Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or anything Twilight related.

Hello readers,

Well this is a kind of weird way of introducing this story. I created this while trying to think of a new chapter for one of my other stories, but it didn't go as planned :D

This is something a little different to my others or hoping to be anyway.

I hope you like it and i would appreciate the reviews very much.

Many thanks and Enjoy!


Lady Gemini.


Chapter 1

Carlisle's other daughter


Over 150 years it had been. Over 150 years since I had last seen my daughter, my beautiful baby girl. I sighed as I let my pen drop and stopped my work only to lean over into my draw and pull out the stowed away picture of us.

I ran my fingers over the black and white printed photo of me and my little girl. I smiled as I ran my littlest finger over the outline of her hair as it hung in it's long tresses against her little dress. I felt the smile drop from my face as I remembered how I never got to see her grow up or get married and how I never would.

"Carlisle?" I heard my angel speak, I looked up from the picture to see my beloved Esme standing in the door way with a look of concern across her face. I motioned for her to come over and I smiled as she did.

I placed the photo on top of my desk as she sat down in my lap and as soon as her eye caught the photo she smiled sadly at me and ran her soft hand through my hair gently.

"I know you miss her dear, it's alright to be sad about her; from all the things you've told me about her I know that I would've loved her too and I would be just as upset" she said and I nodded against her shoulder.

I had told Esme about my daughter a little after the wedding, I would've never kept her from my past. My little girl was only 7 years old when I had to leave her because of what I became. There were some occasions where I would be thinking about her and Edward would stop and question me about the little girl. I wasn't scared to tell my family, just heart broken, it was hard enough to tell Esme even all those years ago but there was nothing I could do. I was very lucky that Esme was often near me when Edward would ask and she would often distract him from me having to answer. I hated that I wasn't strong enough to tell them and every time I tried Esme could tell that I wasn't ready and she told me to wait because one day I would be able to.

I sighed before looking back up at my loving wife and she smiled and placed a gentle kiss against my lips.

"Come down stairs dear, Alice had a vision and Edward and her are both very curious yet concerned" she said and I nodded. She quickly stepped off of my lap and stood up allowing me to place the photo back in the draw before I took her hand and she led me downstairs to where the others were sat in the living room.

"Carlisle my vision will turn black very soon as the wolves are on their way here" Alice said and my brow furrowed in confusion, why are the wolves coming here?

"They found a vampire that was passing through…but that isn't the interesting bit…" Edward said and I raised my brow as a sign to say continue.

"She was sent here by Eleazar and Carmen…she's been living with them for a good few years…remember how they have a separate house and how we never thought about why we either went to Tanya's house or they came to ours?" Alice said and I nodded. It was true I did think that it was very strange, I guess I knew why now.

"Well It turns out that she was a newborn many years ago before we were back in Alaska but she refused to hunt humans…Carmen and her had a mother daughter relationship from the day they met her, they did want her to meet us when we were there but she was scared that she would hurt us and she was a tad bit shy too…and what surprises me more is the fact that even Tanya and the others don't even know about her" Alice said and it was obvious that everyone was shocked but not surprised.

"Okay so why is she coming down here now then?" Jasper asked and Alice shrugged but Edward shook his head.

"Well from what I can hear; from what she's told the wolves is that she knows you Carlisle but she's worried that you won't recognise her as the last time you saw her she was still very young" he said and this time I frowned, I honestly don't know who this vampire could be I mean…there were a lot of children I've met over the years but…for once I'm actually speechless.

I heard Edward's chuckle at this and I rolled my eyes at my son. "Okay, well to be honest I have no idea who this vampire could be so I guess we'll just have to wait and see…but if she's been with Carmen and Eleazer all this time she will be a vegetarian which should make things easier with the wolves if she decides to stay with us for a while" I said and the others nodded but I could tell Rosalie had no intentions of being nice to this vampire.

It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door and Esme had gotten up to answer before I could and I shook my head. I really wish she'd stop doing that.

