavel cringed slightly. He didn't mean to be so bold towards Spock, but he couldn't help it. The only time Pavel's ever seen Spock upset about his mother is when he attacked Kirk. Even then he wasn't upset, he was pissed. It made Pavel curious.
Spock took a moment to gather his thought and say the right words. "Thank you for your… concern, but I assure you that I am no longer emotionally compromised by the situation. I have been through the grieving process and have accepted what happened." He paused when he heard commotion coming from inside the auditorium. "I believe it is time for us to go inside." Without another word, Spock turned and walked through the doors to find Uhura.
Pavel stood there and smiled, relieved that Spock didn't hate him and glad that he opened up and explained what happened. He walked inside soon after and had to stop to take the scene in.
There were hundreds of cadets standing around talking to one another. He knew there would be a lot of people, but not this many. He didn't think this many people respected Kirk enough to want to come here and watch him become captain. He'd heard stories of Kirk's antics and has even caught himself wondering how he could be a captain. Of course, he's long since been proven wrong and has nothing for respect for his future captain.
Speaking of.
Pavel looked around and found Uhura talking animatedly to Sulu. Next to him were McCoy and blonde nurse, Chapel. He walked down and took the seat next to Sulu. After they said their greetings, he looked around again, this time for a specific person. After a few seconds, he found him sitting in the front row.
James. T. Kirk.
When the Council settled everybody down, Admiral Richard Barnett, Starfleet Academy's dean, stood and addressed the auditorium.
"This assembly calls Captain James Tiberius Kirk."
Jim Kirk stood from his seat and walked forward, stopping in the middle of the floor and facing the Admiral, who was now standing before Kirk.
"Your inspiration of valour and supreme dedication to your comrades is in keeping with the highest traditions of service. And to reflect utmost credit to yourself, your crew, and the Federation, it is my honour to award you with this commendation."
One of the Council members who was standing next to the Admiral opened a ceremonial, velvet box to reveal a medal. The ribbon was read and black and had small pins scattered across it. Its golden medallion was in the shape of the Captain's Star. Admiral Barnett took the medal out of the case and carefully pinned it on Kirk's chest, just below the left breast pocket.
"By Starfleet Order 28455, you are hereby directed to report to Admiral Pike, U.S.S Enterprise, for duty as his relief."
They shook hands before Kirk turned and walked over to Admiral Christopher Pike, who is now bound to a wheelchair due to his injuries he received as Nero's hostage, and stood before him.
"I relieve you, sir."
"I am relieved. Congratulations, Captain. Your father would be proud of you."
Admiral Pike and Captain Kirk shook hands then Kirk turned and looked around at the other cadets - his classmates and crew – and smiled proudly at them.
Sulu entered the last codes he needed before looking towards the entryway.
"Maneuvering thrusters and impulse engines at your command, sir."
Pavel looked at his screen, making sure everything was set. "Veapon systems and shields on stand-by."
Uhura turned in her seat from her post at the Communication Center. "Dock control reports ready, Captain."
James T. Kirk walked onto the bridge of the U.S.S Enterprise and smiled at his crew. These are the people he was going to spend the next five years with as they explore strange new worlds and seek out new life forms and new civilizations. They were already assigned their first mission and Jim couldn't wait to get started. He smiled when he saw his best friend and then walked further across the bridge.
"Bones. Buckle up." Jim slapped Chief Medical Officer Leonard McCoy on the shoulder as he made his way to the Captain's Chair, causing the doctor to roll his eyes.
Jim sat and flipped a switch which connected him to the Engineering Room. "Scotty, how're we doing?"
"Dilithium chambers at maximum, Captain," the Chief Engineer replied.
"Mr. Sulu, prepare the engage thrusters."
The doors to the bridge hissed open and a familiar voice was heard. "Permission to come aboard, Captain."
Jim looked up and then stood when he saw who it was. "Permission granted."
Commander Spock walked onto the bridge and approached the Captain.
"As you have yet to select a First Officer, respectively, I would like to submit my candidacy. Should you desire, I can provide character references."
"It would be my honour, Commander."
Spock looked at Ensign Chekov and Lieutenant Sulu, who were at the helm. They both smiled at Spock, welcoming him back, before he took his place at the Science Station. Spock caught Uhura's look as he passed her to go to his station and she grinned as she turned back to her own post. She was beyond thrilled that Spock decided to stay. Even Spock managed the slightest of smirks.
This encounter did not go unnoticed. McCoy had been watching Spock very closely since Kirk let it slip that Spock was seeing someone. After watching Spock and Uhura, McCoy's face was priceless.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!"
Captain Kirk sat and laughed after hearing McCoy, who turned and glared at him.
"How long?"
Kirk shrugged.
McCoy grumbled and stood next to Kirk in his chair. Kirk struggled to stop laughing; he knew how McCoy would react when he found out and he wasn't disappointed. After a few seconds, Kirk managed to compose himself and look ahead proudly.
"Maneuvering thrusters, Mr. Sulu"
"Thrusters on stand-by."
"Take us out."
"Aye, aye, Captain."
The Starship turned away from the Spacecdock and warped into the unknown.
Well, that's it guys... the finale! We hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as we enjoyed writing it =D.
~ Dr. Shelly McCoy & spockslovechild