Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.

Just a little preview.

"That little brat!" Portgas D. Ace snapped with anger as he realized just what the kid left him with. A bucket and a bar of soap, along with a hose, when they had a perfectly good shower to share.

Jeeze, he knew that he hated him, but did the kid really need to go that damn far?!

Climbing the stairs, Ace formed scenarios of the lecture that he was going to give. Oh was it going to be big. The little brat was going to hear it from him, and hear it good.

Just because he didn't like the fact Whitebeard not only adopted him but made them partners doesn't mean that Tsuku had any reason than to act like such a brat. Times were changing and even Ace couldn't question his adoptive father's whims. Such as why adopting him in the first place.

Tsuku had never welcomed him. He understood the boy's apprehension in letting them in their groups. But still! Enough was enough. Even Ace had his damn limit.

Slamming the shower door open, Ace stood a moment to feel the temperature of the air. Hot. The damn kid was using pure hot water! While he had to suffer with the cold water he got from the damn hose…! That bastard.

"Tsuku!" Ace yelled out, his angry making the steam around him shimmer with the power of his akuma fruit. "It time we had a freaking man to man talk!"

"What-what are you doing here? Get out!" the raspy voice demanded from the other end of the curtain.

"I'm sick of your stupid pranks. It's time we settle this. If you want to fight me, fine. But no more games.!"

"I wasn't aware you were such a child," Tsuku chided, sounding very annoyed. "Just get out. I have nothing to say to you."

"Oh that is it…!" the dark haired man snarled. He grabbed hold of the shower curtain and pulled it open. "If you hate me so much, say it to my face. Stop… making… things… difficult…" He trailed off, staring with his mouth dropping open.

The water continued to fall unbothered, the droplets drenching the familiar premature white hair the boy had, running down his face and body. Rather, in the places that dipped into sensuous curves and further down, traveling long legs to the tub.

Tsuku stared back at Ace, his gray and blue eye wide open. Rather, her gray and blue eye.

"Tsuku… you're… you're a girl," Ace said dumbly.

"Yeah, you saw. NOW GET OUT!!!"