Epilogue-Valentine's Day
Rose's view.
I woke up on the morning of Valentine's day feeling grumpier than I usually did on Sunday mornings. It was an annual thing. Scorp and I had been going out since Tori's wedding, and apparently it was "Disgusting" how in love we were. And that was coming from Al, and Jane. Hypocrites. But anyway, back to my grumpiness. I hated Valentine's day.
Every time it came around I was once again single. Valentine's day was just a scam made by card companies and sweet shops, designed to make lonely, single and poor people feel crap about themselves, whilst they made some more money. I would bet all of my money that maybe only one person in this school would actually know the history of St Valentine. That one person being me. The fact that I had a boyfriend this time, did nothing to cheer me up. Everything was always pink, fluffy and lovey dovey: The three things I hated most in this horrible world. And it as a waste of hard earned money.
Scorpius knocked on my dorm door, bless him he's such a gentle man. I just walk into his, and called, 'Will I wait for you, or go down to breakfast and save you a seat?' 'Will you save me a seat?' I yelled back as I rolled out of the bed and gracefully landed on my bum. 'Ok, Red, see you down there.' He replied, and ignoring my 'Don't call me Red!' he left the Head-Quarters. I pulled on jeans, an old top and Scorp's lucky hoody which I had 'borrowed', I really couldn't be bothered with trying to look attractive.
After leaving some food for Buttons on the floor beside her bed, I walked out of my dorm, tripped over a small wrapped package and fell head-first down the stairs. I pulled myself up grumbling and got ready to demolish the evil box that had been in my way, but upon picking it up I found out it was for me.
Curiously I opened it to see a beautiful necklace, made entirely of silver claps. A small note inside read, 'So that the clasp is always at the front, because I'm always thinking of you.'
I put the necklace on grinning. With a huge cheesy smile, I skipped down to breakfast and into the Great Hall. Dom turned around in shock to see me happy for once on Valentine's Day. I ran up to the Slytherin table and jumped on Scorpius with a hug. I felt Al push me slightly as I was sitting on Scorp's lap, and we both fell off the bench.
'So you got the present then?' he said smiling as we tried to get up. I kissed him in a reply. 'I love you.' He whispered, as I tried to untangle myself from him. 'I love you too.' We eventually got up and I turned around expecting Professor Mc.G to be behind me. She was still up in her seat and she was smiling happily.
I sat down with the Slytherin's and started eating my boyfriend's breakfast, as he started eating Al's. My life was crazy, but I loved everything about it. Jane was rambling about the present Albus got her, and I found myself zoning out. Staring at her with a blank expression on my face, I had three things on my mind: 1- I had the best boyfriend in the whole of Britain; 2- I should have probably gotten Scorp something for the dreaded day and; 3- Said 'dreaded day' didn't seem like it would be too bad after all.
Author's note: I know this chapter is really really short, but I honestly don't think I could write anymore. I know this isn't the longest or best story on fanfiction, but I really hope that it has made some mark on your life. I will never forget it. And now I sound like a sappy thing. Great. So this is my first finished stroy and I really enjoyed all of it. Thanks to everyone who helped me write it, to everyone who reviewed. And even to everyone who read it. Thanks so much!
I have loads of other ideas for stories so this isn't the last you'll hear of me. :) Unfortunatly...haha. Wow, looking back...alot has happened to me since last Christmas, when I first came up with the idea for it. :D It's taken up about nine months of my life...and so far, They have been the best nine months.
Please review and tell me what you thought! Because I'll need something to cheer me up now :(
And for the last time on this story...:
Disclaimer: J.K Rowling is bloody awesome. And the stories she has written have taken up several years of your life, several of mine and even more for her life. And her stories will live on FOREVER! I can only hope mine will. So obviously, I am not J.K Rowling, although I wish I was. :D