I could hear Esme welcome the wolves inside and I stood up and went into the hall way to meet Sam and the rest of the pack.

"Hello Sam" I said as I held out my hand to him and he took my hand in his warm one and shook it.

"Hello to you too Carlisle…I will take it that Alice and Edward informed you before hand?" he said and I smiled and nodded.

"Of course, so who is our guest then?" I asked and Sam stood back as Jacob came in with a few others but there was someone behind him.

He swiftly stepped to the side and I couldn't contain my gasp. I knew straight away who this vampire was. Her long brown curly hair was exactly the same as I remember only now it had strips of res through it. Her big doe eyes of course were no longer her stunning brown but our normal topaz but still beautiful all the same. I couldn't contain my smile much longer.

"Bella? Is it really you?" I asked and she smiled timidly; the same smile she gave me when we first met.

"Hi daddy" she whispered and I grinned and stepped forward before pulling my little girl back into my grasp.

I could hear her tearless sobs and her shudders as they racked through her body and into mine as I held her. My baby girl was home, I thought that I would never, ever see her again. All this time I thought that she was buried under the ground but no. She was here in my arms and all those years ago I had been so close to seeing my baby girl and I never even knew.

I pulled back and held her tiny face in my palms and she smiled at me as I brushed a strand away from her eyes.

"My little girl, I thought I had lost you all those years ago" I said sadly and she shook her head before resting it against my chest.

"Never, but I'm sorry it took me this long to realise that you weren't far away" she whispered and I chuckled softly and shook my head.

A sudden throat clearing caused us both to look up, it was Sam and he smiled slightly.

"Sorry to interrupt this moment but we'll be leaving you to it; make sure she stays on your land and we won't have a problem with her being here" he said and I nodded.

"Thank you sir, for bringing me to my father" Bella said and Sam smiled and nodded at her timid and tiny little form next to mine.

"Of course Bella, good luck" he said before walking out the door with his pack. As soon as they left I turned to look at Bella.

"Would you like to meet the rest of the family now?" I asked her, I could tell myself that the others were anxious to meet her and I didn't need my sons gift for that.

"A-Are you s-sure?" she stuttered and I smiled and ran my hand through her hair.

"Of course I am baby girl, they are going to love you" I told her and she looked to the ground, took a few breaths before looking back up at me and she nodded and smiled slightly.

I smiled and took her hand and walked through with her to the living room and realised that Esme had slipped back inside.

As we walked in the others looked up and smiled politely but Esme came over first. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she smiled at me before casting her eyes on Bella. Her eyes widened slightly before turning back to look at me and I nodded knowing she realised who Bella is exactly. Esme's eyes lit up as she looked back at Bella.

"Bella dear I'd like you to meet my wife Esme- Esme I'd like you to meet my little girl, Bella" I told her and released Bella's hand as Esme took her in her arms and hugged her. Bella looked a little startled before she hugged her back. After a few moments Esme released her but held her face in her hands.

"Welcome home baby girl, you father has told me so, so much about you. I never dreamed that I would ever get to meet you…but welcome home" she said softly. I could see the tears in both of their eyes and Bella smiled before hugging Esme again. Esme held her tightly and I watched as my two of the most important women in my life hugged; joyful was all that could be said about me right now.

This time when they pulled back Esme kept her arm around Bella's waist as she turned her to the rest of the family.

"Bella" I said and she looked at me and smiled "I'd like you to meet the rest of our family- Alice and Jasper" I said and I motioned my hand to them just as Alice bounced out of her seat and stood in front of Bella. Esme quickly removed her arm and I wrapped mine around her waist as Alice quickly hugged Bella.

"It's so nice to meet you and to have another sister!" she chimed as she pulled back and Bella giggled and shook her head at Alice.

"It's lovely to meet you too" she said softly and Alice grinned and was bouncing up and down as Jasper came over and placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her down as he chuckled softly.

"Hello Bella, it's a pleasure to meet you…my wife however tends to get a little ahead of herself" he said chuckling and Bella giggled softly before clearing her throat trying to stop herself from laughing.

