Chapter 14: Truth

VV winced as another dose of refrain shot its way into the man-boy's bloodstream. Empty refrain syringes littered the dark room lit only by the moving images on the canvas in front of him. The light danced on the bare concert walls, VV occasionally squinting from the relatively bright light. Between several times the lethal dose of refrain and viewing movie clips of his and Charles's childhood, VV was getting the desired result. Remembering a time before Marraine, before the brother he loved so much schemed against him.

But even so, the aching in his chest and the twisting sensation in his gut wouldn't go away. This time he knew he couldn't hide the witch's death from his brother. VV put his pistol and squeezed the trigger the seventh time that night. Now VV finally understood CC. Wanting to die and being unable to.

VV regained consciousness once the hole in his temple healed. He glanced to his left; Catherine was standing there eyes averted holding something behind her back. "Do you have it?" VV wheezed.

Catherine nodded and placed the electric razor on the stand next to VV's massive chair. VV wanted the razor, he needed to shave his head to see it. VV took the razor and shaved his long luxurious hair off. Side to side, back to back the stands of platinum hair fell in heaps. VV inhaled deeply as the cool air touched his bare scalp and he ran his small hand over the pale skin. Taking the pocket mirror he went into his office and from there into his private bathroom. Turning to the large mirror on the wall he raised his pocket mirror and saw the back of his own head. The circular scar on the back of his head was easily visible. His first lethal wound as an immortal, the wound that activated his code. Him and his brother so deeply believed in the power of the code that they both agreed to do it.

VV wondered if his brother's tears when he thought he'd killed him were real. The memory was vivid: VV awoke to the vision of his own blood sprayed against the floor, the sound of his ten year old brother Charles weeping, desperately shaking VV to wake up. No, he wasn't pretending. It wasn't until her that me and my brother ran into problems.

VV's mind drifted to Leouch, the spawn of my nemesis, VV was unsure if he meant Marraine or his brother. Either way VV decided he wanted the terrorist's company, to mock him, to seek consolation? VV didn't now, all he knew was that his rashness was the only thing keeping him in the moment and preventing him dreading the future or regretting the past. He called Bernard and within five minutes a highly disgruntled Lelouch obviously woken from sleep sat before VV. In the same chair his mother had sat not ten hours ago. Bernard stood behind Lelouch.

"I killed your mother," VV said.

Lelouch snorted contemptuously "Despite not wanting to sound like my father I have to say, 'So what? This is old news.' Don't you have something better to do then how you cowardly maimed by a little girl and killed a mother trying to protect her?"

"No my dear nephew, I'm not talking about that little incident," VV paused deciding how to word it, "It seems that we've both been deceived. Your mother has been alive the whole time, as a geass-sustained spirit possessing that poor girl Anya. Interesting how little-"

Lelouch laughed, "Surely you don't expect me to believe this farce. You're pathetic."

"Of course you'll need proof. How about my own memories? Not even your friend Mao could get at those?"

"Who's Mao?"

"Don't play dumb with me Leouch. Your little friend you sent to destroy my world. Even so you sent him to illuminate me to destroy the lies that so blinded me. I shall do the same for you."

Before the violet-eyed prince spat back his retort VV descended upon him and gasped his handcuffed arm. Images passed in front of Lelouch's eyes. At first they were chaotic, he saw his father a boy holding his knees crying, of a woman crushed beneath a carriage blood soaking the dirt road, and of a smiling raven-haired man with a geass symbol on his chest caressing VV both of them nude. Then the quick flashes of image's began to slow. He saw his mother. Saw he get shot in the Areis Villa without Nunnally there. Then he saw this very office with the Knight of Six sitting in the chair he was using.

9½ hours Earlier:

"We have much to discuss – Marianne."

Marianne assumed control of Anya's body, stiffening in her chair, "I don't kno–

"Silence whore," Spittle appeared on the corner of VV's mouth, "Don't you dare patronize me. I know about your geass. A gift from CC no doubt."

Anya's expressionless face was marred by Marianne's scowl, "Well done boy. Too bad you can't do anything about it. Kill this body and I'll transfer to another, this building is crawling with excellent replacements," Marianne smiled, "Maybe I'll choose Catherine."

"Such arrogance. Yes you are indeed Marianne," VV smirked, "Without a physical body your entirely dependent on geass aren't you? It would be most unfortunate for you if something canceled that out."

Anya's gasped sharply with Marianne's anxiety. VV raised his hand showing the Knight of Six the object he was grasping. "You know what this is, don't you Marianne?"

With a flash the Knight of Six had her pistol out and fired at VV's head. Expecting as such the man-boy was just able to move in time. Dashing from his seat VV's ear was annihilated in a flash of heat. Screaming and clutching his ear the immortal pressed gesss canceler. Anya heaved. In one moment the possessing spirit that had had it hold on Anya for the better part of a decade vanished; not just vanished but was completely destroyed. Anya screamed as years of memories came to her and with them the realization that her mind had been so violated so routinely by the man she pledged undying loyalty to. After he mind calmed she leaned against the desk panting. "Dam the Emperor and Marianne," Anya muttered her voice dry and frail.

"I share your sentiments," VV stated.

Anya looked up at the man-boy not realizing she had spoken aloud. She gaped as his ear miraculously healed in front of her. She felt a rush of gratitude, "Thank you your majesty. You saved me. You saved both my mind and spirit."