"It's perfectly fine and it's lovely to meet you too Jasper and I honestly don't mind about Alice…you kind of remind me of a hyper pixie" she said and the whole room burst out laughing.

Emmett stood up next and I saw Bella's eyes widen slightly before she regained her calm but happy composure, which she'd learnt from me all those years ago.

"Bella this is Emmett and his wife Rosalie" I said as Emmett came and stood in front of her and Rosalie made her way over slowly with a small smile on her face.

"Hi Bella!" he said before scooping her up into his arms at which Bella squealed and Emmett laughed.

"Emmett!" Rosalie scolded him has he placed Bella back down. She stepped next to Bella and smoothed her hair back down gently.

"I am so sorry about my husband Bella" she said worriedly, which I had to admit was a little out of character for Rosalie.

"It's okay" Bella said gently and Rosalie smiled before hugging her gently, she whispered something into Bella's ear causing her to giggle loudly before she quickly controlled herself. Even though, she was still grinning ear to ear.

Rosalie stepped aside and I looked to Edward and he smiled at me "Bella…well last but not least is my eldest, Edward" I said and Bella looked up at Edward and he smiled as he stepped forward and took her hand in his but where I was expecting him to shake her hand he kissed the top instead surprising me. I turned to look at Esme and she too looked at me with shock written across her entire face. I turned back to look at Edward and Bella and she smiled sheepishly at Edward and bent her head slightly before biting her lip and looking at him from under her eyelashes.

"It's lovely to meet you dear Bella" he said and Bella smiled slightly and ducked her head a little and from the guess of things it looked like she would be blushing if she could.

"Likewise Edward" she almost whispered and he smiled before gently lowering her hand and stepped back.


I'd always thought that I wondered through the dark in this life. Living in a house full of vampires who are all paired up and constantly happy caused me to die out more and more as the years went by. I never believed that I would find someone like they did. To be honest I never found a woman that I'd been attracted to, I mean yes I'd met some pretty women, my sister was one of them but no one was there for me. I'd dealt with the fact that I'd destined to be alone many years ago.

The past few days I'd spent packing without my families knowledge, I loved them all very much and I hated that I had to do this but I couldn't stay here with them any longer. I would stick to my diet of course but I knew that I would head down to Isle Esme, a lone island where I could be by myself and not make everyone else miserable because I was alone and had no one, un-like them. I was finishing off earlier when Alice had the vision and I knew that I couldn't leave until this vampire was gone because the safety of my family relied on me and my sister, for now.

We were all in the lounge waiting for her to arrive. I didn't look into their thoughts when they turned up at the house, to be honest I really couldn't be bothered all my focus was on was get them out of the way so that I can leave.

When Bella walked through the doorway with Carlisle I had to stifle my gasp. She was without a doubt the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long chocolate brown hair that fell in natural curls just past her chest that had hints of red that could only be detected by vampire eyes or in the sun light. Bella had a cute heart shaped face with big topaz doe eyes that were stunning and had a fleck or two of brown in. Obviously when she was human her eyes were brown but she would've been a beautiful human and when she was changed it just got enhanced.

She wasn't the tallest of people but her height suited her at 5ft 5inch. She wasn't overly skinny but she wasn't big built either, she was very petite but with curves in the right places.

I knew it was very odd of me to pay this much attention to one woman but there was no way that I couldn't. Jasper eyed me curiously but I paid no attention to him, my focus was completely on Bella. When Emmett picked her up and she squealed I wanted to just drag her away from him and throw him out the window for even trying that. Okay, I knew something was wrong with me why was I feeling so…protective of her?

When Carlisle introduced us I was trying to keep calm on the outside because inside I was practically bouncing for joy. Odd.

When I took hold of her hand my eyes caught hers instantly because it was like I'd just been electrocuted only it wasn't painful, it was pleasant.Argh! What the hell is wrong with me?

But sometime during that rant in my head, my hand had brought hers up to my lips and I kissed her soft palm. It didn't escape my notice about how easily her hand slipped into mine nor the fact of how soft her beautiful skin was. Her voice was like magical, so soft and gentle and delicate just like her. When I looked back at her my eyes caught hers once again as she dipped her head and looked at me through her long eyelashes. Beautiful. Was the only thought going through my head right now.

But then she went and bit her lip and I never thought something so innocent could be so…Sexy. Wait! What the hell Edward? Where are all these thoughts coming from because they are not mine…are they?

The way she kept her head slightly down told me that if she could blush, she would be.

When she spoke my name at the end I couldn't help a thrill go through me at the time. How was this beautiful girl able to revoke such things from me by just saying my name?

I had to step away but that did not stop me from staring into her eyes and her mine. I barely noticed that Carlisle or anyone else was speaking until…

"Well, Bella is my daughter and I adopted her when I was human still. She was only 2 years old when she joined my family" Carlisle said and at this my head snapped up. What? I thought he didn't have a family before us…but that means that Bella is his and…And what?

What was I honestly thinking? That I'd have a chance with a goddess like her…I couldn't explain it but for some reason I wanted her and not just in the physical sense either. I wanted to spoil her, buy her anything she desired, I wanted to make her happy and see that smile on her face constantly. I wanted to…love her and her me…Oh who was I kidding, no one could ever love a monster like me. I felt all happiness that I'd felt previously die out like an old flame.

I looked back at Bella and she smiled at me and even though I knew that I shouldn't, I couldn't help but smile back. Some how from just that tiny smile I felt like my whole world had lit back up again and that she had re-lit that fire that allowed me to see her and feel happy. Suddenly It wasn't dark anymore. I gently took her hand and led her to the love seat to sit down as the others continued to talk. To be honest I don't think either of us actually knew what was being said around us because we both sat facing each other slightly whilst staring into each others eyes.

For some reason with Bella here now I just…couldn't, I couldn't face leaving and I didn't want to leave either. I wanted to be here for her always even though I knew we couldn't be together but maybe at least we could be friends? I didn't care. I will take whatever time and relationship I'd get with Bella as long as that meant I could be near her.

For now I wasn't going to leave, I would stay, Bella being the only one thing that was keeping me here.


Bella was a very beautiful girl and after our hugs I could tell that she belonged with us so very much. I could see the happiness in Carlisle's eyes now that he had his daughter back.

After everyone had been introduced Carlisle told the kids that Bella was in fact his daughter. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward's head snap up when he heard that and as I looked into his eyes I saw sadness there. Why would he be sad that Bella is Carlisle's daughter?

I then began paying less attention as my eyes followed Edward and Bella. As soon as he turned back to her she smiled at him, in an instant he returned it. The sadness was whipped away from his eyes and nothing but happiness shone there. I had not seen Edward smile so brightly or see that happiness in his eyes since the first year I met him but even then it was no where near this.

I watched as Edward held his hand out to Bella and she took it whilst smiling shyly as he led her over to the love seat to sit down but even as they sat they sat facing each other and they refused to take their eyes off of each other.

I wondered why this looked so familiar as I turned to look at the others. They were listening to Carlisle tell them about how he adopted Bella all those years ago but Edward and Bella weren't listening one iota.

It was then I realised that look they both shared, it was the same look Rosalie and Emmett shared, the same Alice and Jasper shared as did Carlisle and myself.

I knew that look and I couldn't help but smile brightly they'd found their other halves in each other; they were mates.


Whilst Carlisle was explaining about how he found Bella I looked up and saw Edward and Bella staring at each other with smiles on their faces. I had to stifle my giggle, there was one thing about my vision that I had cut off from Edward. Earlier I found his bag whilst he was out and I knew as soon as I touched it what he was planning. He was planning to leave and head to Isle Esme and…he wasn't coming back, at least anytime soon. Then I saw what would happen when Bella arrived…I had the vision before anyone even knew about it. I knew that not very long after they met they would fall in love and nothing would or could change that, including Carlisle.