"Indeed I did, my brother used his memory manipulation on you I take it." Anya nodded, "Good, I can count on your loyalty then?"

Anya knelt, "Yes your majesty. Always and forever I pledge myself to you," Anya paused, "Your majesty do you mean to rebel against the Emperor?"

"You need not concern yourself with that. Any rebellion with knightmares would be impossible. No we must take a subtler route to vengeance... Tell me Anya do the other Knights of the Rounds know of Marianne's deception."

"I don't think so your majesty not even the Knight of One, but even with my new found memories there's so much I don't understand."

"That is to be expected my dear. All will be explained in due course, just remember that I am your only true ally."

The images began fading he was back in the present time. Lelouch collapsed unto the floor, heart pounding. My mother was alive! But why, why didn't she help me? Lelouch thought frantically.

"I wasn't lying Lelouch. I killed your mother, I really killed her." VV spoke dispassionately. He looked sympathetically at Lelouch and sighed, "I am lost nephew... Tell me Lelouch, if Nunnally hated you would have somewhere to turn."

Lelouch was stunned at his uncle's confession but remained silent. VV put a hand on his scalp, "It's all slipping away," he whispered to himself just loud enough for Lelouch to hear. Looking at the prince still on the floor he gave a mirthless chuckle, "I don't know whether to love or hate you. On one hand your the product of their union but on the other you just like Charles used to be when he was younger. An uncompromising idealist. But I bet just like him you'll begin to compromise, to bend and eventually break your moral code to achieve your goals. I've read your memoirs. They're fascinating. Where I looked to the past you have looked to the future. I'll help you Lelouch, not as your ally but as the much needed opponent. I shall get my hands dirty so you don't have to."

Lelouch got up off the floor and towered over VV, "Do you want. I tired of your ramblings," Lelouch gave all his might to remain calm to not break down in front of him. I will not let him dominate me! Lelouch's mind screamed defiantly.

VV smiled at him, "Careful boy, hold it all in and you'll break one day. I learned that the hard way. With that little injection I gave you that day should be very soon," VV glanced at Bernard, "Tell me Bernard do you think we should show him 'What Could Have Been and Could Be'?"

Bernard jerked, "No sir, please have mercy on him. Surely this is enough; there is no reason to further torture his mind."

VV looked Lelouch a smile on his face, "Fine, not now at least. Take him his cell then. But know this Leouch; I shall make you strong so that we can achieve what must achieved"

After he was alone in his office VV finally decided what he'd been so hesitant to do. He sent the encrypted email off. An encrypted email that would forever change history and result in the death's of millions. VV laughed to himself in the darkness, I'm leaving the fate of the entire world and more importantly my own life in the hands of a couple of kids.

Meanwhile in Pendragon, Brittainia

Codename 'Coma' and Codename 'Incognito' watched Schneizel from afar, taking photographs periodically. No one was suspicious of the 12 year-old blond boys in their ragged clothing and dirty faces making their surveillance of the second prince remarkably easier. Only the expert eye closely examining the healthy skin and good teeth of the twins could one tell they weren't raised as homeless children.

Then both they're watch's vibrated. They knew what that meant. Ducking into an alleyway for cover they checked the message displayed on their watch faces. It was simple, just two lines yet both were shocked by its contents:

Target Change: Codename 'Lion' not Codename 'Snake' shall be Target of Operation 'Alpha X'

Duty: Execute Operation 'Alpha X'

Coma and Incognito looked at each other. "This doesn't make any sense. Snake or Schneizel rather was supposed to our target and only in the case of him rebelling. This is asking..." Coma couldn't finish the implications were overwhelming.

Incognito spoke next, "Well who should be follow then."

Coma and Incognito, "Didn't the Emperor always say to obey those who feed and protect you?"

They both looked at each other and reminisced who had been there they're entire lives. Who had given them Geass in the first place and elevated them from utter poverty. "We shall follow Lord VV, for without him we are nothing," they said in unison. The Geass Order's brainwashing had paid back VV tenfold.

A/N: [Edit "Schneizel"]

Wassup? Computer problems but I'm back now :P

Alright to answer some points brought up in my last Chapter.

Lelouch and alleged OOCness. You have to remember that he's in drastically different circumstances then he was in the series. Here he's a helpless prisoner being tortured physically and mentally not a leader or a student. His values have been thrown in his face as he learns new things about his mother. Also his brain is literally dissolving in his head albeit slowly (Remember VV's injection?)

VV's mind. Interesting point about his brain chemistry. Yeah biologically he still has a child's brain so his mind isn't truly adult's. However he has decades of experience, memories and education so his psyche can't really be called a child's either. His mind is then a strange amalgamation of child and adult. I think time passes slowly for children because they've lived for such short periods, its psychological not biological, I think, so VV experiences time normally.

The chapter length might change in the future but the current length is really just how they come out naturally.

Someone said they wanted Lelouch to become tougher then he was in the canon. Now rest assured he will return to the Black Knights and raise hell eventually but, if guys and gals want me to, I have an idea to send Lelouch to a rough and tough prison. It would be a detour from the main plot but it might be entertaining and you would see more Lelouch. Let me know in the reviews.

Remember to review and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading : )

Can you guess who Codename 'Lion' is and what Operation 'Alpha X' is?