Now from just looking at the two of them I give them both a matter of a few hours before they realise they're in love. Jasper too knew about this because sadly after having the first vision he came in the room and caught me bouncing on the spot.

So naturally I had to tell him and he's been very good at controlling his thoughts so Edward didn't know and now with Bella here Edward's to distracted to even notice our thoughts.

I turned to look at Jasper and I smiled at him and nodded my head over in the direction of Edward and Bella. Jasper turned his head slightly and looked back at them, they wouldn't notice but in fact they had both inched closer so now their legs were touching and they were still smiling at each other and starring deeply into each others eyes.

Jasper looked back and leaned in to whisper into my ear "They are completely in love, I feel everything around them and right now it's blissful, nothing but happiness and love…I'm glad Bella's here and now she is we won't be loosing Edward" he said and leaned back, I smiled and nodded and he kissed my cheek.

"…Right Bella?" Carlisle asked looking over at Bella though I doubt she even heard. Esme was smiling and I looked at her and she raised her eyebrow at me and I smiled and nodded and she squealed slightly but it loud enough to make Carlisle, Emmett and Rose turn to look at her.

"What is it Es?" Carlisle asked and Esme bit her lip and shook her head.

"Oh nothing dear, just something Alice said…I promised I'd take the girls shopping tomorrow mother- daughter day and since Bella's here I was going to ask her and Alice just told me that she'll come with us too" Esme said and Jasper and I bit our lips to hold back our laughter. Esme was very smooth when she needed to be.

"Alright so how about it Bella?" Rosalie asked but Bella was still lost with Edward.

"Hmm? Oh! Shopping, it's not really my thing but sure I'll go with you" Bella said, getting her focus back on the rest of us in the room and so was Edward.

"Good, we'll head out about 10...now what are we going to do about your room honey?" Esme said and Bella just shrugged before looking back at Edward out of the corner of her eye just at the same time Edward did. They smiled to each other sheepishly before looking away.

I smiled smugly at Jasper and he returned it before winking and I looked back at Esme.

"Well it will take me a good week to go through all my stuff in the spare room next to us" I said and Esme nodded obviously catching on to what I was up to hehe.

"Mine and Emmett's things will take a good two weeks to go through in the spare room next to Edward's not to mention he's got things in there as well plus to make room for it all we'd have to clean out the garage either way we're looking about 10 days before either room will be sorted" Jasper said and Emmett nodded in agreement.

"Well Bella needs a room because I'm going to call Carmen later to have her things sent down here and where exactly am I going to put them for her?" Esme said and I bit my lip once again to stop laughing.

"Well…I was thinking…" I said and Esme rose her eyebrow.

"Well Edward's got plenty of space in his room…they could share until we get the room sorted…" I said smiling slightly and I felt Jasper's form shaking in silent laughter.

"WHAT?!" Edward and Bella both shouted and turned to look at each other and this time I had to stop my own laughter escaping as did Esme.

"Just for 10 days to get the room sorted, Esme and I can put the bed in there and you split the room 50/50...you don't even use half of that room anyway Edward so there should be no problem using It right?" I said turning my head slightly to cover my giggles.

I watched as Edward gulped and looked back at Bella "It's up to you Bella" he said and I rolled my eyes at my brother, always the gentleman.

Bella cleared her throat and looked at Edward through her eyelashes "W-would you mind?" she said biting her lip after and Edward smiled and shook his head.

Oh dear, the man is in love with you of course he isn't going to mind!

"Then that's settled Edward you take Bella up with her bag and get her settled and Emmett and Jasper you two can come help me" Esme said and they both nodded and got up.

Edward stood up and offered his hand to Bella and she took his hand and he pulled her up before leaning down and grabbing her bag.

He didn't release her hand as he gently pulled her through the living room and up the stairs and once they were out of sight I leaped up and pulled Rose with me to the outside house to tell her of my little shopping plan.

Eddie boy isn't going to know what hit him.

Okay so tell me what you think, was it good? Was it bad?

I really need to know so do me a big favor and press review you guys,

Thanks. X